call the shamwow guy,my cat is having a boring tuna

United States
July 24, 2009 9:05am CST oldest boy,the tux kitty wakes me up this morning (god forbid,i slept in) obviously wanting his morning can.nice about it? no. eeYOWlwowowl..(translation:mommy,get your butt up and feed me). so i shlep down to the kitchen and open his..usual..favorite-tuna,with unidentifiable bits of shrimp?egg? whatever that is.. he takes three bites and *plat* onto the floor. you little.. looks at me like open something before i can clean it up,his sister is happily eating it off the floor.hey,10 second rule!don't eat that! make this a discussion.. has your pet done anything borderline annoying today? or is it just one of those days already?
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21 responses
@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
25 Jul 09
Our cat only gets the same dry cat food every day, orders from his vet. He happily eats it, most of the time. However, sometimes he wants fresh dry food. My husband and I have learned that when he already has food in his dish, we can pick it up, pour it back into the container, and refill his dish with mostly the same food. He'll then gobble it up. The most annoying thing that he does is sit at our bedroom door and holler just because he's lonely. He's very affectionate, a real people cat.
3 people like this
• United States
26 Jul 09
lol my cat is kind of like that.if he sees a spot in the bowl,he'll complain to have it refilled (and i mean a lil bitty spot),so we just shake it til the spot's covered and he has no clue
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
27 Jul 09
Aww--I take it the tuna you fed your kitty is Figaro? I think I remember you mentioning that to me some time ago. Alas, I have pretty laid back kitties and they seem to put up with their mom's strange habits. In fact, Pyewacket tends to be the opposite of your kitty. When I'm getting ready to wake up and get out of bed, Pyewacket tends to come over and stretches and lays his body over my back (I'm a stomach sleeper) so I can't get up--don't exactly know what that means. I do have to put up though with them being fussy eaters. My two spoiled brats ONLY like Fancy Feast, yet sometimes they seem to be bored with that. I open a can up, they give it a sniff and walk away from it
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• United States
28 Jul 09
i'm sure he understands.i always yell at my tux about his pointy heels,and get the stinkeye for it.he does tho.they dig right into you.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
27 Jul 09
Well Pyewacket isn't a 34 pounder and is lean and lanky, yet when he's on my back like that, he feels like 150 pounds...and when I say to him "Pyewacket you feel like a 150 pounds." He looks at me like I just insulted him
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
26 Jul 09
My cat Banjo is currently playing cat and mouse with the said rodent in here where I am on the laptop. The dog watches on patiently waiting her chance to get in a bite before promptly spitting the creature back out for the cat to continue his game. There are reasons I don't worry about this...the only worry I have is when the mouse gets away and Banjo cannot find it. The only other problem I have is whjen I hear the crunching sounds and look down beside me to see Banjo devouring the creature within sight and hearing...I have to leave the room and work hard to think of something else.
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
27 Jul 09
Banjo doesn't leave a mess. He makes one while he plays with it...knocking stuff over and so on but when he eats it there's no sign left that the mouser was here. Your poor boy...he was probably traumatised by the whole thing. This morning I've taken down curtains to repair where Banjo has used them for jungle lovely lace ones. And he insists on smooching with me and getting all caught up in the curtains....
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• United States
27 Jul 09
LMFAO!! my boy does the exact same thing..same type of curtains. he peeks around the side while in curtain..we call it his spanish mantilla it drapes off his head just like one. *sigh* and i just de-furred them..
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• United States
26 Jul 09
oh yuck LOL i only have one mouser out of 3. the girl is evil when she catches one..makes a big mess..but her brother caught just the one and never again.i think he thought it was a toy,and when it went squish,he dropped it and looked horrified poor kitty. he had no idea what to do with it.
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@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
26 Jul 09
LOL. My new baby hamster peed all over my husband today. I guess when you gotta go, you gotta go. I think she was a little bit nervous also as to why she did that. My dog eats his dog food off of a saucer and he splats it on the carpet sometimes and then eats it. That makes me so mad to have to clean it up. He knows better.
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• United States
26 Jul 09
LOL! i had a hamster previously that did that. i think it was frightened at the time,it was when i just had got him.
