Do you feel old???

July 29, 2009 7:05pm CST
I'm 30, but I feel like I'm already 60 or something..... I started working at an early age..... I guess I feel burned out or something........ Am I starting to get tired? I hope not......... Do you sometimes feel that way?
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18 responses
@fwidman (11514)
• United States
30 Jul 09
I feel old every day. Maybe because I am old What you are feeling is a sort of burn out. That happens a lot to people that started working early. You just need to find more things to do that are relaxing and entertaining
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• Philippines
30 Jul 09
i guess so, vitamins and energy drinks don't help either
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@fwidman (11514)
• United States
30 Jul 09
No, they don't help. Thanks for the request, I approved it :)
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• Philippines
30 Jul 09
o hey tnx! btw, sexy thumbnail!
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@angime (87)
30 Jul 09
I am 42, when i look at the mirror physically I'm getting older but my feelings still young especially when i'm happy, so cheer up my friend.
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• Philippines
30 Jul 09
i know i have to be more positive i guess
• United States
30 Jul 09
I feel old. I am 41 years old and I am always tired. I know people older then me that have alot more energy than what I have and can do more in a day than I can. I wish I had more enegry but I just dont.
• Philippines
30 Jul 09
yea, i feel that way, i see younger people around and I wish i have their energy
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@korki4 (263)
• Philippines
30 Jul 09
Well i kinda have a different meaning of old., i mean i'm kinda tired of something like everyday i do this and that and it's really tiring because you do/see it almost all your life and that is not how i want my life to be i want to do new things everyday like bungee jumping(lol i can never do that., just an example^^)
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• Philippines
30 Jul 09
nice outlook in life, very positive!
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• New Zealand
30 Jul 09
Im 20 but I have always felt like an older woman, not physically but mentally and emotionally. This may be attributed to the fact that I grew up as an only child and therefore spent all my time with adults and matured quickly. I also feel old as I have been through so many experiences in life and have grown and evolved so much as a person. However on the bright side I know that im still young and have my whole life ahead of me and that I still have so much to learn and experience.
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• Philippines
30 Jul 09
I've been through so much as well.......I guess that's why I got tired so early...
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@Graceekwenx (3160)
• Philippines
25 Oct 09
hello patofgold. i am 33 years old and i do feel old when i am alone. I do feel young whenever i am with my friends though. oh! this discussion was made 3 months ago! do you still feel the same? perhaps you should go out with positive people often. i think this will help.
• Philippines
25 Oct 09
hey glad you asked... a lot of things changed over the past month.. i still work as hard... but im not that stressed out anymore... lolz.. maybe because im making more..hahahhaha.... being without money stresses you out really much... lolz... i am not so fond of going out... a few days in a month to pick up groceries and go to the bank is the most i can do in terms of going out
• Philippines
25 Oct 09
try socializing patofgold. you know ive been looking for an organization here in the philippines where you can tutor public school students on saturdays. Ive heard there is one org here called philippinepathways but all of them are ateneans. Im still looking for another org that caters to the same goals. i am also looking for another group who can introduce me to tree planting as i want to do my share to rebuild mother nature's beauty. that way, she might be considerate to our next generation and spare them from floods.
• Philippines
30 Jul 09
On what age you start working? Me I am already 28! yes it is true 28 going on 29 this coming September....... Yes sometimes I feel like getting old. I observed I am forgetful. My eyes get tired easily but that maybe because of too much computer ( because there are my online opportunity hehehehe). And my back is always hurting but it is because of lack of exercise and wrong sitting position. Not only my back used to hurt but also my legs, my head, my neck. I want to enroll in a gym but it seems no one with my friends are going with me so I am always on procastination. I think I getting old because I am not doing anything to prevent some parts of my body aching, but the truth only digits are getting old, my face is still young,even my height, so I am forever young. We have to think positively, even we are obviously 80 years old, we still have to feel young!
• Philippines
30 Jul 09
I hope I would still feel like 20 when I reach 60...if I reach 60,that is - - - lolz!
@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
30 Jul 09
he is old but does not feel so - old age
Hi there, This is really starnge that at 30 you feel old or aged. Yiouimust be having some problem. Are you too must stressed or under tremendous pressure? If so in such situation too people feel that thay have become old as most of their youthful vigor gets lost. Second thing is psychology. if you think you have no power that a boy at 30 should have it would have a negative impact in your mind and you would actually lose your youth. Come on forget all and know I am almsot 40 now but I still feel as if I am in my teen age and show identical behaviour at times too. Feel young and you are young.
