Which one is better, Harry Potter books or Harry potter movies?
By adinukala
@adinukala (67)
July 20, 2009 12:40pm CST
Well, this has been in mind for quite a while. All I would like to know is which is better made? The books or the movies? JK Rowling must have written the books keeping in mind certain characteristics for each of her characters. Also, it enables the reader to formulate his/her own understanding of the particular character. This makes reading the book multi-dimensional. Whereas, the movies cannot showcase all of the required plots and subplots wholesomely as they have to make within a certain timeframe and of a particular duration.
On the other hand, the movies help in explaining the various complexities within a short span, and even if someone has not read the book, the movie still is understandable for that particular viewer. So, even though the movie becomes single dimensional, it really provides a platform for upcoming actors to rub shoulders with the greats and legendary actors and understand the finer nuances of acting from these legends which no acting workshop can provide.
Keeping in mind all aspects, within writing a book of such mammoth proportions that a 7 part is required and making a movie of all these parts ensuring that they remain true to the original book, I ask Which one is better?
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18 responses
@egdcltd (12059)
20 Jul 09
Even though I'm a fan of the cinema, I still think you can't cover the same detail in a film that you can in a book. The vast majority of books have to have a lot cut out to be made into a film, and you just can't get into a character's head in a film like you can in a book.
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@Improbability (140)
• United States
24 Jul 09
I've never actually tried reading Lord of the Rings, so don't take too much away from this, but everyone I know says the books are way too slow and boring. I've always seen LOTR as an example of how film CAN better a book. And yes, at least two of those people did read the books before the movies came out. *shrug* Maybe I should give them my own go at it.
@adinukala (67)
• India
24 Jul 09
I completely agree with you. Reading a book increases the scope and level of imagination which is not possible while watching a movie. The way you relate to each of the characters while reading the book, you won't be able to do the same while watching the movie. Also, in the movies many scenes had to be cut due to the time constraints.

@sweetdevil_142 (109)
• India
21 Jul 09
I think the books are better because all the detail i read in the books can not be added in a 2 hour movie. More so since each book is so vast. Although the Harry Potter movie has done well in representing the story but i still feel that a few of the scenes in the book would have made it even better if added but i agree that might make the movies a bit longer.
I just feel that the books made me feel like a part of Harry Potter's world more than the movie did. And thats what i like about books - that i feel like i am a part of this world the author has created.
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@sweetdevil_142 (109)
• India
22 Jul 09
Yes, its true.. And i do love the graphics of the movie. I really love movies because they show me what i imagined in while reading the book.
But i guess the question would not apply to someone who has not read the book, don't you think? If someone has not both read the book and seen the movie he cant compare both. And in fact there are also many people who dont like to read books at all. So from their perspective if you look at it books are crap! :P lols!!!
And another important point is that i have read several books and seen their movies and some of them no matter how well made did not compare to reading the book. When i took a friend with me who had not read these books i always think about his perspective and how he would feel about it or what he might feel confused about and sometimes i just find points i would not have understood about the movie if i hadn't read the book in the first place. And this is the reason why i feel books are better.
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@sweetdevil_142 (109)
• India
22 Jul 09
Yes another reason i find that i can feel like i am the part of the authors world when reading a book is that what i imagine then is my own imagination.. I am free to see it as i please. There is not boundation on what imagine.. And even where i choose to see this imaginary scene from, however the movie is something the director is showing us. Its his point of view and i have to see it the way he wants us to. Its like watching someone else's life, but when i read a book i feel like i could have been one of the friends of the main character or even a student in his school just because i can choose where i am seeing him from. But these are my own feelings.. Other people might feel differently.
I have really never felt like a part of the wizard world when i saw the movie and as a matter of fact even the movie i am completely crazy about.
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@adinukala (67)
• India
22 Jul 09
Its a fact that the books make one feel like a part of the wizard world. BUt, if suppose you haven't read the book, then probably the movies might have the same effect, eh?
Though the movies could not incorporate everything that was in the book, even then the way it was showcased it made the audience feel a part of the world through its graphics and visual effects which itself is a daunting task for the script writer and the director as well as the actors to portray each and every character so convincingly.