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@ElicBxn (63785)
• United States
25 Jul 09
Every morning, Scamp wants me to get up, and he doesn't even get wet food Now, if you really want to be allowed to sleep in, cut him off the wet food in the morning and only feed him at night.
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• United States
26 Jul 09
wouldn't stop him.he begs all during the day. the cat is a bottomless pit lol
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@Loverbear (4918)
• United States
25 Jul 09
I have a great one to tell you about the little "Princess". I had lost my previous Siamese and was heart broken over the loss. Well for my birthday Mom and I went to the local shelter and in one of the cages was a small female "Part" Siamese. I went to open the door the kennel man warned that she was extremely mean. I picked her up out of the cage, she snuggled in my neck and that cinched the adoption. We had to wait three days to pick her up because she had been dropped off and the person who dropped her off didn't latch the door and she got lose...she was only about 3 months old at that point. The employees were frantic because the shelter is next to a state highway and they were worried that she would be hit by a car. It took them three days to finally catch her. They set traps, chased her and tried to lure her with special treats. Well finally someone had the brains to go out and sit and coax her to them. The day I picked her up the previous owner called, she wanted her cat back. The shelter told her absolutely NOT because of the way she had been dropped off. I collected my "Princess" and went home very happy. Mom and I lived together, I was more or less her care giver. Well one morning I woke up to the most horrible racket and I went out to see what was going on. Mom was furious and I was assaulted with a resounding "YOUR CAT POOPED IN MY POTTED PLANTS!!!!" Needless to say war was declared. I spent a year with the mornings being blue with the same line "YOUR DARN CAT POOPED IN MY POTTED PLANTS!!!!" I finally wised up and realized that she didn't like the litter I was using. I had been using alfalfa pellets because they were good for the environment and the deer would come and eat the pellets. My previous cat loved the litter, so I naturally used the same stuff. Well the litter apparently hurt Murphy's paws and she wouldn't use it. I changed to scoopable litter and she quit using the potted plants. I still laugh about it to this day. There was a very royal battle between them, but after the litter change they made up. Oh, and also the little "Princess" during her growing up years, had to have her warm cream in the morning. It started with during the winter months Mom and I would have hot cereal for breakfast. Well Murphy discovered that we used milk on the oatmeal and that it was nice and warm. Soon she would be sitting at my place at the table and waiting for me to put my bowl of oatmeal with milk on it down. I did that ONCE, and found her head in my bowl lapping up the milk. From then on I would provide her with a bit of warm milk so I could eat MY breakfast.
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• United States
26 Jul 09
yea,some are extremely picky about the litter.i made the mistake of buying "natural pine" pellet litter for my previous cats..oh,what a mistake that was. all 6 hated it.i myself couldn't stand the smell. my current cats won't eat oatmeal,but some of the others had. i was kind of surprised,they don't even want cereal milk.
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• Canada
28 Jul 09
My cat bit me today, but that wasn't the most annoying thing to happen to me today. My eff-bleep-ing watch stopped!! I thought it was the battery, but now I'm going to need a new friggen watch. AARRGGHH!!! I don't feel like getting a new watch because I liked my old one, when it worked. If I have to get a new one, I hope it's exactly the same as the old one. I've had it for about 10 years, and I love it!
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• United States
28 Jul 09
maybe a jeweler could fix it?i've had a few time it was just a battery clip.
@jwfarrimond (4473)
25 Jul 09
My cats sleep on the bed with me and about 5 this morning I was woken up by the sound of one of them winding up for a vomit - on the bed of course. So I shoved the cat off and she proceeded to throw up on the carpet. No big deal, rather the carpet than the quilt. It was just fur that she brought up and I was glad to see that she did bring it up because this cat is the one that got herself covered in oil last week and as a result of that, she's shedding a lot of hair. I'm combing her frequently to remove the loose fur, but she's still been swallowing a lot of hair as she's been licking herself and I've been concerned that she might get blocked up with it all, but so far she's been OK with it. So it was borderline annoying that I was woken up by a vomiting cat, bu I was glad to see her bring up the fur that she's been swallowing.
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• United States
25 Jul 09
oh..nothing like the morning wakeup like that. one of mine does that frequently,he sheds a lot even after brushing. it is better for them to get it up though.i'm gonna get him some hairball remedy,he's worse in summer about it.
