call centers in the philippines

July 29, 2009 11:26pm CST
I never thought trying to get a job offer in call center is that difficult... I do can speak well English, just doesn't have that accent they are looking for(american). There are other companies here that gives equal opportunities to individual irregardless of age though, and its good to know that also. I passed the final interview at this certain BPO and was told that they will call me with in the week for what they consider as the employers interview.. now i asked the interviewer that time, what happens if i can't pass that interview? She told me I'll no longer be assigned as TSR but rather a CSR position which will take time since they dont have an opening yet. It was a relief to hear that coz im as excited like a kinder garten for my first day at work, willing to wait. Days passed and i still haven't got any call, i called back the office to follow-up.. Don't u think i did the right thing..? So they replied to me and said "just wait for a call since they dont have any schedules yet." Hmmm.. so i waited, days passed, and turns into weeks. Now that is just so discouraging.. After a while waiting, i applied for other call centers here, I believe i only have applied to less than 10 yet so far, still planning to apply for more, coz im not even half of the total call centers here in manila. LoL, yeah il still keep trying...After all its the only industry that pays a lot higher than other types of industry here now. I just hope some call centers also can see the potentials in every individuals who really does have it, extensive trainings are given anyway..I mean Hello,ur here in the Philippines, native tongue is not English, but sure is more conversant and interactive compared to other countries.
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12 responses
@sybil02 (185)
• Philippines
30 Jul 09
I worked as a call center agent, and it was really a no joke. From the training until you're on the floor you need to speak in English. You need to be conversant using English language, because you will have to talk with your co-teammate and trainor as well using the same language. But of course if you already have a close friend on your group you can sneak some Tagalog conversation among your group if you already get tired with english.hehe.. Anyway just be yourself, when you have your interview, show them how eager you want the job, be precise and concise with your answer and when your on the training enjoy it.
• Philippines
31 Jul 09
Hello sybil02, Yes i believe most call centers do use English as their primary language when inside the company premises, but i believe not all are doing it..i once applied to a certain call center somewhere in ortigas center, there was a sign "pls speak in english all the time" well maybe not exactly how it was written, but what is so ironic was that, there own recruitment team are even talking in tagalog infront of the applicants...hmm perfect example! LOL (im just sharing) I'll definitely keep all ur advices too when il have my another interviews.. Hayzz... theres just too much pressure building up inside me. Hope i can get one soon. Thanks sybil02
@windymyre (210)
• United States
30 Jul 09
I wish you the best of luck in finding a job! One of the responses here said that call center jobs are not permanent & they go through a lot of employees. It must be a tough job because like you said, English is not your native tongue. Unfortunately, the call centers are answering calls for American companies. I am an American & I know first hand that dealing with "foreign" call centers is a nightmare. We cannot understand you & you don't always have all the answers that we need. I think it is frustrating to both sides & it must be a very stressful job. And Americans are mad because our economy is so poor here & all the jobs are being sent overseas. There are a lot of Americans that could find employment in the call centers if they would build them here in America. Then the businesses would do better also because a lot of people take their business elsewhere because you cannot get service from a person that you do not understand.
• Philippines
1 Aug 09
Hello windymyer, I understand the disappointments that ur feeling now. I'm sorry to give u negative impression that we are stealing ur jobs. Some Contact centers/BPO industry here have been established way back late 1990's-early 2000, that's when I believe US economy was so at its peak. We are just so privilege to be working for one of ur employer coz it does not only help us but the whole economy itself. Though they may be outsourcing their businesses here, I believe they are still of great use to ur economy(taxes and the likes). They all have every rights though to outsource to anywhere they like, and it is not just here in the philippines, if u search online ul find that it is a global exxag i know but yes basically they offer great career opportunities worldwide(esp for countries like us who's economy is as bad as it gets). Perhaps also u would like to consider the reason that i think I'm sure u know well why, is that some companies cant afford to pay you guys that much compared to us.To give u an idea also, ur hourly rate is already a days' worth for other countries such as ours. Now if u are that employer and still gets the best quality service the same if not more satisfactorily elsewhere with lesser cost, perhaps ul consider outsourcing. Now talking about quality service, im not saying that we are better, maybe u have had bad experiences before,"you cant always sum up its parts as equal to the sum of its whole". but i tell you now mostly of us here are more conversant in speaking ur language.. we may not have that exact accent but yes still is reliable. We do pretty well understand ur language even if how slurry it may sound sometimes when talking. English here are considered secondary language..but used as a primary medium of instruction starting grade school to colleges/universities. If you are keen with how things are now, the world is going gaga over learning proper English too, just so u know. Have a great day Ms. windymyre! and i appreciate ur comments :), wish u luck in all ur endeavors and success! God speed!
