Another soldier taken hostage. It affects all of us! When is it enough? Bless U!

@dloveli (4366)
United States
July 20, 2009 8:11pm CST
Three weeks ago another American soldier was taken hostage. The family wanted to keep it quiet until he was shown to the world on a video tape recorded by taliban and issued to the press. When is enough going to be enough? This poor kid breaks my heart. I wish I could do something to help. I have been to church lighting candles all week. Please if anyone from the government is reading this, please tell them to bring them all home. Fortunately I dont have anyone in my family in the military. It doesnt matter! Everytime I see someone on television or a family member, I get a knot in my stomach. So to all the families that have a family member in Iraq or anywhere but in their home country. I feel for you. That is my brother, sister, mother, father, aunt, uncle, daughter,son, nephew, neice, and any other relationship you can think of. They are mine too. I am praying for you all. Please join me and saying a little something to families and friends . Bless you all and most importantly, THANK YOU for sharing them with us. dl
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13 responses
• United States
21 Jul 09
I will be praying also.
@dloveli (4366)
• United States
21 Jul 09
Thanks Shirley. As soon as I saw it was you I knew I could count on a blessing from you. We must pray extra hard that this nightmare will be over soon. Wish there was a way we could be heard. Really. As long as we keep writing discussions we are bound to be heard.. Thanks dl
2 people like this
• United States
21 Jul 09
The only thing that i can think of, would be to write a letter to the President. Writing a letter, can itself be effective; however, if you letter is signed by other people, then you have a bigger and better chance, i would think. I certainly would be one to sign your letter.
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@AcireRo (54)
• United States
21 Jul 09
God bless that poor man. Most people in his situation haven't had the best outcome. I only pray that some miracle is brought upon him. The violence has gotten insane. I am so proud of the people that fight for this country... But I also feel terrible. Their benefits and treatment aren't even that great, even for all they sacrifice. My child's father joined the military. Luckily he'll be working off the field. But if the country ever hits an emergency, he can be dragged in for combat fighting anytime :/ I just hope things get better...
@dloveli (4366)
• United States
21 Jul 09
I thank god that my daughter was denied when she tried to enlist. She had health issues that permitted her to join. I have always thought about the person who took her place. I think that these men and women are heros for even enlisting. Anyone who enlist can be deployed. I just hope that the president and the government see that this is going no where. We have been there too long. One more minute is a travesty. I hope that your husband never has to go. I will keep you and yours in my prayers. Happy MyLotting. dl
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@Shaun72 (15959)
• Palatka, Florida
21 Jul 09
This is a great idea. i have a cousin her husband is over their fighting in this war in Iraq. it is a very sad and I agree we do need to all pray for the American soilders fighting for us all over there.
@carolscash (9492)
• United States
22 Jul 09
I pray for these men and women everyday! I have a friend that is in Afghanistan right now and I worry about him so much. I also have a stepson that is enlisted and will complete basic in August. I worry about him so much! I just hope that they are all home soon.
@dloveli (4366)
• United States
23 Jul 09
I can only hope that we made the right choice in our President and that he will end this as soon as possible. Enough is enough. Stop the violence! Hate is not the way. dl
@anniefannie (1737)
• United States
21 Jul 09
i know how you feel, i do too .i say a pray for all of them all time maybe he will be found and brought home real soon.i don't have anyone close to me that is over there but i know some people that do.some one else that cares.
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@kcoregon (302)
• United States
21 Jul 09
My thoughts and prayers are certainly with this young man and his family back home. Nobody should have to go through what he is going through. I only hope that the outcome will be that he is released and able to get back home to his family. My husband recently deployed and I am trying to avoid all news about the war because it is always negative and makes me worry more than I usually do. I am certainly praying for all of our men and women in uniform who are out there fighting for our freedom.