@UK_Shree (3603)
21 Jul 09
Well I have not read all the Harry Potter books, nor have I watched all of the films that have been released so I cannot provide the most specific answer to your question. But I think that generally, a good book can never be made into an even better film, because with a film, there is just not enough time to put in all the detail that a book has. A good example of this in my opinion is Angels and Demons. I though it was a great read, but I was quite disappointed by the movie - it just didn't capture the detail of the book.
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@adinukala (67)
• India
21 Jul 09
I think this cannot be generalized since to negate your view I can mention The Godfather. The movie was as much a masterpiece as the book was. Similarly, The Fountainhead. In this case, the court scene at the end of the movie was even better than in the book. So, though this cannot be generalized, I do agree with the examples mentioned by you..:)

@jules67 (2788)
• Philippines
21 Jul 09
I haven't read any Harry Potter Books. I just don't think I would be able to visualize the whole story by just reading. Since I am not fond of wizards all the more makes it harder for me to see the whole picture. But I love the movie. Seeing all the more makes a total difference.
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@adinukala (67)
• India
21 Jul 09
Making a reader visualize also depends on the talent of the author...:) The more descriptive he/she is, the more easily can the reader visualize. Visualization also depends on the how avid a reader is.
Here, you will be biased towards the movies because you have not read the books. But, I think, once you read the books that is when this question arises about which is better..:)
@gingerale (225)
• Philippines
21 Jul 09
Hey, why don't you try reading the book. It's really exciting and I love to visualize. Honestly, I would rather read the book than watch the movie. There never has been any Harry Potter movie that I appreciate. I really move reading.
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@adinukala (67)
• India
24 Jul 09
yes, i agree with you. Many people want to imagine by themselves what a particular situation described in the book will be like and probably might detest someone else thrusting some other idea on them. Also, many who would have imagined a certain scene in a particular manner may not like how it shows up on screen which is not upto their expectations.
@Improbability (140)
• United States
20 Jul 09
This is basically the same question that has been posed since film began: which is better, the written word, or the screen? As you say, both have strengths. Particularly with this most recent movie, there was a lot of thought and other things in the books that was hard to portray in the movie. Movies are for actions and visual quality, and the sixth book was more of an internal process.
I'd say that while I love watching the visual, making the world feel even more real, I'd prefer the books. The movies just aren't able to cover the depth and intricacies of the books, for various reasons. Being a literature nut, I thrive off of that depth.
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@adinukala (67)
• India
20 Jul 09
I agree with you when you say that this question has been asked umpteen number of times. But, what I felt was that the questions asked till now were emotional in nature. I mean that those discussions were started either by complete devotees of the books or the lovers of the movies. What I wanted was, keeping all the emotions aside, and taking into account all the difficulties, hard-work and perspiration, visual affects, stunning graphics and so on, which would and should be considered better?..:)
@Improbability (140)
• United States
24 Jul 09
Ah, so are you saying that you want the subjective removed from the answer? Cause yes, you are definitely right in that people come at it with a lot of bias. I have had many discussions, however, on the difference between film and literature that did not involve a specific book, and therefor it was pretty much just about the technical details. No devotees. The differences pretty much come down to visual interest versus internal processes. And everyone is going to differ on which of those is better, because both have their own exclusive strengths. Some times it does depend on which story you are talking about.
Of course, the reason I've discussed this so much is because I studied English Ed in college. So I'm probably a little biased towards the written word. But for the most part, I think they both bring something different to the table, and have their own value. Maybe that's why I don't get upset when the movies differ from the books.
(Sorry this is a late response by the way. If you want to talk more, I accepted the friend invite if you want to message me.)
@kryzell (921)
• Philippines
21 Jul 09
I am never a fan of reading books and novels. However, I must admit, that the only books I have read from cover to cover in my entire life... are those from the Harry Potter series. I can't even stand reading a chapter from my lessons, lol!!! So to answer your question? I prefer the books. Although the movie versions were good too... if I am to choose... reading the books are still way better.
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@pupupd (1515)
• India
21 Jul 09
No doubts, the Books are a lot better than the movies, the actual feelings of Harry Potter the central protagonist and the situations which surrounds him are well explained in the book and the movies are no match for it.
In the movies a very small clip is shown regarding harry's feelings and what he is going through. Of course, the movie shows us how the world really looks but the story is not well defined. The movies seem to just take up 100 pages out of the huge book and make it solely for entertainment purpose and not for the viewers to understand the inner meaning and sentiments of Harry which J K Rowling has explained very beautifully.