• United States
8 Aug 09
I understand your response & I know that there are call centers all over the world. I just do not think it is right for American companies to have their call centers overseas & then expect Americans to continue to use their services. I personally stop using a company's services if they do not have a call center with employees that I can understand & who can resolve my issues. That is a large part of the problem is that the call centers out of the country do not provide the same level of service that an American call center would provide. The foreign call centers can only give customers the information that they were taught or what is on their computer screen where as an American uses that product or is familiar with the company & has more knowledge. I don't think people from your country who do not speak English would like it if they called for service & got an American trying to speak your language that you cannot understand. It is very frustrating! We have minimum wages here in America & we cannot be paid the low wages that other countries accept. I see why companies outsource their jobs, but then the Americans don't have jobs & can't buy their products.
• Philippines
31 Jul 09
I dont want to go back to this job, this job is really stressful ,from your irate customers up to the pressure of getting to office on time. It's painful, how I wish there are new jobs in the philippines that you will really enjoy. A job that you can say. " It's not just a job but a career" .
@sybil02 (185)
• Philippines
3 Aug 09
I couldn't agree more. It is darn stressful. You're not just pressure with the time but also to meet the goals the client is set for the agents. Some say "it feels like your inside the pressure cooker". LOL
@jaizhi (260)
• Philippines
30 Jul 09
There are tons of call centers here in the philippines don't worry... hehhe LoL. I have worked in this call center industry for almost 3years and I am telling you even with the experience I do sometimes fail as well. There are call centers here that will really make you wait forever before they call back but that less of your worries cause one you are on the floor its as if your still under interview cause you have to pass trainings as well or else they will fire you still and not continue the contract. My husband tried applying but he never was that lucky to even pass the initial interview because he gets to nervous and sometime slip up tagalog words. I would suggest that when you answer interview questions be precise concise but continue talkig until the interviewer prompt the next question reason for this is they are checking how conversant you are, and how many times you'll repeat uhm, ah, ang uh... which are negative words towards you.
@agv0419 (3021)
• Philippines
31 Jul 09
I'm also interested to apply in call centers before but now I lost my interest because of the higher qualification and standards. I'm not that fluent in English it is hard for me to get hired there. I don't why call centers here expecting us to be fluent in English as the American even if we are Filipino it is not our native tongue. They offering big salaries compare to some local jobs here but many Filipinos still prefer go abroad because they salaries there is much bigger. Skilled workers are in demand abroad if I had an opportunity I want to undergo training in Tesda to add some skills.
@Jennyleen (249)
30 Jul 09
grrr I hate call center in philippines... they are so snob and want perfecto in english... Hello this is philippines.. Not US.
@jaizhi (260)
• Philippines
30 Jul 09
I wont blame you for your impression about call center but I would say if you hate it because they are snob and want perfecto english. wait till you experience taking calls..
@ruzzel016 (241)
• Philippines
30 Jul 09
hi... you know what, every individual has their own talent but a call center find a potential one to make their company last... but still if they don't accept or hired you its not your loss but their loss, but don't give up maybe sooner or later one of the company that you apply will call you and have you a job... Hoping for your success...
• Philippines
31 Jul 09
Thanks ruzzel016, I'll still keep trying though, no matter how negative some people say about working as a call center agent. It helps to pay the bills. And yes im hoping too that someday il find that right employer soon. We just cant please everyone in this type of industry.
