Are you happy with yourself?

United States
July 24, 2009 5:59pm CST
Are you happy with the way your life is going? Are you happy with the way you look? Tell me what you think. I think its pretty interesting.
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9 responses
@EliteUser (3964)
• Australia
27 Sep 09
Hey, Well I'm not that happy about the way my life is going, I mean it could be much better. I could have a better house, and I could also have more money. But then again, if I am alive and healthy, then my life is still quite good. Make sure you have a good day, God bless and Happy Lotting!!
@schlei (132)
• Philippines
25 Jul 09
well, i'm not entirely happy. I've been attending college for 3 years studying something I don't like. I can't switch majors because there's nothing in particular that I really like. D:
@jellymonty (2352)
25 Jul 09
yes am happy with my life. Got everything I need, I am 100% healthy, have no worries as I don't have a husband or a bf so no marital stress. I run my own business and have my own home so no complaints from me. I praise God for every second of my life.
• Philippines
25 Jul 09
I am happy with myself now.I am growing as a woman.I am facing life's challenges.I already know what I want and how to get it.I am not happy with the way my life is now,but I am not giving up hope.I know I can get the life I want soon.
• Philippines
25 Jul 09
I am really in a better place now. Nothing serious to complain about with my looks and earnings. What i really do want though is to start having babies. That is the only thing missing in my life right now. If i can just have even one, then i would totally be at peace with my life.
@VisuUnome (208)
• India
25 Jul 09
yes i am happy with the way of my life is going still i am not worried yet because that the things will more likely to go well for me.....
• United States
25 Jul 09
My life is a little slower than I thought it would have been going by this time in my life, but i'm alright with it. I enrolled in college so that's making me feel pretty good about where things are going. About the way i look, i feel alright. I like my face, thats for sure. lol. I would prefer to be lacking a bit of the weight i have recently put on, but other than that, im good.
• United States
25 Jul 09
with my life i have no complaints at the moment wit the way i look its like my life its beautiful to everyone lookin at me but behind closed doors its a mess..
@ysobelle (202)
• Philippines
25 Jul 09
My life now is full of adversity, but still i am very happy because I like challenges in life. It is very rewarding when you see yourself at end of the day surpassing those adversity. I am not a quitter, that is why i am not complaining of what I am today. Life is too short if we are going to live it with sadness and complain. Live your life to the fullest.