Gory movies

United States
July 27, 2009 10:13pm CST
What's your opinion on them? Personally, I LOVE gory movies. Extreme cinema is basically my virtue. I'm not talking about mainstream flicks like Hostel, The Hills Have Eyes, etc. If those work for you, that's cool. But I'm talking about extreme flicks like August Underground, Gutterballs, Ichi The Killer, Tumbling Doll of Flesh, etc. Really extreme graphic stuff. I really enjoy movies like that as they focus on practical effects instead of CGI gore. Special make-up effects just fascinate me to no end & I experiment with them myself. That's my reasoning for enjoying ultra violent cinema. Any other fans here?
1 response
• Canada
28 Jul 09
I LOVE gore. A horror movie is just not the same with out it! I guess it's relatively uncommon for a girl to be into that sort of thing but it really just excites me! I haven't watched any of the movies you suggested, but maybe I'll check them out sometime!
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• Indonesia
28 Jul 09
Just reading your explanation about the movie made me feel numb. I can't stand a gore slasher movie a lot. I watched Hostel and found it disturbing, especially when the eyeball popping out. The last gore movie I saw was Eden Lake. You should watch it if you want slasher movie but with good story. It's about a couple who spend their night in a small village but then they were chased by some brutal kids after they accidentaly kill their dog. I cringe when the torture scenes happened
• United States
2 Aug 09
Eden Lake is actually on my list of movies to check out! I've heard it's pretty great, and I'm sorry you got a little uneasy reading that stuff. Just trying to warn the girl about what really is in the movies I mentioned. Not for the faint of heart.