Do You Like Babies?

July 28, 2009 3:32am CST
I'm the youngest and only girl amongst my siblings. When I was little, I used to always beg my mom and dad to give me a younger brother or sister. But unfortunately it didn't happen because my mom was already ligated. I was 10 years old when I had my first niece. I was so happy because it felt like I have a little sister. This year, both my brother had their babies, and now I have 4 nieces! 3 of which are still babies. There's just something about a baby's laugh and companion that relieves stress. Whenever I go home and play with my nieces I feel as if though I'm getting younger myself LOL! How about you? do you like babies? or are you annoyed by them?
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46 responses
• United States
29 Jul 09
Hi! I'm probably the only woman I know who doesn't go crazy over babies. I don't find them cute. Honestly, I think they look quite funny and almost alien-like. Even my dad agrees on that one, especially with newborns! I don't mind babies when I'm out in public, unless they act up. A crying baby can turn a good meal at a restaurant to a bad one in a split second. But if they're quiet, I don't mind them. Growing up, I was the youngest girl in the entire family until my cousin came along when I was ten. My family tried to get me to take care of him and play with him, like it sounds like you enjoy, but I just didn't like to play with him. I needed to do things that I could learn from and I couldn't learn from a baby, as odd as that sounds to many. I would much rather talk to the adults about the latest political issues at that age than watch Teletubbies with my cousin. I didn't start developing a relationship until just recently with this cousin of mine; he is now twelve going on thirteen and we can have intelligent conversation, so it's fun to be around him now. I bet you'll be a good mother once you have kids, if you want them for yourself. Hopefully you'll still enjoy them once they pass that baby stage! :)
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@ElicBxn (63517)
• United States
29 Jul 09
Actually, my parents were rather like - okay - you don't want kids, fine... I never was pushed to have, or want to have kids, I was probably pretty lucky - tho in my case I did have a sister 4 yrs younger - she's a great lady now! I did have a few moments of weakness in my mid-30's for a child - but more for adopting one rather than having one. I resisted, and I have to say that I came up with the "math of marriage" it takes a mommy and a daddy to make a baby - I'm the potential mommy so I stayed away from potential daddies... or 1+1=3 in biology - mind you, I was 4 yrs old. As it turned out I probably couldn't have taken birth control pills, and as the d*mn-fool nurse at the first gynecologist's office said - "The pill is not 100% effective." The first time she told me that I told her I didn't believe in immaculate conception - twice, the second time I told her it takes two to tango and I haven't been dancing! (thru gritted teeth.) I never fit in with my age group when I was younger - especially after I moved from the "smart" neighborhood. There I thought I was stupid, but when I moved I discovered everyone ELSE was pretty stupid - where I used to live the top 2 students in my graduating class were on the same block! One kid - a few yrs older taught himself to read at 3 and another kid a few yrs older than that taught himself to read at 4. Gee, wonder why I thought I was stupid....
• United States
29 Jul 09
Heck, I wish I had grown up around smart kids like that! All of the kids in my neighborhood were either brats or everything with them was drama, drama. That's great that your family didn't push you. When I announced I was child-free to mine, they really weren't surprised. My family has never tried to change my mind, but strangers and family friends have. Most likely because they don't truly know me and how unhappy I would be with my own kids. My only sibling, my brother, also is child-free, although his reasons are different (he has many physical and emotional issues that he doesn't want to pass on), so I do feel a little for my parents because I know they'd like grandkids. Having kids wouldn't fix the problem though, because then my husband and I would be miserable and the relationship with my parents would suffer. My husband's family is all for our child-freedom because, as his dad has said, "I have kids. I'm all for you guys not having them since I know what it's like!" You and I are very lucky to have understanding families! :)
@mimuche (163)
• Canada
29 Jul 09
I sure do like babies.. i babysit all the time and I must say they are amazing and definitely hilarious. However I am not sure I would want one for myself. I think it is a lot of work raising a child though it must be a joy. I don't find them annoying at any point. They say and do the funniest things and you never really know what to expect from them. Me and my little brother are 7 years apart so I basically raised him and I think that was when I fell in love with babies. They rule!!
