Panet Niribu. Is it real or a hoax?

@BethTN81 (564)
United States
July 19, 2009 10:48pm CST
Supposedly scientists are hush hush about the "10th" planet of our galaxy. Planet Niribu or Planet X. Some say this mysterious planet in habitable and is part of the 2012 prophecies. Some also say Niribu is where heaven is and it is getting closer and cloer to Earth and will eventually arrive in 2012 and people of Earth may be able to live there after the desstruction of Earth. What do you think| Is this at all possible or a bunch of crap? I myself am leaning toward crap!
2 responses
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
20 Jul 09
I touched on this in another "doomsday" thread but I'll say it again here. Simply there is no "nibiru". There is absolutely no scientific basis for the existance of this planet at all. Were such a planet to exist, it would by now be seen by any of the hundreds of thousands of amature astronomers in the southern hemsiphere. We would notice HUGE perterbations and etcentricities in the orbits of the other planets, in fact we would probably not even be here right now. In addition to this, in order to have the orbit that "nibiru" suposedly has and the size that it is suppose to be, it would have to be traveling at such a speed that it would would achieve "escape velocity", in other words, it would be flung out of the solar system ind in to deep space, it could not hold such a fast eliptical orbit, it is in complete defiance of even the most basic laws of physics and planetary motion. So sleep a little easier.
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
20 Jul 09
Actually I think the ones blowing it up out of proportion the most are those who profit from it, author's movie maker's etc. Doomsday is a multi million dollar business, lol.
@BethTN81 (564)
• United States
21 Jul 09
yeah i agree with you there
@icehut (508)
20 Jul 09
Oops! I'm sorry... did I push you in to the cow dung when I leaned towards it too? ^_^ If we have a million doomsday theories, then maybe, just maybe, one will be true... though, would that be due to accurate ancient predictions or just pure coincidence?
@BethTN81 (564)
• United States
20 Jul 09
The predictions will only be accurate if they come true and that time has not come yet, but you have just given my a good topic to discuss. I will create another topic on this. Many think science disproes the existence of God. Will science disprove doomsday or do they believe the prophecies too?