I am looking for an online earning opportunity

July 24, 2009 2:29am CST
I am looking for an online earning opportunity where I can earn instantly, weekly or monthly, where I can earn up to 5 more more levels, where referral commissions are not chicken feed, where I can pay registration fee on behalf of my referrals or downlines if they don't have a credit card, where international members are allowed, where referrals' commissions are paid either by PayPal or check, where there is only one time payment, where one doesn't have to upgrade to another level by paying more money (as in matrix sites), where one doesn't have to spend more money (i.e. no hidden costs), where multiple registrations are allowed from one IP address, where registration fee is minimum - between $10 - $20 only, where this particular company/site is trustworthy, where international members are allowed to join. OR Some online earning opportunity as close as above.
4 responses
• Kenya
24 Jul 09
To serve my God more than before, remaining faithful @all time
• Kenya
24 Jul 09
praying god to bless our parents mum & dad pastor charles and josphine and lift them high for good work they are really doing,we need extra money to buind the church
• United States
24 Jul 09
Hey there. Your problem is just like many people I have helped. Finding the good earning sites is the hardest part of making money online. If you check out my blog located under my pic in my profile, it will show you some of the greatest earning sites around and best of all they are all free. Absolutely no cost to joining except the time you put into making the money. I hope it can really help you as well and best of luck to ya!
• India
25 Jul 09
The sites mentioned in your blog are not the ones I am looking for. Thanks anyway!
• Chennai, India
24 Jul 09
I have added you as friend. Accept and shall discuss. I have an opportunity which may work both online and offline. Shall discuss through PM.
• United States
26 Jul 09
Hi Swapan, I am looking for the same thing YOU are my friend, there has GOT to be something out there that is not a scam that you can make a decent income from! If you are lucky enough to find it...PLEASE share!