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@mimuche (163)
• Canada
29 Jul 09
Yes, I babysit other children. I am a student so it works better with my schedule. I have to admit that I am never fully calmed when I am babysitting because I always have that fear that something will happen no matter how careful I am. But as time goes by I am getting used to it and I surely cant get enough of the funny stuff they come up with everyday. I babysat my brother and all my cousins , do not have nieces and nephews yet, so I had to move on :P! You are lucky to have nieces and nephews. It is so much different when is someone in the family. Enjoy your time with them!!
• Philippines
29 Jul 09
Hi mimuche! Do you mean you babysit for other kids? Wow I think that's a tough one, I admire you. Sometimes I'm more comfortable taking care of my nieces than other kids, I get too frightened I might break a bone in them or something LOL:)
@selina0625 (1379)
• Philippines
29 Jul 09
Nathan - My little boy.
Yes I do love babies a lot. They are just so nice to hug and kiss and play with. I have a 3 year old boy and I really never get tired of cuddling him and kissing him. Whenever I see my boy, all the stress that I have from the day's work disappear.
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• Philippines
29 Jul 09
hi there selina0625! is that a picture of your son? he's so adorable! I bet he brings you so much joy. As for me I really adore babies, children in general. thanks for the response.
@ElicBxn (63517)
• United States
29 Jul 09
Nope, don't like babies, took one look at my little sister when I was 4 and said - not having any... and now - 51 yrs later, still haven't.
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• United States
29 Jul 09
I bet all the people that told you you'd regret it are biting back their words now. :) I'm glad you stuck with your heart and didn't give into pressure from others. So many child-free men and women do and regret having kids once they do. The earliest age I remember not wanting kids is 6 years old. Four years old is the earliest I've heard of yet! I remember not wanting to get married my entire life because I thought that if I married, I'd have to have kids. When I found out it's a choice to have kids, I did look for somebody...but only after being assured that having kids and being married where two completely separate things. :)
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@windymyre (210)
• United States
30 Jul 09
I do as long as they belong to someone else & they're not crying!
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• Canada
30 Jul 09
My thoughts exactly. I am really not into babies, but they are interesting for an hour or so, then it's back to Mom or Dad they go. :)
• Philippines
29 Jul 09
ohh! i looveee babies! they are soo cute and lovely!
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• Philippines
29 Jul 09
I so agree! Thanks jesloveian! happy my lotting:)
@lazeebee (5461)
• Malaysia
29 Jul 09
Yup, I love babies - playing with them, holding them and seeing them smile and laugh. And they smell so nice (especially after a sleep/bath). But I don't think I can handle a baby full-time, like a mother has to. I can't deal with the crying, cleaning and all the hard work a mum does!
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• Philippines
29 Jul 09
Thanks for the response lazeebee! Same here, I can't deal just yet with the big responsibility motherhood has to offer. happy mylotting:)
@vivianchen (2646)
• China
29 Jul 09
Babies are surely the gift from the God. They are so fresh so when you are with them, you feel like refreshing yourselves. That's why babies are so treasurable. I like those babies who are a little naughty, but not too much, who will cry for a while if he/she hungry but not the one who cry all the time. So, general speaking, yes, i like babies.em]happy[/em]
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• Philippines
29 Jul 09
It's kind of fun being around a naughty kid sometimes. It's funny when they start telling stuff that astonish us adults. thanks for the response vivianchen!:) btw I also like vivianchen:)
• Philippines
29 Jul 09
i LOVE babies! i do have a nephew whose now 3 years old, but i still think he's the cutest baby on earth. he loves to talk a lot and of a very playful nature. whenever i arrive home from work, he's the first to greet me and it only takes something as simple as that to relieve my tiresome body!
