disturbed marital relations
happy married life
marital discord
successful marriages
working women
Do working women succeed in leading a happy married life?
By swarn47
@swarn47 (1706)
November 13, 2006 3:58am CST
Most of the working women have been found to end their marital relations ultimately in the form of Divorce? What is wrong somewhere?
33 responses
@ashlee832002 (424)
• United States
20 Nov 06
I think it's hard for working woman to lead a happy marriage because it puts on so much responsibility on them. I'm a working woman and I like to come home (from a hard day work) and relax. Well, if my husband is hungry and I'm not ready to cook he throws a fit which can lead into a fight. He thinks because he does manual labor as opposed to mental labor like I do, he has the right to be more tired than I am. Another instance that makes it hard to lead a happy married life if you are a working woman is the man may be envious. For instance, my cousin was dating someone for years and years and he was jealous of her because she made more money than he did. This made him feel like he wasn't a man because he wasn't able to provide for her, it was more her providing for him.
@sbeauty (5865)
• United States
14 Nov 06
I raised my family, worked full time, kept my house clean, cooked good meals, participated in my church, felt a lot of stress and pressure and have remained happily married through it all. I'll admit that it was tough going, especially in the early years when the kids were small and my husband didn't believe in helping me at all, but I am a strong person, and I think I handled it all very successfully. I'm living proof that it can be done if you're willing to try hard enough.
@RSureshKumar (422)
• India
14 Nov 06
What you may be of few women. Some women who are working are leading happy married life. Office work pressure and lack of sufficient time for house hold work creates tension. Co-operation, mutual understanding and patience are the key for leading family life. There divorce cases with house wives also.
@Luvfactory (651)
13 Nov 06
Well, I think if both parties work then it is a bit hard to cope with issues such as housework, kids etc. I think if one stays at home and takes care of everything then the other doesn't have that sort of pressure on him/her. On the other hand, the one that stays at home doesn't have the constant pressure to do all the chores once he/she is home from work. It doesn't matter which one stays at home as long as things are balanced out between the partners.
@innechen (1318)
• Indonesia
19 Dec 06
actually its nothing wrong with working woman,they didnt end up in divorce form.but if you talk about career woman then i agree.working woman is diff with career woman.a career woman put their career on top of anything and make their careed as no.1 issue in their life, because of so busy they dont have enough time with their family, sometimes they dont even hv time for themselves,because their life is all about pride,position,money.but working woman is only working for a living.so they still have time for their family.actually we have to put our family to be the 1st important thing in our life and we have to realize that money is need for living not live for money :)
@margieanneart (26423)
• United States
18 Dec 06
It depends on the women, the marriage, and the culture. Each situation is different. I personally am very old fashion, and like the women to stay home and take care of the home, children, and husband. That too, is a job.
@pnstate1986 (288)
• United States
25 Nov 06
I am a working woman and I am so tired! I wish I could be a homemaker but we can't afford it.
@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
23 Nov 06
Marriage has to be a two-way street whether the woman is barefoot and pregnant or has a career. If the husband is not supportive, the marriage doesn't have a chance anyway.
@sweetgal (115)
• India
2 Dec 06
i feel in todays world women are none less than men in any field... they can balance their family nd work verrry well provided the woman is intelligent n beautiful enuf....and her hubby shud be verrry understandin n cooperative...nd a verry lovin one....
@lantaidua (280)
• Japan
25 Nov 06
can't be said that carrier women are not success in their marriage life. it's abot how they manage their time wisely. but ofcourse, deal with household and carrier at the same time is not an easy matter.
making carrier and take cake of maily mean that in your brain is not only about household, pay attantion to kids, manage the family budget, but also you should think about how to work in your office optimally, making a good result in your work..
that's why there's a tendency that carrier women usually can't get their marriage life well
@pussywillow (718)
• United States
20 Nov 06
I don't know where you get your information but I don't buy it. Divorce is a growing issue in modern society but I do not believe that "most of the working women" are divorcing. Because of the vast numbers of working women, that would increase the divorce rate astronimically.
@sirensanssmile (3764)
• Netherlands
23 Nov 06
Yeah it is easy fo you to blame the women for the relationship falling apart. It is just as much the man's fault as it takes two people to have a problem. Go on and blame self-sufficient women for the problems if it makes you feel better. How weak.
@asbmuralik (283)
• India
20 Nov 06
Yes they succeed in life. I know many working women who are leading a comfortable and happy life. It all depends on their apporach to their work and family leads to a good or bad life.
@milagre (1272)
• Portugal
20 Nov 06
I've been working all my addult life and couldnt see myself at home all day, caring for children, i would be bored. My father always told me to be independent because you never know about tomorrow. And that's what i intend to do. Working or not, marriage dont fall apart because of it, its the relation who fails. Teh dieeference is taht working women can do their own choices, knowing that they can take care of themselves, and thats the way it should be. I wouldnt like to see a daughter of mine dependent form her husband and staying in a marriage because she cant support herself, i will tell her the same my father told me...
@QueenLuna (124)
• Philippines
20 Nov 06
I guess that would depend on the strength and will of the woman to succeed in both fields.
@boneheart69 (693)
• Philippines
20 Nov 06
It's always up to you if you wanna live a happy married life. You must learn how to balance your work and family. I think what lacks hear is their own personal mission as a wife and as a provider.