why do MEN cheat..??
By janebeth
@janebeth (2032)
July 29, 2009 11:45pm CST
hi fellow my-lotters,
i just want to ask this serious question to all of you, no offend for the guys.. and guys you are free to answer also this..
i just observed that mostly boys cheat to girls, i have a lot of male friends, neighbors, office mates are doing it, poor wives because they do not know that their husband cheated them.. guys why?? because your wife is not that sexy as your second?? not that beautiful like the second?? or not that well learn performing s**..?? i just can't stop thinking about it, what's their reason in doing it.. i ask them but they just laugh at me and gave me a big blank.. that's all.!!
no offend please, please feel free to answer this..
thanks in advance, GOD bless..!! 

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28 responses
@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
30 Jul 09
hello Jane,
The answer is...becoz there are LADIES/GIRLS/WOMEN THAT ARE WILLING TO BECOME A MISTRESS(NUMBER 2/KABIT in our dialect)
Some women say..."i didn't know he is married,he tells me he is single"...this is not a reason.I am also a woman,if a man will court me and say he likes me or he loves me,before i enter a situation,i will make sure i know what kind of situation i am dealing with.If i really love him and i am willing to be a mistress then so be it.But saying " i don't know he is married" i don't believe such dumb answer.And i guess,they are not even forced to have s*x with,it's rape already.
Men cheats in so many reasons...for them to look more manly to other men( ego trip).And others cheat becoz their wives had shortcomings,but however,i don't agree with these reasons.Mne should have not married their partners if after marrying,they will still go on dating with other girls.If they can't still avoid the temptations,they could stay as single as they are till the time they are matured enough to handle a married life.
I admire men who stays faithful with their wives,even if their wives are nagger,ugly,fat,(and all the negative behaviour and appearance)
.While there are men who has the most beautiful wife,so caring,sexy,kind,but still cheat her.
It is really hard to conclude what's wrong with them?What's wrong with the wife and what is wrong with the husband...yes guys....why do you still cheat?

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@neildc (17238)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
30 Jul 09
Approved, jaiho...
what more can I say, you perfectly stated all circumstances, why cheatings could happen in a relationship. But what I disagree with jane is just the question of "why do men cheat?". It would be more acceptable if it's "why most (or some) men cheat?" Well in fact, not only men cheats, but there are also some women do. 

@janebeth (2032)
• Philippines
30 Jul 09
hi jaiho,
you are really correct with that, we have the same question, why do they really do that thing?? and also women, why do they enter on a situation if they really knows that they can destroy a family, why don't look for single guys out there rather than choosing a married guy?? i also don't believe on their reasons that they don't know that the guy is already married.. also you guys, stop pretending being single, just please concentrate to your family.. have conscience please...
thanks for the response jaiho, have a blessed day..!! 

@janebeth (2032)
• Philippines
31 Jul 09
hi neil,
i prefer to have that question because i know guys, all guys do really cheat specially if a women seduces them, they can't say no, as what you have say on your comment.. that's why i choose that specific question dear to let guys know that they really cheats, lol...

@neildc (17238)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
30 Jul 09
I beg to disagree with you, janbeth. The question shouldn't be that, why men, and it should be why most men. Anyway, I also don't believe it's all the men to blame when they cheat. There are some point to remember, one is men can't do cheating without the 3rd party. Second, there are some women who starts the flame, and most men are just weak when it comes to women. Some times, and it came to happen to me, women just flirts and I am just weak, can't resist them. 

@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
30 Jul 09
Hello Neil,
Partly i agree with you,read my responce above

@iamsolucky (1241)
• Philippines
30 Jul 09
men cheats because they feel like to do it and also lots of women seduces them which makes them fell in their trap.
I am not a guy but i dont like to think that husband will cheat or if he did, thats the time i am out of the picture.
@janebeth (2032)
• Philippines
30 Jul 09
yah you are right, maybe women also are the main reason why men can cheat to their partners, they seduces them.. and to the fact that they know that the guy is already married or in a relationship but still they are fooling around..!! i hate that thing..!! thanks for your response anyways...
@sweetintoxication (25)
• Philippines
30 Jul 09
I beg to disagree that men cheat because women seduce them. No matter how much seduction men can get from women, if they are faithful to their partners, they will not be tempted to cheat. Men cheat because they want to. Perhaps, they want better partners in bed. Or they can not stand the nagging of their partners. Whatever it is, men are responsible for their own action.
@themdno (402)
• United States
30 Jul 09
I don't think it's a male or female thing, everybody cheats.
I know lot's of female friends that cheat on their husbands/boyfriends. Usually the guy's that they are cheated on are actually faithful, too. Then, when they find out, the guy goes and gets a new girl, who doesn't cheat on him, & then he cheats on her this time.
I think it's a big circle like that. Once you get cheated on, you'd think you'd not want to hurt anybody else like that. But, people think it's okay, or they say "hey, it happened to me, so why shouldn't I do it, too"
@janebeth (2032)
• Philippines
30 Jul 09
and that is a very bad habit friend.. making things that you already know that it is not good..!! even if someone does it to you, still it's not a reason for you to do it all over again..!! i hope no one is planning to do this thing.. thanks for sharing your idea..!! 

