Promises, is it important for you to keep it?

July 28, 2009 1:10am CST
Promises are often taken for granted these days. People promise just to satisfy others. They give their words and then forget it. Its as easy for them as dressing up. Few people nowadays are giving much thoughts to what they say, or to people they are talking to. I also believe that its not easy to fulfill once promise. But this fact should make us more careful to give promises to people. As a kid I find it frustrating when people promise me something and not keep it. So now as adult I often confirm words so as not to disappoint myself. And I take a lot of caution when I talk to kids about something because I understand the disappointment they can experience from broken promises and how long it will affect them.
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3 responses
• China
15 Nov 09
I think it is important for to keep it. I know my capability, so i can keep what i said. i foun that there are many people who always give others promise and never keep it. I don't know whether they forget it or just a custom of speaking. I wonder. I dislike that kind of people appear in my life.
@radx682 (327)
• India
28 Jul 09
Yeah, it is diffult to keep up a promise. I get very disappointed when my husband doesn't keep up his promise. With kids, you have to be very careful. They are too young to be disappointed. Promises are always related to the love and affection he/she has on us. That's why it is diffult to handle when he/she doesn't keep up their promise. . The best thing is to stay away from promises. I never promise anyone on anything. Because I feel it is very disheartening. Just take it lightly.
@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
28 Jul 09
Oh yes I never make a promise unless I know I can keep amazes me how people seem to think that making a promise to someone is all that it takes and then they hardly ever follow through...I hate that sort of thing..