@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
30 Jul 09
Get desressed....
• Philippines
30 Jul 09
it's called stress lolz!
@vingyan06 (2486)
• Malaysia
30 Jul 09
I feel old days by days when I see my kids grow bigger and bigger. I feel tired too. I am going to turn 30 next year too.
• Philippines
30 Jul 09
goodluck to us then lolz
@janebeth (2032)
• Philippines
30 Jul 09
hi pato, i don't think about being old, it can really make you old.. try to relax your mind and think things that makes you not old.. don't think too much of your work, it can make your face so stressful and old.. wrinkles will appear surely after years... me, i am making my everyday routine young, very young.. i always smile (call me crazy if you saw me laughing alone) lol .. but i think it can help.. just smile and smile even if you have a lot of problems in your shoulder.. janebeth.
@radx682 (327)
• India
30 Jul 09
I am 27...yeah when I am tired, I feel I am getting older...But this is common with everybody... May be we should do some exercise and a fruit juice to refresh us and make us feel young and healthy.
• Philippines
30 Jul 09
so i'm not alone....we're all so stressed up whew
@jeg2315 (197)
• United States
30 Jul 09
I don't feel old. I'm 20, but I feel as though I think like an older person - I guess that whole thing about being "mature for my age" applies. Like I always think about where I'm headed for my career and what path I have to take to get there as far as securing my finances and all.
• Philippines
30 Jul 09
i wish i could go back to your age,sighs......
• India
30 Jul 09
I too feel old sometimes. Because often I'll be in a situation to meet old people and get shared about their experiences. Some are really energetic even at 70s but some are old even in their hearts. So at that times I too feel old as I am heading towards 30. Cheers. Enjoy the day.
• Philippines
30 Jul 09
i feel old physically, mentally, and i guess sometimes emotionally....
• Philippines
4 Oct 09
i sometimes feel tht if i am too tired of my everyday routine
• Philippines
4 Oct 09
thats how i feel too..amilet..when im too tired and drained up...
@JoyfulOne (6232)
• United States
30 Jul 09
Heck yeah, I feel old! I just turned 60 and I feel like I'm a hundred some days lol. Most of the time I feel a whole lot younger than what I really am, but some days it's the reverse. I'm sure you ARE tired! When you're in your 30's a person is in one of the busiest times in their lives with work and all. (And if you have a young family of your own, you are doubly tired from all of it lol)
• Philippines
30 Jul 09
lolz !!!!!!
@GardenGerty (162499)
• United States
30 Jul 09
I am closer to 60 by a long shot than you are, and I would like to be younger. No can do. At 55 I have stumbled into a career that I am not sure I want, but I certainly will not dump while the economy is so rotten. That would be a serious mistake. Then I do a little freelance work, and other online things and I feel that I am constantly working. The housework never gets finished, or even started, really. Tomorrow is another work day, so I need to go clean up, at least the dishes are done. Hubby will be home in a couple of hours, and I will sleep and it will all start again.
• Philippines
30 Jul 09
i'm starting to wonder if i will ever reach 60,lolz, with all these stress right now....
@simonelee (2715)
• China
30 Jul 09
yes, sometimes i do feel old. i am only 26 but feel the same as you do, even though i am not doing anything to maybe this is one of the reasons i feel old, doing nothing.(sigh) I feel old when we move here, the environment is not good. In your situation, i think you should have a time for your self, go on a vacation and enjoy. I think it is not wrong to spend some of your saving to relax, right?
• Philippines
30 Jul 09
or exercise, maybe??? help around with chores...your mom would be so delighted lolz
@doggyhouz (548)
• United States
30 Jul 09
Im turning a quarter of a century old and I do feel old. That is because I had a bad back from working for UPS which was probably the only thing I can say I regretted in my lifetime. I now have an extremely painful chronic back pain problem all the time. Everyday that passes I feel that I am stuck in an old man's body and it doesn't feel good at all. I too worked at a young age but I never got into physical work until I was about 21 and that decision was the worse decision I made to work for UPS. I was never designed to be working like an OX and UPS unfortunately never told me the truth and worked my body to the ground instead. Because, again the owner obviously never cared for their workers especially when they weren't built for it and had no balls to tell them they weren't. God bless and hopefully we'll both feel youthful again.
• Philippines
30 Jul 09
i know what you're feeling coz that's exactly how I feel... would somebody give me a youth potion?