Being So Tired!

United States
July 28, 2009 4:25pm CST
I have been battling fatigue for what seems like forever. (A couple years, anyway.) I get so tired sometimes midday, I am literally nodding off. I am not currently working, but when I was, I found myself hooked on extra caffeine and energy shots throughout the day to keep me going, and so I was alert enough for the drive home. I am tired of being tired! Does anyone else have these type of energy issues throughout the day? What was your diagnosis or what have you found that helps keep you going throughout the day so you don't have to crash or take naps all the time?
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18 responses
• India
29 Jul 09
Fatigue Happens When You Are totally worked up .. In This Busy World You Have to Chase Money And Time .. As It is never the other Way round .. I Suggest you Do Some Asanas As You are Up From Bed .. I DO Find it really Helpful As I Feel Good throughout The Day .. Keep yourself Busy Here On Mylot ..
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@Citychic (4067)
• United States
5 Aug 09
Hey friend, I have to ask what in the world is Asanas as you've mentioned here in this article. Finding something of interest to do will surely help but I am not sure what you mean by Asanas. Is that something they are doing over in your country?I believe that proper exercise and good diet habits can make the difference in alot of us as far as how we feel. But doing it is another matter. Happy mylot!
@doormouse (4599)
28 Jul 09
i have m.e and fibromyalgia so i've suffered that type of fatigue for years,until 2 months ago i hardly left the house apart from twice a week to go shopping or i'd make myself visit my friend,i could only leave the house for 3 hrs max before getting absolutly clapped out and needing to sleep,,,2 months ago i finally persuaded my gp to prescribe me a thyroid medication that i'd heard could help my conditions,it's working,i'm still tired but i can now go 5+ hrs without needing to rest
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• United States
28 Jul 09
I have had depression and I know that that can play huge roles in everything in your body. The thing is this though-I seem to get plenty of rest at night, and I certainly give myself enough time to get a good night's rest. Working was draining me so bad, and the hours were not very friendly, as I would be getting home around 8 or 9 PM and then I would have to get up with my kids early morning. So when I was working, my sleep may have been compromised a little, but now that I am not working I don't see why I still get so tired sometimes.
@cripfemme (7698)
• United States
29 Jul 09
I am often tired in the middle of the day as well. I have discovered that if I take a walk or eat something sugary my mid afternoon tiredness just goes away. By about four my regular energy level naturally kicks up again.
• United States
4 Aug 09
I know sugary foods can up your energy levels quickly, but that isn't really recommended is ? Considering most sugary foods offer little nutritional value, for one, and for another, don't you crash again after the sugar wears off? Maybe I am immuned to sugar anyway-I eat sugarry stuff randomly, and I never get "upped" when I eat them.
@Capsicum (1444)
• United States
29 Jul 09
I battle fatigue every day. I also have Chronic Fatigue which is a big factor because ,I don't sleep to often for long periods of time. It could be many things from a auto immune disease or sleep apnea. Talk to your doc. it isn't normal to feel this way .Not to mention what could happen if you do nod off in back of the wheel of a car,or at work.With the economy being bad we must all understand there are ten people waiting to fill our positions. Good luck in finding your cause.
• United States
4 Aug 09
Well the fatigue ruins my life! I am not sure if it is depression related, which it could very well be, or the fatigue is causing the depression because I can barely keep up with life sometimes!! What exactly is Chronic Fatigue, and how did your doctor go about diagnosing you with it? Forgive me for my lack of medical knowledge, but what is an auto-immune disease?
@koalatbs (2229)
• United States
29 Jul 09
Hi princess - I also have struggled with fatigue for a long long time. I wish I could give you some great advice to make it all go away but I can't. However, if you haven't already, you should get your thyroid checked. I have thyroid problems and it does contribute a great deal to fatigue if not treated. I hope you feel better soon but definitely go to see a doctor and have them try to find out the cause. Take care. Jill
• United States
4 Aug 09
Well, I am finding this is much more common than I thought, as I have most of the responses come back from people who have it too! I have had my thyroid checked, although it was a year ago, and actually my results came back a little overactive, which as I understand should make me a little hyper? I don't really understand the whole thyroid disorder things though. What was your diagnosis and treatment for your thyroid?