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@dloveli (4366)
• United States
21 Jul 09
First off let me say Thank you to your husband for protecting me and mine. Secondly, Thank you soooooo much for sharing your husband with us so that he may protect my family. That is a sacrifice I dont know if I could make. You and your husband are what I can only hope to be as a human being. I couldnt begin to think of how you feel when you here such news as this. You are a hero yourself. I am sorry If I have brought up any uncomfortable feelings you didnt want. I am so sick of these types of things happening. If the people who make these decisions could take a minute to see that we have done what we came to and now its time to move one. What if it was there family members? Its time to end this. Lets hope that someone hears us. Stay strong my sister. If you need to talk or laugh, send me a message and I will be right there. I promise. dl
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@kcoregon (302)
• United States
21 Jul 09
Thank you for supporting my husband. I try and support all soldiers out there who are fighting and hope that everyone would be as supportive as you. People I hope would realize that it is not the soldiers who started the war they are instead the ones who were sent from their homes to fight in it. I hope that we will soon hear good news about this soldier. I cannot imagine what he is going through and how hard it must of been for his family to see this video. Its truly heartbreaking. I cannot wait for this war to be over and to have our loved ones back home with us. This is only my husband's first time being deployed, while we've been married anyway, while I know of people who have had their husbands deploy two or three times. Regardless if someone supports the war I hope that they will pray for them all to come home safely and to support them.
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• Canada
21 Jul 09
I heard about this one on the news, and I really hope and pray that he comes home safely. It's terrible when people are taken hostage, for any reason. I am currently reading a book that an Iranian friend loaned me about an iranian lady held hostage during the Islamic revolution of the early 1980s.
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
21 Jul 09
AM thanksful that my son got back from Iraq with 50 others last JAnuary a year ago. I now have a grandson in the MArines not sure where at right now as I havent heard from him in awhile.
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@Debs_place (10520)
• United States
23 Jul 09
My son has been trying like all get out to go to Afghanistan. He wants to make the world a better place. His friend's father was killed in the WTC and he promised her he would go there and fight for him. He was only 15 then but he is trying to keep his promise to her. I know it is heart breaking to hear these things and I know that it could be my son over there being taken a hostage but we can't give up until terrorism is a word in a history book. And just because a military member is at home, it does not mean they are safe. My stepson was killed in Texas by a hit and run driver. He was left in the road to die, the person drove away.
@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
21 Jul 09
I'm sure, dloveli, that we all feel as you do about this awful incident, and thank you for voicing your concern. I also think it is horrible that this young man has been subjected to such treatment. To say the least, this publicizing of such a video must be terrible for the family. Upon hearing that the military is about to call up 20,000 more troops in the near future, my heart breaks. What happened to the promise to bring these wars to an end and bring our troops home?
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
21 Jul 09
Both of my son in laws are career military...both have served in the present conflict.....both of them believe we should be there watching over a "mother" to my two boys I stand behind what they believe in as they have been there.....But every day they are worry. You don't know where they are or what they are doing...sometimes I would just break down and cry and not know why....but inside I was scared for them. I have the upmost respect for everyone serving in our military....and a big thank you to all of them....oh and one more personal things....I wrote this for them: Waiting for you to come home! In all our lives, we never thought, you’d go so far away. If we had a choice, we hope you know, Close by us you would stay. But the time had come, a call you heard. to keep our country free. With your head held high, no last “Goodbye‘s” A soldier you must be. So you went away to that foreign land, where turmoil stirs our peace. You left behind the land you love to calm a threatening beast. Our hearts are filled with so much pride, we’re free because of you. No words express the love we feel or the gratitude that’s due. Tonight you’ll sleep in that foreign land, and if you feel like you’re alone. Remember first, a million prayers Because we’ll be waiting for you to come home! We Love you! Jill Holmes
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@suzzy3 (8341)
21 Jul 09
I join you in that.just keep all the soldiers safe and never stop beleaving that many people including myself are thinking of those brave soldiers.I feel bad enough hearing about it on the news.What a nightmare for the families and loved ones.When will they realise doing this type of thing is just not going to work,kidnapping is old hat.we saw some hostages on our tv the other evening one poor man sitting there trying to eat some food,how could you eat in those circumstances ,they could have let him have his meal before or afterwards.
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@defcon505 (919)
• United States
23 Jul 09
When the new world order is stopped.