The real world - Will you face it or run away?

@Pose123 (21635)
July 29, 2009 5:33pm CST
Today I was talking with one of my nieces who has a daughter and son at a Cadet camp where some people have contracted the H1N1 virus. She is of course concerned, yet I thought the advice she gave them was sound as they are both adults, the youngest having finished high school this year. She told them something like this, "I would love to be ably to protect you always, shield you from all harm, but this is the real world and you have to learn to take life as it comes and running away is never the answer". She has always been a good mom to them but not overprotective. She loves them dearly and will always be there for them, yet she also knows that life is real and we never know what it will throw at us. She could have said, "I want you to come home", and it's probably what her mother's heart wanted to say, yet she also understood that there are tough decisions to be made in the real world. What are your thoughts?
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12 responses
@korki4 (263)
• Philippines
30 Jul 09
Well it's true that you can't be over protective and let the lead their life as thay would want., but if you ask me if i would face the real world or not, i say iy would depend on the situation when it's really getting hard and i cant take it anymore i would hide ;{
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
30 Jul 09
Hi korki4, Thank you for your comment and we all think differently. I respect your opinion. Blessings.
@underdogtoo (9579)
• Philippines
30 Jul 09
Life can be difficult and it sure has been for me. I will live until life kills me. The real world is nothing but an opportunity to learn and do something.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
30 Jul 09
Hi underdogtoo, Thank you for your response. Blessings.
@jbrooks0127 (2324)
• United States
30 Jul 09
Of course the older we are the more we can see that what she has done is the right way to raise her children. I have no doubt they know of her love and that she has made it clear of her concern. But armed with the knowledge of what they face and knowing they have a loving mother standing behind them they can't help but do the right thing. Not all parents show this kind of respect to their children. They want to think for them and of course there will come a day when they will no longer be there and that child will be lost. We bring our children into this world. We love them dearly. We do our level best to prepare them for the world knowing that for them to succeed requires that they take charge of their life and move on one day.
1 person likes this
• United States
3 Aug 09
Thank you very much Pose for the best response. Coming from you I consider that a great honer. I have seldom seem anyone on Mylot that is more prolific than you and always great discussions.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
30 Jul 09
Hi jbrooks, Thank for for your response and I couldn't agree more. My niece's children certainly understand that she loves them and wants only the best for them. She has been one of the best parents I've ever known, and her children are both very mature and take their responsibilities seriously. Sometimes I wondered if she was giving them too much when they were growing up, but now I don't think so. She was telling them that they were worth it, and it certainly kept them out of trouble. Good self-esteem along with respect for others are necessities for a full and wholesome life. Blessings.
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@smart44 (510)
• Philippines
29 Jul 09
We need to face it, even though how difficult it is we should to move on and live to the fullest. Even though theres so many hindrances, we need to face it and not to run away of it. Work hard, be patient, faith, and determination should work together so that we can face the real world no matter what.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
30 Jul 09
Hi smart, You are right about us having to face life and not run away from it, we can only run so far. Thank you for commenting. Blessings.
@lovefei (21)
• China
30 Jul 09
Different people have different life styles.They must face the difficulies which are different from others.At most times, we must face the difficulties directly.Only in that way we have the strong spirit to conquer them.But in some spicial situation we must leave the diffiulties for a while not run away.then we rest houe brain .In that way ,maybe we can find a slution.That's the way i see.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
30 Jul 09
Hi lovefei, Thank you for that very thoughtful response. Blessings.
@Flikker (34)
• South Africa
30 Jul 09
The truth hurts, but lying ruins. She is a good mom, giving her kids honest advice. In doing so she has prepared them for what may come & not leave them horrified with events which could transpire by sugarcoating life. Give her a pat on the back or a hug.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
31 Jul 09
Hi Flikker, Thank you for you comment and we agree. Blessings.
• Canada
30 Jul 09
I am definitely one to face the real world. if I didn't face the real world, there'd be all kinds of stuff that would happen to me that could have easily have been prevented. I am not interested in having the world walk all over me, just because I won't stand up for myself.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
30 Jul 09
Hi danishcanadiancanadian, Thank you for your response. Blessings.
@kate635 (126)
• Philippines
30 Jul 09
As they say "reality bites," but we need not to turn our backs from it. It is a part of life and facing it just makes life incomplete. We won't have a sense of fulfilment if we would always run from the hardships we face. I must admit that at times I would say "I just want to melt down and disappear," because of the daily burdens I carry and face. We can never really appreciate life if we will not experience pain, hardships, sorrow, etc... These are things that make us what we are.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
30 Jul 09
Hi kate, Thank you for commenting and we agree. Life is full of challenges but we just can't put our children in a cage and protect them from all harm. It is the experiences that we have that make us who we are. There is a purpose behind life and we must each find our place. Blessings.
• India
30 Jul 09
Truth is always better but that is what everyone has to accept and move on in this world. If we escape from the people or from the world, we can never get answer for our struggle in life and we can never reach our destination. Facing the world makes us to learn many things happening across the world, enhances our courage to face any kind of situation, whether positive or negative. I would always accept life as it comes and would ask my children or anyone known to me to do the same.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
30 Jul 09
Excellent response, thank you gayathrigs. Blessings.
• Canada
30 Jul 09
Yes I agree, my mom put me in a similar situation. I have a tough decision to make too and the hardest part is going to be living with my decision. Your niece was right for saying what she said. I guess sometimes it hurts when it's the kid whose going to have to make the decision of what to do next.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
30 Jul 09
Hi doglady, Thank you for commenting and I too believe she was right. We need to be there to offer our children advice and help them in any way we can, but at the same time they must know that life won't always be smooth and you can't just run away. Blessings.
• India
30 Jul 09
Have you ever noticed the flying birds??They all fky in a group.If the wind is calm then half of the birds in group will fly in one direction and other half in opposite direction.But if the wind is blowing then the birds fly in the direction of the wind with their tail facing the wind.By this they get more lift as their feathers are ruffled.Their bodies are designed that way.And an aeroplane also do the same way. Now i think you are wondering what has this got to do with You,I and our discussion???Good question, here is the answer.By comparing our life with birds fly we can say we face two directions in our life.One is forward(your Future) and other is backward(your Past.Now you are either facing problems or running away from them.You are either facing life which gives you lift or you are facing past which makes you down.People who canot face problems are like ruffled feathers of bird headed in wrong direction.Most of the problems come from our past which doen't allow our future to stand.If there is bad in the past deal with it and put it there and donot let it destroy your great future. I too have many problems in my life.I always try to live my life by thinking as i said above,but i cannot make it 100%.I think its because since we are humans it natural tendency to run away from some problems.Success means handle effectively all the affairs of alife.Deal with them and get over it. If we think of ourselves only then our mental focus becomes narrow and small problems seems big ones.My father always says that think about yourself and others then our mind automatically widens and our problems appear less important and easier to face.Lead life with this attitude.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
30 Jul 09
Hi Zareenalot, Thank you for that interesting response. Blessings.
• Philippines
30 Jul 09
I will definitely face it.I will dance the rhythm of life.Besides life is exciting with challenges....
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
30 Jul 09
Thank you vzerocool, We agree. Blessings.