do you think children should help out more around the home?
By astrotink
@astrotink (169)
August 28, 2006 8:36am CST
I've always allowed my children to basically do their own thing and just ask them to keep their own room tidy, now they're older I ask for help with normal chores as they contribute to the mess they should help clean, yet they think its such a hard task!
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30 responses
@tishabest (602)
• Belgium
11 Sep 06
You betcha and not just little girls which is often the thought. My husband, only child, only male grandchild used to be a striking example of what happens when you don't - he would throw his dirty socks on the floor, whine when we did the food shopping, watch me break my back scrubbing the floors UNTIL I nipped that sucker in the budd! But because he was so spoiled as a child it was so difficult to make him understand that he had contribute to the household chores as well.
@Joi130 (13)
• United States
26 Nov 06
NIP IT IN THE BUTT NOW!!! Dont make the same mistakes I did. God love my daughter and sons, but as adults now, they are the worst of the worst housekeepers..and I have only myself to blame. I would tell them to clean up, and they would purposely do a bad job because they knew I would say, "just let me do it" because then it would get done right. This was not in the "Parenting Book"...LOL
Good luck hon.
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@sabrinam (1203)
• United States
26 Nov 06
I feel as they get older they should share more and more responsibility in the appearance of the home. My son is 9 and he doesn't get to have friends in if he doesn't clean his room. Right now he doesn't really care because we live in an apartment and all the other kids moved away this summer, but in a few months we won't have to make him clean it anymore, we'll be in our house in a neighborhood with lots of other kids and he'll want to have company :). Right now we have to make him do it every other week. He cleans his bathroom and takes his dishes, in a few years I'll have him doing laundry and dishes.
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@scorpioblue (120)
26 Nov 06
my sons (18 +16) both are able to cook, clean, wash etc but i leave at as a choice not a chore. my youngest has joined the army and has benefited from knowing how to do these things and is shocked at how little the other guys can do for themselves.
@stary_badboi (9)
1 Mar 07
yer i do think that we should get our children to do some work around the house but i don't think thhat you should make them do it for a punishment because other wise they won't know if they are doing it because they have done somthink bad or they are doing it becase they want to do it
@astrotink (169)
1 Mar 07
If they are old enough to know when they are being punished then surely they would know when housework is a punishment??
I recently told my son he has to do the kitchen for a week as a punishment for nearly getting excluded from school, kinda like community service in the real world. He knows this is as a punishment, and not just that but he will also learn just how teadious it is to constantly clean up after him and his sister every single day. maybe after his week is up he won't leave so much mess after him!!
@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
11 Sep 06
I don't think it is a bad thing. My son is 7 nad he helps out around the house. Of course, he still enjoys doing so. I grew up in a household where you didn't have to help out at all (my mom was a stay at home mom and took care of everything) and the one thing my mom regrets is not making us help out more.
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@aubry1 (267)
• United States
11 Sep 06
I have my children help with almost everything from mopping the floors to doing the laundry. This teaches your children that you have to work for what you have and work to keep it nice. This will prepare them for the years to come. If they decide that it is to hard and give me a hard time about helping out then they know that they will not get anything from me. Raising kids is the hardest job! :)
@shaggydog (647)
• Canada
11 Sep 06
i think it is good for the children to do chores around the house it gives them structure helps them prepare for when they get their own homes, a little housework never killed anyone as far as i know lol
@kingkamarka1 (32)
• Australia
11 Sep 06
Kids that dont help out usually take that trait with them where ever they go.
My kids help around the house and I got them started at an early age.As soon as my daughter started to go to primary it was her job to pack the table and wipe it down.
My sons job is to take out the rubbish from every bin in th house except our own bedroom ones. But study, bathrooms and Living room is his job. Also my daughters job is to mop the bathroom floor after we have all showered in the morning.My sons is to put all the dirty clothing in the house in the laundry room.
My two youngest children which are ages three and four have to pack away the spoon and forks after breakfast and make their beds and pack away any toys they have been playing with.
I expect them to help out and expect them to be that way when they go to their friends houses to play for the day.
When their friends come over I tell them the same thing if they want to make a mess they better clean it up also.
To me it goes hand in hand with teaching them their manners. They are intertwined.
When you go to someones house for dinner do you get up and offer help or do you sit their and expect to be waited on.
You should teach them this sso they have respect for you and see how much trouble goes into every day living so they can be more appreciative towards you as well as other people.
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@maryannemax (12156)
• Sweden
12 Sep 06
yep. that's good. children should be taught responsibility and it's importance when they are still at a young age. they can grow from it and can apply it in the future.
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@cloud_kicker_32 (4635)
• United States
9 Jan 07
yess deff..I have had my son,hes 4 now..he has been helping me around the house since he was started when he was 2..and picking up his toys..and we have worked up to toys,,and he loves helping me do laundry,dishes,sweeping, we have fun doing it together,,i know it will get old as he gets old,but he will still help me..or no playstation,play time tv..i dont feel that i should have to pick up after him when he will be totally be able to do it himself..but..till then..i am enjoying all my time with Sky and cooking..that is our fav time..he really is quite good for a 4 yr old lol..
@SanDslnrs (268)
• United States
2 Jun 07
Yes, children should help around the house. This is how they learn to clean, and to organize. Otherwise, they'll grow up and not know how to keep a house, and they will most likely lack in organization skills.
@senthil2k (1500)
• India
2 Jun 07
Yes. Definitely, the children should help out in their homes. This will not only help them to develop the habit of helping other, keeping their places clean etc., this will also help them to develop the character of involving/participating in group activities, which is more required character in todays business and corporate world. I hope, we all understand the point I'm trying to mention here. Let them help themselves,by helping their parent in their own homes.
@ccoriel (571)
• Philippines
11 Sep 06
i do think that children should help doing house chore/s. not just to make them responsible but to make them ready and able to do it on their own when they get their own family. i myself benefited from it. my parents taught me everything when i was a kid, i thought then that it was a punishment but now i realized its for my own good.
@Lauraleigh99 (4718)
• United States
11 Sep 06
Yes I believe kids should help more around the house. Growing up I had my chores and my brothers had theirs. If we didn't do them we got punished. My mom would take us all out to a movie and dinner or bowling but if one didn't do their chores we didn't go. That was a huge punishment because we couldn't go out and have fun. We had to stay home with the babysitter and it sucked!!
@bhchy1 (6047)
• United States
11 Sep 06
Oh children had to do more than keep their room tidy, they had to clear their place from the table, rinse off their plate and leave it on the kitchen sink..this started as soon as they were old enough to reach the counter. They take out trash, put away groceries, dust, pick up after their stuff in the family with laundry..etc etc.. It's all a learning process for when they are adults..
@sanell (2112)
• United States
2 Sep 06
yes absolutely and you should start them young. I already work with my 2 year old on her putting her toys away at the end of the day or when she moves onto play with something else. the more habits that are instilled the better they will understand and be able to do thigns for themselves. I will teach them how to make their beds, and give them chores to do for some sort of reward...teach them how to be clean and also how to earn a dollar!