i felt sick in my lungs
By Jergle
@Jergle (37)
July 20, 2009 8:21pm CST
Please Help.
So the other day i woke up as usual and took my dog for a walk, we went to the shops so i could get some milk and breakfast stuff. Whilst i was on my way there i started to feel something that i would not wish on my worst enemy. I genuinely felt sick from inside my lungs. PLEASE don't think i am crazy, i was really laid up being sick for two whole days with a feeling of sickness from in my lungs, not my stomach. i am 23 years old and i do know the difference between my stomach and my lungs. I didn't go to a medical professional as i smoke and she will just say its that. i know many smokers and NOT ONE has ever felt sick from their lungs.
What could this be and has anyone else heard of or experienced this? PLz help
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