• United States
6 Aug 09
It is often linked to hereditary genes isn't it? I think my mother has a thyroid disorder too, although I am not totally for sure. (I don't talk to her.) It is a fairly common diagnosis though, as I understand. Do you still work (or are you able to still work) or were you granted disability for it? I had blood work done about a year, and the numbers with the blood draw were pretty normal, as my doctor stated. Maybe I should get rechecked though?
@koalatbs (2229)
• United States
5 Aug 09
I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism about 14 years ago, shortly after my son was born. It did NOT make me hyper, although that is a common symptom of it. I was extremely exhausted, my heart rate was very high. Basically my whole bodily systems were running on overdrive. I received radioactive iodine treatment to kill off my thyroid and shortly thereafter they started me on thyroid medication. Over the years my thyroid has been very difficult to regulate and I've had my dosage changed too many times to count. Many people do not seem to have this problem. My mom also has thyroid disease and has pretty much had no problems since she was started on medication. Good luck and I hope you find out why you are so fatigued. Take care. Jill
@marguicha (225471)
• Chile
29 Jul 09
It looks at if you should be checked thoroughly by a doctor. There are a lot of illness that have those symtomps. Aenemia is one of them and there are iron pills and vitamins that would help you out. But a doctor must check what you have first. Although I´m a coffee addict, I think coffee is not the answer to your problem. They should test your red cells and then maybe other tests. Take care
• United States
29 Jul 09
I do drink a lot of coffee, and I know it's not good to overdose on caffeine. At home, I only drink coffee in the morning, and then I drink one 12 ounce soda in the late morning or early afternoon. I do drink teas in the summer time, but not so much in the winter (unless they are hot and caffeine free) so I don't think my overall problem is consuming too much caffeine. I am not sure what I would do if it was my problem-I am so used to getting up and getiing going every morning with coffee in hand. I tried stopping the coffee drinking when I was pregnant with my 3rd baby, and actually stopped for 2 months. I was miserable! I couldn't get going-I by no means felt better, I felt worse.
@308369666 (111)
• China
29 Jul 09
I do not have regular jobs, to give temporary workers to do smoething,But I am happy, I am tired of boring work, to free the good workers.
@snowy22315 (186495)
• United States
28 Jul 09
I dont have any problems like that, because I currently dont have a regular job so I pretty much do what I want to, but if I was wroking full time I would certainly be faced with an energy crash druing the afternoon. I know that I would be faced with that. I jsu think there are some things that are going to go wrong with having to work all the time.
• United States
29 Jul 09
I am not working either, and haven't for about 2 weeks now. I was sure that the slow-down in schedule would help me feel better, but it hasn't. I have been dealing with this fatigue for about 2 years now. I have had routine blood tests and nothing came up as an alarm to the docotrs, so I have just kind of dealt with it. Being tired all the time is no fun though! I will go back to the doctor soon and tell them that this is still going on. Maybe something else could be wrong that has an easy fix. (Hope so anyway!!)
