Minimal Wage Law Not Required
By gewcew23
@gewcew23 (8007)
United States
July 29, 2009 8:47am CST
Did you receive your minimal wage increase that the Federal government gave you? Chances are you did not because you make more than the minimal wage. Why, because you labor is worth more than $7.25. Why do we have minimal wage law, to protect you from stingy employers. Employers are just as stingy as employees are greedy. Employers want to pay workers as little as possible, just as employees want to be paid as much as possible. So let say if there was no minimal wages laws what would happen? True some company would want to try to pay their employees, let say two dollars. The problem is employees fell their labor is worth, let say ten dollars. The employer would have the right to pay what ever, but the employees could just leave. With competition in a true free market economy employer would have to pay what the market bares. Meaning company A can say they only want to their employees two dollars a hour, but with company B paying ten dollar, company C paying nine dollars, and company D paying eleven dollars, company A will not have any employees to stay in business.
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10 responses
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
29 Jul 09
But then you have to throw the realities of life into the mix and, in real life, an employee would not have options like that because there is too little competition for employers when it comes to filling positions that pay the minimum wage. There would be too many company A's...taking advantage of those least able to do anything about it. Keep in mind that many if not most minimum wage earners are either young people or people with little education and little to no marketable skills so they will work for whatever wage they can get, keeping company A in business. Every large urban area in this country also has economically disadvantaged neighborhoods...many of them several square miles in size...where the majority of those employed earn the minimum wage. There will be no company B or C in these areas...only company A's. The employees will be the ones who suffer...along with their children...and the taxpayers will be supporting even larger food stamp and other assistance programs as this new class of worker seeks help from the government. Meanwhile, millions of minimum wage earners won't have money to spend in companies A, B & C, so business will fall and everyone suffers.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
29 Jul 09
I am a dunce when it comes to nice when answering. lol
Why don't all other wages go up when the minimum wage goes up. I worked twenty years to get to the wage I am currently at...and it is a little upsetting that now unskilled, unexperienced workers will be even closer to my wage category. Am I being snooty here, or is it a legit complaint?
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@spalladino (17891)
• United States
29 Jul 09
No, you're not being snooty and it's a legitimate complaint. The government can only set the minimum wage, it can't set all wages, so it would be up to the individual companies to give annual or cost of living increases. That's how private enterprise works.

@katran (585)
• United States
29 Jul 09
Gewcew, if that logic was right than there would be no one working in restaurants or fast food restaurants at all, because other jobs pay more so why would they not just all leave and go work somewhere that pays more? I mean, think about it. According to your logic the only way any company would ever keep their employees is if all companies pay about the same wage. Otherwise, people would just go for higher paying jobs. Well, that's a big fat DUH! Everyone WANTS a higher paying job, but not everyone can get one or is qualified to have one! That means there would be tons and tons of people who would be stuck working for $2/hr and not having anything to show for it.
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@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
29 Jul 09
The reason they work there depend from person to person. You would have to ask the person. I do not work at a restaurant or fast food so I cannot answer why someone works at one of those places. Maybe it has to do with that is the best they could find. Maybe the work schedule fits their life schedule. ]
I got to ask do you work? A lot of people work companies that pay less, for multiply reason. Maybe the work place is closer to home, better schedule, or as something as simple as they like it there and do not want to change jobs.
Let me ask you a question which one is better, staying home and living off the government or making $2/hr?
You would have more than not working at all. $2/hr is a lot more than $0/hr.
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
30 Jul 09
You're assuming that every area of the country has options available and is upwardly mobile. What about the numerous areas that are stagnant, with no new businesses coming in offering a higher wage? In fact, what about the areas of the country where the opposite is true...where businesses are closing? This is a continued problem in the inner cities so what would stop an employer from cutting the hourly wage once the competition is gone because there is now a larger pool of unemployed, unskilled labor available at a reduced rate? What about the small towns with relatively few employment opportunities? In all of these cases, if the employers chose to pay less than the minimum wage, the employees...both current and future...would not have the option of going elsewhere and there would be no competition. I do understand socioeconomics and there are many economically depressed employment markets in this country. Giving free rein to employers to pay anything they like would drive even more people to seek government assistance because this class of worker has no power.
