Season Premiere of Hells Kitchen
By renemouche
@renemouche (843)
United States
July 22, 2009 9:35am CST
OMG is all I can say. The promos were right this is the most shocking Hells Kitchen so far.
They guy Joseph wanting to fight Gordon Ramsey for asking him to tell him who the nominated was insane. I can't believe this guy was/is in the Military. He has such an anger problem and he cant take orders very well.
And Van and JP was just hilarious. Van was dropping shrimp all over the floor and JP was getting so mad at him. I really though JP was going to punch him.
That girl Lovely, who cooks the dessert before a resturant even opens, then she moved what she was cooking to another station cause the burner wasn't hot enough and she didn't even first check to see if the stove was on.
That first night was horrible, the girls couldn't even get one order out. They cooked the same order like 10 times, them Rasmey shut the kitchen down.
I cant wait until next week to find out what happens with Joseph and Gordon.
What did you guys think about the opening episodes
6 responses
@ravinskye (8237)
• United States
22 Jul 09
I didn't even know that it was starting back up again. Are you in the US? I hadn't seen any commercials saying it was coming back on. If it is in the US then I missed it. I'll have to remember to watch for it next time it is on. I love watching Hell's kitchen. Usually though it is on up against something I like better so I only see bits and pieces of it.

@ravinskye (8237)
• United States
23 Jul 09
I can't believe i didn't know it was starting. I haven't seen any commercials for it. I'll have to start watching for it. Hopefully I'll catch it next time it is on.
@renemouche (843)
• United States
22 Jul 09
Im the in US and the season just started yesterday. It was a 2 hour premier and one of the craziest Hell's Kitchens episodes ever.

@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
22 Jul 09
I tuned in by error... and yeah, it had some moments but the cussing was just in over drive...even the contestants were blabbing mouth fulls of it on their interviews.. I just literally muted it at times cause I couldn't stand the near constant bleeping sound!
Thing is... none of those peope are even marginally qualified to handle the winners award....Isn't it top chef at one of his resturants for a year or something like that? Even if they could cook, not one of them have the maturity or intelligence to be able to handle that winning job.
And the women..if they weren't serving it cold, they were serving it burned...what's up with that? How hard is it to not do either of those? All you have to do is open your eyes! I cook all the time and can't remember the last time I did either of those!!! And the men..far far to much ego going on there!
I might tune in next week if nothing else is on.. but it just, in my opinion, not to entertaining to watch if none of the contestants have a clue as to what they are doing. Oh, yeah, the previews did show some kind of fire with trucks and all.. so maybe ill tune in to see what happened there
@renemouche (843)
• United States
22 Jul 09
Thanks for responding. This season does seemed to be filled with more people who can't cook than can. I mean there is always someone who cant handle a particlar station, but they eventually get food out to the customers. Last night on the two episodes no one did that.
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
23 Jul 09
Yeah, if they could have just gotten a few good ones out there.. but they not only didn't get any out... they burned or made cold what they did do! If a "chef" can't look at something they have cooked and see that it is either burned or undercooked...sorry.. they have no place on Hell's Kitchen. That just makes for a really stupid show.
@nicholejade (2430)
• Canada
22 Jul 09
What a way to start off the season. I was happy to have watched it and the excitement just got me on the edge of my seat.
I have no idea what Joseph was thinking. Like come on your freaking on Ramsay for asking you a simple question. Be a man and answer it. I think he was discharged from the military. If he can go off on Ramsay like that think of how he went off on his drill sargents. And sorry military personnal don't put up with that crap. I really don't see him making it past the next episode.
I was really happy to see Robert come in and eat at the restraunt. Well ok he didn't eat he just sat there for a really long time with no food. I was thrilled when Ramsay asked him to come back. You go Robert. You can do it and I hope you take the season this year. You had an awesome chance last year and I think you could of won it too. But hopefully this year. I'm routing for you big guy.
Lovely hmmm. What do I say about her. You don't go and make your deserts before hand. It only takes like 10 - 15 minutes top. I am sure your patrons would want to have a fresh and warm desert rather than a hockey puck. I really don't see her lasting too long.
Oh and then there was Amanda. You put the salmon in the deep freezer?!?! What the heck was that about. They are right you have to be more aware and assertive if you are going to be on Hell's Kitchen.
The women did an awful job. Geez 10 times and you still didn't get your apps out?!?! What is up with that. The waste of food that went on and you can totally tell that Ramsay was not impressed with that much food wasting.
I sure can't wait to find out next week what happens with Joseph and Ramsay. Nevermind that what is up with the firetrucks etc. Did Joseph get the boot and he came back to seek revenge? A week just can't come fast enough at this point.
@renemouche (843)
• United States
22 Jul 09
I forgot about the salmon in the freezer. If Ramsey doesn't get rid of Joseph I will be surprised.
@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
22 Jul 09
Hi renemouche, tell me this is true, there is really another season of Hell's kitchen this year. It's only a few months since it finished. We don't get it here in Greece but love it and watch it on YOU TUBE, usually some kind soul posts it every week and we watch it the following day and then wait for the following week as it is almost live, only a day behind when shown in the US. It's too hot to stay in watching TV at the moment but it will be a nice suprise to save for my son. Greek men don't cook so Gordon Ramsay is setting a good example.
@Tantrums (945)
• Philippines
2 Oct 09
I think that Gordon is great..he goes straight to the point!!theres no beating about the bush,he just tells it as it is!!!..a lot dont like him for using all of the language but I think its just the way he is!!Hes really interesting to watch,and is very skilled at his job..but I wouldn't want him to inspect my kitchen!!
My wife think he is worse than a vermin and can't stand him. He is rude, obnoxious and insulting and wouldnt eat in his restaurant if someone paid her.
Anyway... all people have different point of views... It's what making the world go round...
@cbugs02903 (47)
• United States
22 Jul 09
Honestly, the best part was Joseph and I started to think someone was speaking to him in his head. Because he did not know what he was talking about, at all. He not only have a anger problem, he is crazy. Do you think he was e-walled out of the military? Because the clearance could not have been good!!!
@renemouche (843)
• United States
22 Jul 09
I don't think he went awol. I think they introduced him as a former marine so maybe when his enlistment was up he choose not to re-enlist