Why people are copying content from Yahoo answers?

July 25, 2009 10:00am CST
I use both Yahoo answers and myLot regularly, Recently I found so many questions that topped yahoo answers appearing in mylot as well.. You can't just consider this as coincidence as almost every popular question at yahoo answers is posted at mylot as well. www.answers.yahoo.com I'm not trying to blame anyone.. Just to know wat you think about this?
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4 responses
• Philippines
25 Jul 09
i don't use yahoo answers. I think those people who use others topics are not creative enough to create their own. And they don't really enjoy mylot. It's really not hard to think of a good topic. Don't be greedy people. it's just cents, if you really want to earn big. Work hard for it! happy mylotting!
• India
25 Jul 09
yeah thats another point, Such people are here only for the money matter and does not enjoy this system of discussions, questions, answers etc. After all is the earnings big enuf to be a matter of concern than your interests.. Dissapointing to know that many people are considering myLot as just another online earning program! Thnx for the response!
1 person likes this
• India
26 Jul 09
Many are leazu and want to exploit and the lop holes in mylot. It should be reported . the population in mylot is increasing and they can't keep an eye on everyone. So better other genuine mylotters shoould tak the initiative and report to them. Copy pasting is against the rules of mylot!
@voldrox (7191)
• India
25 Jul 09
hi i used to do the yahoo thing before i came here, but these days i just left that behind, i don't do it anymore... there are good discussions there as well.. i think people copy and paste just because they think it will be a good discussion here as well, i have never done it and would not want to be as lazy as that, whatever i feel is good i post and never try to copy from any other thing...
@busky5 (3164)
• Thailand
26 Jul 09
I don't know about these.May be some members have a few experiences in their life.They don't know to creat new discussions.