What issue could possibly be more important than Obama's Eligibility?
By ParaTed2k
@ParaTed2k (22940)
Sheboygan, Wisconsin
July 22, 2009 11:43am CST
In most discussions about this issue, some Obama supporter or another chimes in asking why we don't start discussions about more important issues. First of all, we do. It's rare to find anyone here at MyLot that only talks about one thing. But more to the point, name any issue in the US right now that is more important than Obama's eligibility?
Before you answer, remember, if Obama isn't eligible, nothing he does as president is valid. On the other hand, if he is eligible, then everything he does is more important than his eligibility.
So, until we know for sure, how can any other issue be more important?
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11 responses
@foursox212 (282)
• United States
22 Jul 09
All his squirrels will keep this hidden, only an alien would wanna do to this country the stuff he's doing anyway, so who knows we'll see.
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@Arkie69 (2156)
• United States
23 Jul 09
I think this is a very important issue and should have been answered long before he ever took office. There should have been proof positive one way or the other in the files of the government before he ever filed to run for President. Here's the way I look at it. If Obama is indeed a legal citizen of the US it would have already been proven and the issue put to rest. The fact it has not been proven tells me it can't be proven. The government is covering it up in the interest of National Security, or that is what they would call it. And we are paying these idiots to work for us? What on earth has the American people become?
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
23 Jul 09
That asks another question, who would do such a thing as to go against the beliefs of so many Americans, and disregard the values of the working people who believe that the true American is the one who works hard for what he or she wants and does not hold his hand out for a free lunch, that they love their children, and they believe in family and marriage, that they protect the innocent and the elderly. An American would stand up for those values, only someone who hates America as it is, and wants to bring it down to the status of the third rate nation,and that would be someone who is not truly an American. So it goes back to Obama being born an American and the reason he does not want people to know where he was born or his true birth origins is that as long as no one knows, he can approve many un American laws and turn America into a left wing (correction Communist) state and by the time they find out he really is not an American, it would cost quadrillion of million dollars to reverse and America would be broke. Oh and Red China would be their master.
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@psychotaz206 (2086)
• United States
22 Jul 09
i don't thing eligibility should be in question now they should of done that before the election not wain until he's already in office i think he is eligible and so do many others infact past presidents where even asked if they think he is eligible and they said yes , infact bush was asked and he even said yes there are so many people thinking this is happening because of the color of his skin and i think it is as well the news has to keep coming up with something about him so they can keep there ratings up and the people from the news even said that they make some stuff up just to get the ratings up i seen a show about it on chanel 13 about a week or so ago where they admited it .
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
22 Jul 09
Yes, many of us think he's eligible, but if you notice, none of us can base that on any actual proof.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
22 Jul 09
Psychotaz, say you called 9-11, two guys drove up in an ambulance wearing a paramedic uniform. They treated and transported your child... both the guys in the ambulance and your child disappeared. Using your logic, it would be your fault for letting them treat your child even if you didn't know they weren't really paramedics.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
22 Jul 09
oh, and by the way, why bring race into it? Are you a racist?
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@psychotaz206 (2086)
• United States
22 Jul 09
it was just on the news now that obam's eligibility should not be a issue because he is and proved it that the birth cirficate was seen and he is a us citazine so that should clear everything up they also just said that the only reason people are questioning it was it's a consparisy so everything he has done is legal . and i among others are glad about that.
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
22 Jul 09
No, he showed a form called a "Certification of Live Birth". It is not the long form birth certificate. If you have the same form Obama showed and you used it to enlist in the US military, they couldn't accept it, since it doesn't prove citizenship or rights to work in the US.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
22 Jul 09
Obama isn't above the law, he should have to verify his citizenship status the same way the rest of us natural born citizens have to... with the proper birth certificate.
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@psychotaz206 (2086)
• United States
22 Jul 09
he did i was just watching the news and they showed it and it looks just like the ones i got for me and my kids when we where born and we where born in pittsburgh ,pa and they said it was a birth cirtificate.

@connierebel (1557)
• United States
22 Jul 09
This should be the most important question, but very few people seem to even consider it important. The media is so controlled that they try to ignore and avoid the issue, and most of the politicians are either "bought and paid for" or they are threatened to keep quiet and not force the issue. I think that he is not eligible, because if he was, it would be no big deal for him to publicly show his birth certificate and prove his claims.
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@Netsbridge (3253)
• United States
22 Jul 09
If Obama is not eligible, then just how did become president of the US? Remember that this issue came up in the summer of 2008 during the presidential primaries (which I believe may have been Hillary Clinton's hope for not giving up). If Obama is indeed not eligible, then why do you think neither the congress nor our loud-mouthed conservative talk hosts cared to addressed the issue then? Unless of course, the man has a trump card on all members of congress!