@Loverbear (4918)
• United States
25 Jul 09
Shoot, you had it easy! I usually end up waking up with a ton of cat landing on my chest! And if they don't like the food I set out for them they barf in it! Oh, then Willy, one of the flame points I got two years ago, LOVES dry dog food. He will nag unmercifully when he wants some dog kibble. I have four furry fiends. I wake up in the morning surrounded by cats. Murph is by my head (she is 15 years old, and what she wants she gets. She was nicknamed the "princess" years ago because she loves whipping cream and when I buy the stuff in the carton, I have to warm it for 9 seconds before I serve it to her in bed. Uhhh, she's just a bit spoiled. ) Khuay sleeps between my legs. He sleeps on his back so he's hard to move. Willy curls up in the small of my back. He weighs fifteen pounds so he is rather hard to move in a hurry. Dinglebeary sleeps at the foot of the bed so he isn't too much problem. I am kind of lucky when it comes to feeding them, they aren't too fussy so what I put down for them they eat. They will demand their share of turkey and chicken with I roast either one. It's fun to watch as they all sit at my feet and watch every bite I sneak. Talk about guilt trips! And not one of the four looks underfed! I will add that if I don't get up when they feel I should they knock the stuff off the top of my head board on my head. It's guaranteed to get a person up...even though it's stuffed toys. Ya gotta love the little fussy furry idiots! They let us think that we own the house and that "WE" are allowing them to live with us...but it does really work out the other way. I am often heard hollering at the four of them that "the nuts are running the asylum!"
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• United States
25 Jul 09
LOL the tux likes doing that-the morning chest cannonball. he has some pointy heels too your princess sounds like mine-she expects cream,and if "uncle" doesn't get it for her,he's in trouble.she'll even walk away if he tries to pet her
• United States
25 Jul 09
Scarlet- Just last night our little girl did something unusual, and quite bordering on senility. Her litter box had a few pieces that needed to be cleaned, so what does she do? I find a present in her food dish when I go to give her the nightly feeding she's used to. I've never seen an animal do that, and her daddy spent time asking her "Why Lightening? Why did you not just wait for us to fix your bin? Was it really that dirty?" She just waved her tail at him with an air of indigination and waited for him to clean the three pieces out, while I scoured down her food dish. Namaste-Anora
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• United States
25 Jul 09
LMFAO!! OMG..that was a cat statement if i ever heard one. i can't say any of mine have done that,but i did have a rearranger. his,and everyone elses.he'd shove them in the box corner.
@Canellita (12029)
• United States
28 Jul 09
That is truly hilarious! I guess you heard the shamwow guy is no longer among us.
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• United States
2 Aug 09
nah..he's the oxy clean guy. they were kind of similar in a way..both yelled LOL
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@Canellita (12029)
• United States
30 Jul 09
I thought he was the shamwow guy. Now I'm confused, LOL!
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@Canellita (12029)
• United States
4 Aug 09
Right after my last response the shamwow commercial came on tv!
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@cobra1368 (702)
• United States
24 Jul 09
There were a few days in a row last week where our cat, Minkey, would eat a bunch of grass, then come in for dinner, go under the kitchen table and hurl a big pile of mush and grass in a clump under the table. She did this three days in a row! I was so irritated with her, I usually just threw her back outside until she was done hurling, then she could come in and eat. And right when she was done, I threw her back out in case she needed to hurl again, which, of course, she didn't. Another one for ya. I have my dogs trained really well to walk/run on a leash. They both are instructed to stay on my left. Well, this morning, Scarlet decided at the last minute to pull me to the side so she could sniff this one tree. And she is a pit bull, so when she gets it in her head that she is going somewhere, it is really hard to make her stop. Especially when she catches you off guard! It was so abrupt that she made me trip over Lucy, my black lab, who usually occupies the space closest to me. I yelled a few profanities at Scarlet, and then we kept going. It doesn't mean a hill of beans to her, but it made me feel better. My dogs also constantly step on my bare feet, digging their large dog claws into the top of my foot. That always feels nice. Occasionally the cat will playfully pounce on me and sink her teeth into a body part. That is pretty darn terrific too. And you know what? I wouldn't give any of it up for the world.
• United States
24 Jul 09
a local friend of mine has a pitt that steps on toes like that. i'm beginning to think that's his greeting LOL he's a big heavy lovebug.
