Has American Politics Has Become like Monks in a Monastery ?
@SocialSocietyNews (107)
United States
July 20, 2009 5:25pm CST
I Remember how the vice president said that at one point in time of different Communities for the different groups in Iraq.
America needs this kind of separation right now and not look back because what I am seeing is people who are doing things to try and keep the money flow going to their
Pockets more than doing what is right with Health Care Reform and all of the other
Issues that are going on at this time it can be compare when Bill Gates and his team of Lawyers going up against the American Government he spent tons of dollars he did not worry about the cost what would be the cost to him if he did not?
By going to court he kills all his birds with that one stone because he had done no wrong by building a better mouse trap or his reinventing or modifications to what was already in place and played by the rules now he hears foul play from his business colleagues.
So his strategy let's go to court clear it all up make tweaks and adjustments as we go along by doing it that way that should stop any further lawsuits as a group and possibly any loop holes from any individual in any other court or courts even though
They tried to complain but to no avail.
They were counting on him to lose in court or even if not by the time court was over he would spill the beans of all his works to get to the top and they could
Takeover from that point with no further assistance from the courts use the system To the fullest for their personal gain.
They forgot he has just as much business like thinking as them. They should have Known he was not going to start fixing his backyard at the same time with the group That has him in court when he can be getting his done ahead of schedule why should He wait on getting something done tomorrow when he could get it done today.
For the more he would have waited the more he would have been doomed certainly the Powerful grouped that banded in court would band together in syndication against Him leaving him in not so good of a situation which he could have avoid if only by Acting sooner taking action as soon as possible was Bill Gates icing on his cake And that is what the president is facing but everyone who was paying attention was Wanting to see his initial start and he did not disappoint he went right to work Quick.
But as mention earlier people want to keep a broken system and the only people that Would want to keep a broken system or the ones who are benefiting from it and has Always benefited from it who wins with a broken system?
They want to tell U.S. it's about Country first and then self they gave money to the banks both presidents bush and Obama and the banks would not give the money to the people like they was supposed to but they are quick to point out that the stimulus is not working I guess not if the banks or not going to cooperate and the housing is not going to corrections.
They talk about the high cost of health care reform what about the high cost of prescriptions no one seemed to care until people started going to Mexico and getting prescriptions from Canada all of a sudden caring and showing concern when
The dollar amount is there loss in revenue.
This is lunacy at it's best in the worst comes to worst of situations and times
How much do health care cost us when the only time we will fix it is when we have no other choice how much does that cost just to come to a conclusion our service members who have lost their arm or leg and suffered and suffering from all types of mental and physical and psychological trauma and injuries and the can not afford the bills then from his eyes he or she did not win because the same people and country that they love and fought for shows their gratitude and did not get health care when they could have which would have been a since compared to now when they are forced to make the corrections after the fact corrections.
How many coal miners had to die before they would do something about coal mines that should have been condemned before action is taken? How may bridges have to collapse before something is done because of cost? How many reports needed to be done until the levy's break before we can forget about the financial cost of something before their is a financial and a human loss of lives before something is done.
How many times do we need to check with quality control before we put contaminated peanut butter on the shelves how much does that cost?
These people who care more about themselves and anything and everyone else then we need to separate the rich keep their money and live and give as the please and if they want to leave the money to a pet or so then so be it.
If the other minorities what they work for or raise money for then in time of Crisis they have theirs if they want to spend theirs on youth, community, or send Rockets into space then so be it everyone is on the same page because all this About the rich have to pay more taxes and should not have to when some people are Paying taxes and making minimum wage paying financially and physically from hard Manual labor.Like the guy said in the trials about the mafia and he said I pay my Taxes in other words why pick on me the little guy out of the bunch at least I pay My taxes some don't even give back in that way even Al Capone showed some kind of Heart and said he felt bad by not giving back when the country isn't doing so good So he at least decided to set up some soup kitchens being a man of politics as well Showing that he had that ask not what your country can do for you but what you can Do for your country.
All the President is trying to get Americans to see it is not about getting the Economy running up and fast if you do not correct what got it to this in the first Place and even if thing are fixed or when they get fixed it would not make a Difference to the bulk or Americans because the cost of health care alone would eat Up the profits from any past gains and future gains then the if it's not broken do Not fix until broken is not going to work at anytime that the sale the people a Dream of how the can live the same lifestyle when they retire as they are when they Were working besides the lifestyle you live today may not be for you in later life You may have changed or out grown that roller coaster ride or you just do not care For roller coaster riding for health reasons.
The way things are now in Politics it has become a line of don't ask don't
Tell.The Politics of the Big Americans willingness or unwillingness of Dividing
The American Pie Dream
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