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
1 Aug 09
OMG, I can't believe you're blaming the poor and disadvantaged for state of the communities they're forced to live in because the majority of those who are unskilled are also uneducated and poor. I'm originally from Maryland and I can tell you for a fact that these people are not the reason there are impovished areas in Baltimore or Washington, well as many towns in Maryland. People do not flock to where they fit in...they are forced to live where they can afford to put a roof over their head. These are very old neighborhoods with old buildings which have never been and probably never will be attractive to new businesses. Most of the people who live in these types of areas have lived there for generations.
@KupoSin (680)
• United States
29 Jul 09
well just remember that as minimum wage increases, unemployment increases. it is a known statistic that is almost fact. if an employer has to pay $8 an hour instead of $4 an hour, they will therefore cut back on the number of workers.
in the situation that you pointed out, a perfect competition (aka free market), a slight change in price can offset the number of workers willing to be hired to 0. this is just a theoretical situation, we do not live in this perfect situation. there will always be people who are willing to work under and about thhe minimum wage.
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@quinnkl (1667)
• United States
29 Jul 09
So true! But whenever there is a minimum wage change, only new employees coming in at jobs that are at that level benefit! So not fair to the rest of us, who could also use a boost. But this is the best explanation of WHY we have minimum wage at all that I have read recently! Cool!
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@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
31 Jul 09
You also have to take into account what the buyer will pay for the goods and services. If the price is too high, because the employer has to raise them in order to pay his employees, he's going to loose business. People will go where the price is best. So, paying your employees too little, you loose employees. And paying too much, you loose business which causes you to loose employees. There should be a balance, and that should be left to business itself and not the federal government.
@scorpiobabes (7225)
• United States
31 Jul 09
But if you pay your employees too little and it's the only job in town, they may stay because they need the job. And those same employees are going to be unhappy and unproductive. I agree, there does need to be a balance, but the overall economy of the area is also another factor to take into consideration.
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
31 Jul 09
Another factor would be the corporate tax laws. If the tax rate is too high, that could be why there is only one business in that town and why it can only pay its employees two dollars.
@scorpiobabes (7225)
• United States
31 Jul 09
Actually, the minimum wage has nothing to do with 'stingy' employers--think about this: that rate hike is to help workers get out of debt! The cost of living is ridiculous in some states--I live in NJ. I couldn't find a decent job last year that paid much above the minimum wage because i'm trying to get my BA still. That raise would have been the first one I've received anywhere from another employer since 1999! I gave myself a raise when I worked for myself, making more in 4-8 HOURS a week for me, than working 40 for someone else! Unfortunately, the cost of living is so high here in NJ, that measely $7.25 doesn't go very far unless you have 3 jobs or live in a
multi-job household.
@Kowgirl (3490)
• United States
29 Jul 09
Your post explains why we need this minumim wage law.
It keeps companies from paying lower wages.
So what if company D is paying more than the others. I'm sure they will demand more work be done or they need people with more education than the other companies.
If not, everyone would be vieing for a job at company D and the positions would be full which would force people to take less pay at another company. That would force some people who are more qualified to take even less. Companies need to know they can not pay less than the minumim wage. I'm sure most companies would like to pay less and most would if there wasn't this law. To say we don't need this law is absolutely asinine.
@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
29 Jul 09
Then why do not more companies paying just the minimal wage. A company paying it's employees $20/hr has nothing to do with the minimal wage. The reason is those employee are worth $20/hr. If this company lowered the wages down to $8/hr, which is still higher than the minimal wage, all the employees would leave. Which would force the company to either go out of business or raise wages back up to an acceptable level.
@_sketch_ (5742)
• United States
30 Jul 09
Minimum wage keeps the economy going. People need to make more in order to spend more.
@andy77e (5156)
• United States
31 Jul 09
Of course the worst part is that minimum wage drives up the cost of labor comparatively to other countries. It is always ironic to hear Union workers specifically talk about jobs going over seas, never mind the fact that Minimum wage and Union costs directly cause that very effect.