@rsa101 (38248)
• Philippines
30 Jul 09
That is somethign that first time applicant do encounter on seeking for employment. of course, employers would always look for employees that they would not train as compared to a newbie in the market. So if you would look into our employment rate it is really quite high in terms of unemployment that is why there are really many out there competing for an employment opportunity. These means that those that have no previous employment experience will have lesser opportunity of getting the hired. But with perseverance you might just as well get that opportunity just don't stick to one employer but to as many as you can.
• Philippines
31 Jul 09
Thanks take that advice. Im not planning of quitting yet, lol not this time. If other's can do, so can i.. LOL! i hope.
@eichs1 (1934)
• Philippines
30 Jul 09
"Hello,ur here in the Philippines, native tongue is not English, but sure is more conversant and interactive compared to other countries." I really when you said that. You are right. But then you want to work in a call center which most of the time have English speaking clients. I think you should search the web more why call centers want their agents to have "Americanized accents". Not just that. Do try to know the other things that will make one a good call center agent. Don't lose heart when one company rejects you. As you have said, there are lots of companies giving opportunity to those who want this type of job. But, and this is a friendly advice, do try to polish your English more. And the best way to do that? As they say, "practice makes perfect".
• Philippines
31 Jul 09
Hi eichs1, Lol, well i just said that expression, coz i was at peak with my emotion when i started writing . Lol not that im mad, it just hit me so suddenly that time. ^-^ But yes, i do know also why they require u to speak at least as close to getting that american accent, coz most clients are from US and some foreigners often dont like it when they know that they are talking to someone not from their own country. Anyways, i can understand that. I do appreciate ur advices here now, i actually did some of that already when i get a lot of time, its fun learning more and recalling what have been taught back in college..LOL its been awhile and sometimes my brain can get a little rusty even with just simple subject-verb agreement.LOL and yes i agree with you, "practice makes perfect."
@tomjoad (551)
• Philippines
30 Jul 09
hi khuay! i used to work for a call center before. unlike you, i believe that getting into a call center is really easy. with the turnover rate of their employees, they need to fill in those vacancies. there are so many call center agents resigning ona daily basis that's why call centers are always hiring new ones. i think that you were not accepted because they were not impressed with your interview. when they say they'll just call you, then that means you were not considered for the job. when i applied for a call center, they immediately hired me after the interview. so i guess you have to do better with those interviews. be spontaneous, confident, and witty as you can. do not answer questions with the first idea that pops out of your mind. try to sell yourself and put your best foot forward during interviews. anyway, if you ask me the stress that you will go through with call centers isn't worth the pay. call centers are just not really worth it. these jobs are not permanent. it's just temporary or transitional. anyway, i hope you get accepted soon. call center experience is still a valuable one.
• Philippines
31 Jul 09
Halu tomjoad, LOL yes, i remember one contact center i went too, she said "we only hire the best, so why should we hire you?" LOL i dint like the tone of her voice that time when she asked that, sound so unprofessional to me for an interviewer... Anyways, il charge that to experience! Its not that really easy to sell urself, we just cant always please everyone. hmmmm and lucky for your experience also, nice!:) Though i know what im up to working as a call center agent someday, il still keep trying, for a career change and also at least before this type of industry fades i can say to myself, "oh i once tried that!" So no harm in trying. Thanks so much for ur valuable tips tomjoad. Good luck in ur work too!
@lheng18 (93)
• Philippines
30 Jul 09
being a call center is a very difficult job some one says that it is the easier job in phil. but they dont know how hard it is... im in a call center before but now im doing marketing...
• Philippines
31 Jul 09
I think I'll have to agree with you lheng18.. its not that easy as it seems to be.hmmm
31 Jul 09
• Philippines
20 Aug 09
Sometimes it really depends on how you present yourself and how you answer questions in the interviews. One common mistake I know is going to an interview without even researching anything. They answer in correct grammar but the answer is nonsense. Some don't even know what is the job they are replying for. So maybe just a little research and a proper mindset will get the job for you, much easier than you thought it would be.