weird health fads

United States
July 23, 2009 2:06am CST
Well it happened again. I am watching some mindless show. But it has actually turned out to be ridiculous. It is about some of the weird Hollywood Medical Fads. These are things that the 'Stars' are getting done. Because you and I number ONE would think about this before we did it. And two, we would never pay the prices to have these things done. So lets start.... You know those worms they used back in the Dark Ages when they 'Bleed People' out. They are called leaches. Leach Therapy is FDA approved now. And Demi Moore is using it as a cleaning treatment. It helps thin the blood, and promotes better blood flow. And makes wounds heal quicker. Then they are using, sit down ladies! Nightengail Poop mixed with oil and a powder and apply it to the face. It gives you a natural facelift effect. They have been using this for over 200 years and have just now brought it to the USA. WOW I am gonna run and get that done. Then we have a new drug that if you take it before you go out drinking. It will reduce the enjoyment of DRINKING. Then why are you taking it before you drink? Anyway, they have a new Bee Sting Therapy. Yep you read that right. Bee Sting Therapy. They take a live Honey bee and place it where ever you are having pain. And then guess what, they make the bee sting you. You are gonna forget all about the original pain I bet. But, no really they say when the sting wears off the serum from the bite have a numbing effect. And it lasts days. Nope Not for me. Well I have more. But this is all for now.
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12 responses
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
23 Jul 09
Damn I wouldnt pay a dime to have any of this done . But I do think most of the old ways sure work better than what Doctors give ya today. I would like to go back in the hills of the south and learn some of those old way people lived longer back then if they werent shot! during a war or something!
2 people like this
• United States
23 Jul 09
OK? So, instead of donating blood to someone who might actually need it, the person in question, prefers to feed the leeches! And, to get a face lift, you walk around with a shi22y face? How halarious. Injecting a poison into your body from a bee, in order to relieve pain, well that about tops it. ha ha ha
• United States
23 Jul 09
I know this show was just silly. But these stars have the money to have Nightengale poop(bird) spread all over their face, then go for it! Not me! I will stay Poor! lol :)
• United States
24 Jul 09
I am sure that i would not walk around or sit, with a poopy face, just to get a face life. That is the funniest.
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@Trace86 (5030)
• United States
24 Jul 09
Any good weight loss fads? I am just about ready to try anything not too disgusting. I have been trying to watch what I eat and I gained weight instead of losing it. I am really frustrated. I have been stung by a bee and would never choose to be stung on purpose. And I will never put poop on my face!
1 person likes this
• United States
23 Jul 09
leeching is good for wounds and internal bruising..but i sure wouldn't be bled for a whim.that's ridiculous.bee treatment is good for arthritis i hear. they can keep the poop treatment.i'll use oatmeal instead.
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@marcyyyy (517)
• United States
23 Jul 09
You must've been watching "The Doctors". Am I right? I've seen that stuff on there. I also saw on there how maggets (yes, maggets!!), can be put on a serious wound and actually heal it. That really works, especially if you're diabetic with a foot wound. I've heard that they've actually saved people from amputation. I know it sound gross, but if it works, it works!! See ya cookie!!
1 person likes this
• United States
24 Jul 09
No it was a show on the discovery channel
@meapas (2436)
• India
23 Jul 09
It is some thing like this if you have a headache then cut your finger little, you will forget the headache. meapas.
1 person likes this
• United States
23 Jul 09
Yea right! make some other part of your body hurt and you will forget about the original pain. Just dumb!
@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
24 Jul 09
LOL some of those are really outrageous, and yet, some old remedies and solutions are now being appreciated and used by science as being sound. I know that they are in some places using some sort of worms or whatever they are, to help preventing infection in serious wounds. And leeches seem to have been deemed as not such a bad idea at all, in certain things. That said....when we think about some of those thing....yuck! And some are just plain silly like the pain to reduce how one will enjoy drinking. Howe about not drinking then? I can't be sold in the bee sting therapy either. I am allergic to bee stings, I don't think that one would work that well with me LOL
23 Jul 09
Hi cookie, That is just so ridiculious, are people going crazy or what? I had a bee sting and it bl**dy hurt and yes my hand went numb and that was all, leach? yuke!!! gosh, who wants to be a clebe these days? not me, I think these people are mad. Tamara
@marguicha (225137)
• Chile
24 Jul 09
It seems the media has gotten more stupid as time passes. Do you think they believe we are dumb? No comments about Demi Moore´s sanity. Happy posting.
@busky5 (3164)
• Thailand
23 Jul 09
I am wonder about Bee Sting Therapy.I fear it pain me.I heard only honey serum.It can be good really.I also feel interesting.
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• Philippines
23 Jul 09
Wow really?! and happens if leaches becomes mutated and turned into giant life sucking worms. like that movie "land of the Lost" in the trailer where the actor Will Ferrell got suck first by a large mosquito then after yawning, he fell down with a leach on his back.
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@melycota (87)
• United States
31 Jul 09
Isn't the bird poop the same thing Geisha's used to use on their face. About the bee therapy, do they make sure, you're not allergic first. And, why isn't PETA all over that subject. Doesn't making a bunch of bees sting you kill all of them. We have a bee shortage people, we need them for polination. Seriously speaking though, you can't be surprised. This is the same industry that made it acceptable to lift your face off, cut some of it off and sew it back on so you can look younger. Don't forget enlargements which include removing the nipple and them putting them back on. Yeah.