@Netsbridge (3253)
• United States
24 Jul 09
Then why was Obama's eligibility not verified before declaring candidacy?
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
22 Jul 09
The leaders of both houses of Congress blocked all Congressional attempts to get him to verify his eligibility. Some of the conservative talk show hosts took on the issue, others didn't.
Did you know that there aren't any officials in the federal government with the responsibility of verifying eligibility for candidates? That is supposed to happen in each state, when the candidate and party register for the ballots.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
22 Jul 09
If there was anything to it, then it would be an important issue. Since there isn't, it's just a waste of time. I agree with Chris Matthews that the ones leading this movement are a bunch of crazies and wingnuts!
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
22 Jul 09
Then please explain to me why Obama has spent so much time and money making sure the question isn't ever really answered?
McCain was forced to prove his eligibility, yet the same Pelosi and Reid who challenged McCain refused to allow Obama's eligibility to be challenged.
As I've said before, I do think he is eligible, but the fact no one can say for sure should scare every American.
I know you can say that you think he is, but can you honestly say that you know he is for sure?
If you say yes, please provide the proof.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
22 Jul 09
No, you're not remembering it wrong. The show of respect was after he answered the question of his eligibility for the House and Senate. The thing is, since he was born of two US citizens, there was really no legitimate reason to question his eligibility in the first place. A lot of people think that the Constitution states that a person has to be "born on US soil". I remember people defending his eligibility saying that he was born in a US military hospital, so he's eligible. But the Constitution never says anything about what soil the candidate was born on. It just says that candidate has to be a natural born citizen.
The "certificate of live birth" has been challenged pretty well. First of all, it is not a long form birth certificate. A person can have that form and not be a natural born citizen.
For example, if you tried to join the US military, and showed them this form as proof of your citizenship, they wouldn't accept it.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
22 Jul 09
Ted, I believe the birth certificate that's been posted online and that Chris Matthews held up on the air last night is the real thing. I have no reason NOT to believe that. Please refresh my memory about McCain's eligibility. I remember some silly talk about where he was born and that the Senate had passed a resolution declaring him a natural born citizen or something to that effect as a show of respect to him and that this was unanimous. Am I remembering this wrong?

@bdugas (3578)
• United States
24 Jul 09
To me there is no other issue that is more important than is he really eligable to be president, but I don't believe that anything will ever be done about it, because first of all congress wants him there, there is too many things they want to pass and control that they know as he is their puppet they can get it done. I will never understand the secricty of why he won't produce his b/c to the public to stop the rumors and put an end to this. I would think congress would make him show it. When you hide things like this it gives the public time to think that something is truly wrong. i don't believe he was born in Hawaii, I believe he was born in Kenya and brought here and registered maybe in Hawaii. They sure didn't have a problem with making McCain show his.
@teeaye98 (287)
• United States
23 Jul 09
At this satage of the game, does it really matter whether he's eligible or not? The man is in office and doing his job. My question is this, if he were a white man with the same credentials, background (meaning his mother was from the US and his father from another country), would we be having the same diiscussion? Probably not. So once again, six months into his term, does it really matter if he's eligible or not as long as he's doing his job?
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
23 Jul 09
If you found out that the guy flying the plane you and your family are flying wasn't really a pilot, would that matter to you?
If you found out the woman performing surgery on your child never went to medical school, I guess that would be ok with you too.
Newsflas!!!! If he was never eligible to be president, then no act he has done in the office has any merit whatsover. It would be no different than if you made those decisions.
There is this thing called "authority to act", if he doesn't have it, it doesn't matter how many people wish he did... it doesn't matter what his skin color is, and it doesn't matter how many racists (such as yourself) put the color of a man's skin ahead of the US Constitution.
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
24 Jul 09
Ah, thanks for clarification.
For the record, I really haven't seen anything to make me think you are racist. I added that in my resonse to kind of put the question back on you. My differences with Obama have nothing to do with his skin color. It bothers me when people jump straight to the race card, as if race is the only thing that matters.
If he wasn't eligible, he isn't doing his job, he's doing a job that isn't his.
@teeaye98 (287)
• United States
24 Jul 09
I am by no means a racist, I was just making a point. I personally want someone in office who is going to put change into motion for our country. I believe we need change. If you do the same thing over and over again and it yields the same crappy results, then something needs to change. Other than that, I agree with your comments on the pilot and surgeon. My point about this arguement is this: He's already in office. If he's not qualified (a US citizen) then the government surely knows that and didn't really care one way or the other. Other wise he wouldn't have been allowed to run in the first place. That's why I ask, 'does it really mater?' The US government does what they want to do, when and how they want to do it. So is it really worth our time and energy trying to figure out whether our current President is qualified or not?

@spiderchenw (36)
• China
23 Jul 09
what we all know is only a small part of what he has done,even if the situation changed for the better,but how do we know that as a result of the laws of nature,or due to human factors?
Laws arising from the adoption of the role of people,Obama is a case in point.
In short,full of comfidence.