who wants to be the happiest person in this world

July 26, 2009 6:57am CST
I think that everyone out here in this world want to be the happiest and most richest person ever.I always wanted this.What about u guys out here.speak out and share it right here
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4 responses
@busky5 (3164)
• Thailand
26 Jul 09
I want to be a happiest person in the world.I think every feeling was happened from us whom made them.IF i think sad it will become sad, if i think happy my feeling will be happy too.
• China
26 Jul 09
i think everyone has his own definition of happiness. In my opinion, happiness is getting whatever it was that you wanted, while you still felt that want. But there are some rare human beings who go out of their way to partake in the sorrows of others, and provide them with at least some mental solace, without expecting, or accepting anything in return. Those rare persons are indeed the happiest in our world, and will also be the happiest in the hereafter. I want to a man like this. This is what i think about happibess. Happy mylot~~
• Indonesia
26 Jul 09
Yes, your thinking is true. Everybody wants to be happy. People chase it with one or another way. Sometimes even in a bad way. But we should know that we can not find true happiness in this world. We will find in later in heaven after we die. Of course, it only happens if we believe in Jesus. If not, not happiness that we will get, but eternal punishment in hell. But your opinion about richness is not true at all. People can't find happiness in their wealth. Money can buy a bed, but can't buy sleep. A lot of things that money can't buy. Don't depends on money to find happiness. You will waste a lot of things. But find happiness only in the only person that can give that true happiness which is Jesus Christ.
@geniustiger (1694)
• Philippines
26 Jul 09
This is also what I wish in my life that I will be happy and a rich one. In this way you can share to others and and have good friends too. I will help those who are in need mostly and be happy all the time. Doing good as a rich and happy woman.