• United States
27 Jul 09
Yep, they all seem to be like that. But when the tail is wagging that hard, it is impossible to be mad at them for it.
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• United States
25 Jul 09
I have cat's that think they are humans! lol No, really! They eat cat food as a last resort. lol Let me explain, If they have not gotten enough in their belly from me, my son and my roommate to eat. Then and only then they will go to the food bowl. And then if it is not the right food they will walk away from the food. Have you ever eaten a nice lettuce and tomato sandwich with gobs of mayo on it. Well, they are great and yummy. But in my house you have to guard your sandwich. If you don't you will find bits and pieces of it left for you on the floor! My kitty Sky. She will lick off all the mayo then eat the sandwich by her own little system. First it is the tomato's, then the lettuce and for the desert the bread! She is a very healthy cat! lol.
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• United States
26 Jul 09
LOL i have a mayo begger too.anything you eat with it,he wants it. i don't think he'd eat the tomatoes though.
• India
25 Jul 09
i really don't know much about cats as i have 2 dogs a bulldog and a pomerian.have a good day
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• United States
25 Jul 09
aww..cute dogs:)
@snowy22315 (185892)
• United States
24 Jul 09
My pet is always kind of whining about his food and is generally annoying. I think he is always wanting something difernet than he has. I think I am going to start a discussion on that. It really has a tendency to drive me freakin nutss. I guess there will be things I can do and it is good to shake up the routine.
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• United States
24 Jul 09
could be the brand cats have a couple they refuse to eat.
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
24 Jul 09
Oreo likes to sit down on my papers. Why oh why is he so fascinated with the German letter I'm translating when there are so many other papers to sit on. Jason likes to pick things up and walk off with them. Usually it's socks, but of late, if I don't put the rinsed out cat food cans in the recycling bin, he carries those off to. Make a lovely sound banging around, don't you know? Sunny likes mushing on me, but he's having problems with his mouth so he drools. Yuck. And Tiger nips. Usually they're friendly little "I love you" nips, but once in a while they hurt.
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• United States
24 Jul 09
oreo is offering cat help the tux cat of mine used to carry his bowl around when he was small. i'm not sure who he learned that from..none of the older cats did it.
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
24 Jul 09
my cats used to do that when i had them years ago. these days i have a little dog that sleeps with me. she used to wake me up all jumpy and playful in the morn. now she is more polite as shes gotten older. she lays and stares at me, then if i open my eyes she tries to lick my face and will not get up till i do. shes a sweetie. but then she has dry dog food out all the time at her conveinence and water so all she needs is attention and a treat now and then along with her little companion, which is my sons little dog.
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• United States
25 Jul 09
aww..that's sweet:) mine have dry food all day,but that one is really prompt about his can in the morning.
• United States
25 Jul 09
I hate to say it but its probably just one of those days already. Its hard to say what will happen but what happens at the start of your day is not always what will be at the end.
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• United States
25 Jul 09
true. i just hate a day that starts with cat food on the floor
• United States
24 Jul 09
My little furball, Rainbow, is in the middle of one of her "I'm the mom, not you" moods. So basically she is constantly trying to give me a bath and following me around. I yawn and she comes rushing with a look on her face as if she is saying " Oh my gosh, are you ok?". It is very sweet, but after awhile, it starts to become annoying.
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• United States
25 Jul 09
i have a shadow cat too. he has to know where you are,every moment.
@vxscar (8)
• United States
24 Jul 09
So today, i took my dog for a walk around the block, like i do everyday. We are going at a slow-paced jog when a dog the same breed as mine comes around the corner and starts barking at my dog. The barking almost sounded like the national anthem. We finished our walk, or jog i should say around the block in about an hour. I put my dog back in the house, and i left to go get a drink. When i came back my dog was barking at a squirrel she saw through the back window. Strangely, it sounded like the scottish terrier we had seen not too long ago. Listening more closely, i noticed now that my dog was barking and it sounded like the national anthem...Now, everytime my dog sees a squirrel, bird, or another dog, she barks the national anthem. How strange. It's not an everyday thing, but it ticks me off. Now Arthur has a muzzle.
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• United States
24 Jul 09
LOL my dog never seemed to know what to do with squirrels. didn't bark,but he kept an eye on them.