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@x_Jo_x (1040)
21 Jul 09
Hmmmm, i like the movies because you dont have to visualise quite so much, since it is done for you. But the books are good for the exact same reason, you can use your imagination and make the story look how you want it to look. The movies miss out a lot of details that the books have in them. There are loads of pro's and con's for each one, think at the end of the day its down to personal preferences. Personally, I prefer the movies.
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@dex1007 (556)
• Malaysia
21 Jul 09
The movies are disappointing. one bigger than the other. it keeps getting worst.
but the books... they are good compared to the movies. but if not compared. the books are not that good either. i've read tons of better stories. the only things that has made hp such a huge hit is because of its new ideas, hogwarts and the wizarding world is the best aspect of this movie.
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@raviapts (64)
• India
21 Jul 09
Hi Friends!reading stories is better than watching movies, watching the movie is just entertainment,actually harry potter stories suspance thrillers by reading the stories we can enjoy the story by watching i can't enjoy the movie we thing movie is movie.so reading books is better than watching movies.
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@ChrysanTflower (1607)
• Indonesia
21 Jul 09
I think the books is better than the movie. I don't know why, I don't really like all harry potter movies. I think it just becausewhen I read the book, I imagined everything and sometimes I can laugh, smile or cry when readin the books, I imagine what Lockhart looks like or what will Sirius look like, what's the situation when this case occured, etc,, but when I see the movie,it's different so I prefer books, where I can magine everything i like,,hahaha.. I don't say that the movie is bad, it's just not suitable for me , so I skip harry potter movies except the first movie. Furthermore, the movie is not so detailed. There're some sub plot that didn't appear,, and some event looks funny and I rellay like that in the book, but it didn't appear in the movie,, so I feel a lil' bit dissapointed eventhough I know it's hard to make all the scenes in the book to movie. I like to save books so I can read it again whenever i want.
I think the movie is enough for one who only want to know about harry potter in general.
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@wertyu884 (10)
• United States
20 Jul 09
ithink the movies are bettter than the books for alot of reasons. one reason is that the movies you understand what they talk about and what they mean, but in the books you get confused in the conversatoins. also i think the movies are better because they have more action in the books you have to picture it in your mind and that is harder for some people. also i have a quick question how do you post a thing like you did that said which is better harry potter boosk or movies how do you do that cause im a new user. thank you
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@Nic7389 (186)
21 Jul 09
books, all the characters are exceptionally cool in the books and you tend to imagine them as cool people. but all i can see in the movies is a bunch of stuck up geeks waving sticks. it takes all the magic and imagination out of them. the acting from the younger characters is pitiful as well which takes away some of the ability to escape to this alternate, magic world within the books. you actually feel a part of hogwarts and the wizard world when you are reading the books. its all to fake in the films.
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@ishavasyam (1801)
• India
24 Jul 09
I would say that although the Harry potter movies have fantastic artwork and craetivity the book reading has its own charm and also advantages.For example, when u r reading the book u r free to exercise ur own imagination.It can be very vivid and wild.The movie gives u some thing readymade.There is no exercise for the mind as such.So time permits, I shall go for reading the novel.
@adinukala (67)
• India
24 Jul 09
even I vouch for that. There were so many inconsistencies in the movie that after reading the books you would not like watching the movie. Yes, for first time viewers who have not read the books, the movie would be a treat to watch because of the visual effects and the graphics.
@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
21 Jul 09
Well fantasy is ever better than the reality but the way the Harry Potter Series are being filmed they are worth millions of imaginations. So lovely and so befitting characters that you feel as if the events are taking place just infront of you. I love the films.
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@KawaiiInu (143)
• Uruguay
21 Jul 09
The books are 100% better. Yes, it's fun to see the characters in Flesh and Blood, and see all the creatures and so, but the Movies leave out ALOT of important Information, and backround info from the characters and the Wizard World, you may think that it's not necessary to know the what the Books say about the Wizard World, because in the Movies, you SEE it, but the thing is that you only see a part (the part where Harry is at the moment), and the Books "show" you o much more! Rowling explained, and described the whole Wizard World in her Books.
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