• United States
2 Aug 09
I have the same problem it's been years and I to am so sick of it. I'm not working either and like u when I did as soon as I'd get home I'd go straight to bed and sleep a couple hours. Mine is weird I think it has something to do with eating, I mean anything I eat a meal or just a snack makes me crash I have to not eat till about 3 to get things done, but even then I'm so tired I just want to sleep.Coffee cokes nothing works for me. Eating makes it so much worse though. It's awful to b this way no energy to funtion, I hate it. Liz
@_sketch_ (5742)
• United States
29 Jul 09
I have chronic fatigue too. I've had it for years now, not sure exactly when it started. I think that it is a symptom of my depression. I just try to keep as busy as possible because whenever I don't I start drowsing off. It's terrible. It makes it hard to do homework. I always have to keep taking breaks,getting up and walking around, or eating or drinking something. Multitasking helps me to stay alert. And of course caffeine like you said. And sometimes candy too because of the sugar rush. Sometimes I do take naps, but I hate to because that makes me feel even more drowsy and sluggish for the rest of the day. If I really start to get sleepy while I'm at home, I like to take a shower or take a walk.
29 Jul 09
have you been to the doctors? l was the same way for a few years like your self so l went to the doctors for a blood test for something else and just said to him that l felt tired and no get up and go he gave me other test for celeaic the test is just a blood test but when they have the results you fell a lot better after the few days but the first step is see the doctor as it could be something else.
@Citychic (4067)
• United States
5 Aug 09
Tired of being tired. Hello Princess, I found the same thing wrong with me. I figure that it's probably due to the fact that I"ve been getting very little outside activity. But what seems to help is drinking a protein shake right around noon time. You can get this kind of product from just about any Health food store. Pm me if you'd like to know the brand and the name of the one that I use. Anyhow it give me a real boost of energy right around 2 in the afternoon. Also you might want to be sure to cut down in your carbohydrates during lunchtime because I noticed that eating carbs can make you feel really tired too. Last but not least you should be sure to talk with your doctor about it. It could be that you are going through peri-menopause. Which means that your body is changing and it's normal to loose energy at that time of your life. As we are not the same women as we used to be back in our twenties:(. But since I don't know your true age, this may or may not be the case. Anyhow a trip to the doctor will help you to see the light when you explain to him or her what some of your symptoms are like. For me I do know that the protein drinks really does seem to help so you might want to try that out first. Good luck and please keep us posted. Happy mylot!
• India
29 Jul 09
Have a medical check up and see if you are having diabetes. Diabetes patients get tired when sugar level is high.
@Milesxiao (104)
• China
29 Jul 09
To solve your annoyance, you could try to do things below: i. jogging regularly every morning, 7:00 am is recommended ii. enjoy a cup of green tea after lunch, not coffee iii. watch some comedy of tv play or film Expect these advice will give you some help. Good luck, my friend.
@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
29 Jul 09
I am anemic, I have allergy and I only drink tea or juice not coffee. I used to feel miserable waking up and at work it was worse (because I didn't like the people I work for and with anyway). Since I quit I have been doing simple yoga for breathing exercise that helps energize me. I still need enough hours of sleep and learn to cope with stress, but this exercise helps me big time to stay focused and stay awake until it's time to sleep again. A few months ago I started this practice and the result is way better. I was browsing for yoga videos and find the link Try it. All you need is one hr of your time and cushion. You don't even have to force yourself too much, just do your best. Wake up earlier than usual and practice it. You'll be surprised. Once you get used to it, you can increase the frequency of each pose or you can pm me for more link :) Hope for the best
@stealthy (8181)
• United States
29 Jul 09
Two things to look into are if you are getting enough quality sleep and the other is if you are getting any exercise. The second should only be started if you are not by checking with your doctor first. I'm talking about running marathons, but just walking like 30 mins a day but even so you should talk to a doctor.
• United States
28 Jul 09
It depends on why you are getting tired. If it is not something real serious, then it may be controlled with diet. It might be worth the try. It might be chronic fatigue syndrome. Even if it is that it might be possible to control it with your diet. If you try eating more natural foods; getting off sugars and caffeines and eating six small meals a day instead of great amounts of time between larger meals. Hey... it might work.
• China
29 Jul 09
I have the same symptom as yours. I think we just drink too much coffee and really hooked on it, which can not help us spirit up anymore. So, i suggest us drinking less coffee, taking some exercises during midday, and having enough sleep.