how can i make money

@nelson77 (107)
August 28, 2006 9:15am CST
my name is nelson. i am from nigeria i want to know how to make money tru this web
3 responses
@krishna183 (2284)
• India
7 Sep 06
work and earn .. there is no shortcut .. if there was .. the world would have found it out before you
@ssh123 (31073)
• India
28 Aug 06
I have come to myLot with the same question of yours and still it is unanswered.
@anu789 (8)
• India
28 Aug 06
there is a blog by title investing is interesting . The main subject of this blog I found is quite related to your query -so check it out you will be happy to get some informatin on the topic you have listed as your discussion.