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• Philippines
29 Jul 09
Same here abbypringles! it must also be fun to have a nephew. Right now I'm still wishing to have a nephew since all I have are nieces. They do get rid of stress. Thanks for the response!:)
@vingyan06 (2486)
• Malaysia
29 Jul 09
Hi beatrice, I love babies and little kids too. Before I get married, I love to visit and play with my nephew and niece. They are adorable. And I always miss them. Now I have married and have 2 children. And my life is now busy with my 2 angels. Happy mylotting
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• Philippines
29 Jul 09
Hi vingyan06! I see you already have 2 kids of your own. It must be so rewarding raising your two angles. Thanks for the response and happy my lotting:)
@jaizhi (260)
• Philippines
29 Jul 09
I do like babies, except when they poop... I am 2nd to the youngest among my siblings and 2nd to the youngest for my entire family tree of cousins. SO I never had a chance to really take care of a baby. So everytime I am with a baby I can assure you that the baby is spoiled. But when they poop I just have to return them back to the owner. hahaha. I am 7months pregnant and about to have my own baby, I hope I dont get scared with my own son's poop.
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@superaren (209)
• China
29 Jul 09
I love babies! They are god-sent gifts.
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• Philippines
29 Jul 09
I agree! thanks superaren:)
• United States
29 Jul 09
I love babies! They are so cute, cuddly and innocent. I have two girls of my own, and I wouldn't trade them for the world. At group events, I usually end up with a bunch of kids following me around, probably because I'm just a big kid, too.
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• Philippines
29 Jul 09
It's not so bad being a "big kid" it's actually fun! Sometimes it's much more fun to hang out with kids than adults, don;t you think? LOL!:) Thanks for the response purplealabaster.
• India
29 Jul 09
yes i like babies because i am just like babies age 15
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• Philippines
29 Jul 09
Hey there k2creation! thanks for the reponse:)
@arunmails (3011)
• India
29 Jul 09
What an incident?? who doesn't like babies?? I love babies thiiiiisssssss much... but unfortunately I am only boy to my child.. I doesn't have any brothers or sisters.. so I love all babies.....
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• Philippines
29 Jul 09
Yes arunmails! I proved through all the response here that most of us looooove babies. Thanks for the response and happy my lotting:)
• India
28 Jul 09
Yeah! I love em. they are fulla innocence and they always manage to cheer me up so they cry alot. its fun playin with them while tryin to shush em eup!
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• Philippines
29 Jul 09
Kids are really fun. Thanks for the response thecrazyjogger!:)
• United States
28 Jul 09
I really like babies I have a one year old and I love the way he smiles, laughs and walks well everything. But to take care of other babies I don't fill all that comfortable because they are not mine and I feal stressed to know if i'm doing the right things to the baby. Some babies like things that others don't so I don't know what I have to do with other babies. But taking care of my kids is always great until they start talking and wanting to go out with their friends to the movies or something.
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• Philippines
29 Jul 09
Sometimes I feel the same way desteny. I'm more comfortable taking care of my nieces than other kids. Thanks for the response!:)
@laurahen (596)
• Canada
28 Jul 09
I am the oldest of three siblings and i love babies! I think that they are the cutest things and i love to hold them and play with them. I love it when baby's start to notice the world around them. They start to look and you and study you. Everything is new to them. It's also really cute when the really young ones will just look at the brightest light in the room. I know that some people get annoyed by them when they cry but it's natural. You can't get a baby to stop crying and you shouldn't have to unless the baby needs a diaper change or food and that's why he/she is crying.
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• Philippines
29 Jul 09
Hi there laurahen! thanks for the response. The most probable reason why a baby's cry gets to us is the thought that maybe we're afraid that she's crying because we're doing something wrong, that's what i think.
• United States
28 Jul 09
I love babies. They are God- sent gifts. I wish that I have a younger brother or sister, but in fact I do not. Babies are so cute and innocent. I love to spend time with them, and never feel annoyed from them.
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• Philippines
29 Jul 09
Hi minhminh0604!:) I do believe that they are God-sent. So how was it growing up as an only child? I guess you have your cousins as playmates anyway right?
28 Jul 09
I am a mother to two boys, and when they were babies they made my heart melt with every milestone they made - their first smile, laugh, words, steps. They still make my heart melt and are still my babies even though they are now young boys. Every time I see the excitement and joy in their little faces makes your whole world feel right. As long as my children are happy then I am happy and as a parent, I must be doing something right.
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• Philippines
29 Jul 09
I agree with you mummysboys! I think it's nice that you have raised such good young boys. Maybe I can ask for your advice someday when i have my own LOL!