Why all the fuss about President Obama's birth certificate?
@incredibleDNA (1742)
8 responses
@happyness3 (394)
• United States
21 Jul 09
I have to agree with the other posters here, I don't think that this is a Republican thing. I think it needs to be cleared up quickly.And would Joe Biden become president? Wouldn't it nullify the original election? has there ever been a case like this before? It will be interesting to see what happens with this, I just think that someone would have seen the birth certificate before the election. Otherwise, that isn't a very good system we have going...
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@matersfish (6306)
• United States
21 Jul 09
Nobody seen much of anything. No one in America was given a free platform to question Obama. The MSM was 5 to 1 in favor. For every person asking, "What's with Wright and Ayers?" There were five others screaming back, "Racist! Bigot! Conservative, hate-mongering fear machine!"
This past election was A LOT of firsts in America. The system completely and utterly failed. Even if Obama is a legal citizen and turns out to be a decent President when it's said and done, that will never change the fact that America's press took it upon themselves to effect change and alienated every single individual who isn't a progressive liberal in the process.
The system is down for the count.
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@spalladino (17891)
• United States
21 Jul 09
There's nothing in the Constitution that nullifies an election and the Supreme Court cannot remove a sitting president. The President could face impeachment on fraud charges if it is determined that he was not eligible to run for office in the first place. The House would have to hold hearings on the matter and, if they voted to impeach, it would then go to the Senate for a trial. If the President resigned or was impeached, the Vice President would become the President and he would appoint a new V.P. It doesn't matter if the ticket itself was not eligible during the campaign according to the Constitution. Joe Biden was elected and is the Vice President at this point in time. Now, if he is found to have been complicit in the fraud he could also be brought up on impeachment charges by the House and Senate but I doubt both events would happen simultaneously, with verdicts rendered at the exact same time.
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@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
22 Jul 09
If he is determined not to be eligible to serve as President, because of his not being born in the US or by his mother giving up her citizenship, or by his step father adopting him - making him an Indonesian citizen, they the VP would take over. The more important question is would his Supreme Court Appointments and other appointments be legal? Would the laws he signed be legal or would they have to be re-passed and signed by the new president? Mid term elections could be extremely important if this happened.
Don't forget that his Grandmother says he was born in Kenya and would be a citizen of Kenya, because his mother was not old enough to convey her citizenship to him if he were born in a foreign country.
It is not a Republican thing. It is an American thing. Even Tom Brokaw said on election night that we elected a man president that we do not know anything about other than what he told us.
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
21 Jul 09
As with others here I don't see this as a republican thing. The vast majority of republicans fully believe that he is a natural born citizen. The challenges I've seen have largely been libertarians and constitutionalists, and some of them challenged McCain's birth as well. For them it seemed more of a constitutional matter and Joe Biden really wasn't a factor in it at all.
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
21 Jul 09
I don't think it's a "Republican" thing at all. Now, I'm one of those Republican-leaning people that give Obama the benefit of the doubt and say that our country doesn't need a witch hunt of any kind.
But I think, if nothing else, some are pressuring Obama simply because he never fell under any scrutiny. The average American going to the DMV to get a license renewed has to show more "proof" of citizenship and identity than America's President had to. The average person going in for a job interview is vetted more thoroughly than America's President was.
A lot of people, not all Republicans, just want to know what the deal is. Looking at it as objectively as I can, I also ask myself about Obama. What's his deal? Anyone telling me they knew the man before his coming out party would be hard pressed to convince me. And once he appeared, he was held up as--and I know some don't like this--a messiah-like figure: infallible and righteous. He was said to have the answers. He was said to had never done wrong. He was held up as this pillar of superiority -- and AMERICAN one at that.
Some felt like the wool was pulled over before anyone actually knew how radical or not Obama was. And then this birth certificate business gets out and it becomes contagious.
I think the Republicans want Obama to be treated the same as other Americans; to have to face the firing squad over his past and over his ideology like every other politican.
So far, President Obama hasn't even been asked a tough question. How unusual is that for a world leader? His minions, which include most of the press, crucify any and everyone who even dares to disagree with the man. Some are fed up with that crap, and if the birth certificate ghost is only one making noise at night, then that's the one they're trying to catch.
Personally, I'm not interested in the witch hunt. I just wish America elected a President that didn't want to use failed theories to run a country of over 300 million people. But that's another topic entirely.
@dlr297 (5409)
• United States
21 Jul 09
All the fuss is about the constitution of the United States. If he was not born a native citizen, born on American soil. He has no right to Hold the office of President. If he is found out to be ineligible i do not have the slightest idea what will happen, and who will hold the office of President. I just hope this matter is cleared up soon.
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@jonakyl (493)
• United States
22 Jul 09
In answer to the title of your discussion: Because if he isn't legally eligible to be president he is violating the Constitution. If people don't stop them from violating the Constitution on this, what will prevent them from going after our right to vote? Our right to free speech? Our right to freedom of religion? The highest office of the land should be held to the letter of the law, just as all of us are.
That being said I think he is eligible from the proof I've seen, but if it turns out he isn't I fully support removing him from office and Biden becoming President. I didn't vote for him, I didn't want him as Vice-President and don't want him as President. However the law shouldn't be changed just because those of us that didn't vote for Biden don't want him to be President, as we were clearly in the minority.
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@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
21 Jul 09
Why do you assume this is soley a republican thing? In fact the only other people this seems to not be a problem for are other democrats. I first heard of it among the libertarian/patriot movement crowd and believe me, you won't find a more anti-republican crowd than you do among them. It is, as one other mylotter just said, a constitutional issue. It isn't whether or not they want Biden to be president, it's that they want a legitimate president.
All that aside, I am not all up in to the birth certificate debate. It is important, how ever, I don't believe his citizenship is an issue, I believe he was a U.S. born citizen. Unless good evidence comes up to the contrary, I will continue under that belief. And no birthers, absence of proof is not proof of abcense.
@OpinionatedLady (5965)
• United States
21 Jul 09
I am not a Biden fan but would you rather have a man as president who is up their illegally because if he was not born as a citizen that is exactly what he will be and illegal, maybe that is why he and the democrats are trying to make it so easy for illegals in this country.