@munhozmib (3836)
• Sao Paulo, Brazil
31 Jul 09
Hello, janebeth.
The answer to your question is pretty simple. But, before, understand that not all man cheat. Some are really faithful to their wives.
Back to the point, it is a matter of instinct. The male have the capacity to get many female pregnants, in the animal world. A single man has potential to get 90 female pregnant per month, if you consider that he just makes it on the first try. The female cheat less, because she doesn't need to reproduce as much as the man: she will carry her baby nine months, so she chooses her mate carefully.
And yes, instincts still have a big role in daily life. That's why many women want to be mother. That's why the men compete so much with each other (to be the ALPHA male). That's why many women have above 2 children: the rate of survival in the wilderness is low. Even though in the human race the survival rate is high, this instinct still exists.
@se7enthbird (8307)
• Philippines
30 Jul 09
i pity wives who are been cheated by their husband. my brother cheats and i think that is really very rude. the wife is not aware before but now i know she knows of it already but still lives with him. why cheat? mainly maybe because of satisfaction. i am married woth my wife for 7 years already this coming august and i am proud to say that i am satisfied on our relationship and i know shes the one from the day i saw her. so if a guy is not satisfied with the relationship that he and his wife build then it would lead to cheating.
@janebeth (2032)
• Philippines
30 Jul 09
hi there,
your wife is so lucky for having you as her husband.. really thinks positive things rather than making problems around..!! and maybe you are right, they are just not satisfied with their partners that's why they cheat.. thanks for the response...

@clorissa123 (4926)
• United States
30 Jul 09
I found that this a truth. Although I am a guy, I would give you an honest opinion. Boys cheated, because they always on the hunt somehow. They don't felt like stay with one girl for their whole lifetime. Or maybe there is also friends influence with those lame reasons. It will be rare to find a guy who only loyal to one girl. Somehow, my sister said that men are disgusting sometimes, but I guess that is their true nature.
@my_name_is_coco (4333)
• Philippines
31 Jul 09
men cheat on their partners when they aren't thrilled with their relationships anymore.they get bored and want variety.some men cheat because they know they can get away with it.is is more accepted if the men cheat,rather than the other way around.if a woman cheats,people label her automatically.if a man cheats,they see it as sign of machismo.
@Flikker (34)
• South Africa
30 Jul 09
There is a multitude of reasons. They could have weak characters & therefore can't control their desires (remember we are torn between genetic programming & social norms). Also some men need to prove their worth to others by having many women (dumb but true). Could also be because they are not "fed" at home & then they go seeking "food" elsewhere.
Personally, as a man, I could never seen the why others would cheat. Yes, women are so beautiful & desirable in so many different ways. But why would you go chasing a short dream, when you have paradise at your side.
@phillip_shiny (2330)
• India
30 Jul 09
I don't think each and every guy cheats his fellowmate or partner. And also not most of the guy cheats. I do agree some cheats as they feel uncomfortable with his partner and not feeling open-minded from their partners. Some just hides for the better of his partner and it lately she would found him as a cheeter. Everything can be minimised when both feel free to get some to talk. My view is most guys don't cheet. Happy lotting. Have a great day.
@travelingtheworld (98)
• United States
30 Jul 09
Hey janebeth,
It's really hard to really understand the male minds of today. Sometimes guys are illogical creatures that women for thousands and hundreds of years have tried to understand but we just can't. I really don't know why men cheat, but I do have several theories though. Maybe guys cheat because some of them have too much confident in themselves and they think that they deserve more than one girl. Or maybe the societal double standards are still giving guys free reign over the idea that it's ok for them to cheat but it's completely wrong for women to do the same.
@SHAMRACK (8576)
• India
30 Jul 09
Dear friend,
I could see that when men cheats mostly they are caught or they may say it out. But when women cheat they are smart enought to safeguard their cheating may be they could hide it very well than men. Moreove when a men cheats the other side there is a women. But I could also see that there are men and women who do cheat and also sincere to their love.

@sid556 (30953)
• United States
30 Jul 09
I don't know why people cheat on each other but they do. It isn't just the guys either. It used to be mostly guys but I see so many women that cheat now also. I don't really understand why they don't just end the relationship they are in if they are not happy and move on. I think for some, they like the thrill of sneaking around and getting away with it. I don't know. It isn't fair to their partner and it also is not healthy as they are risking bringing home some disease to pass on.
@ravirai8616561 (824)
• India
30 Jul 09
I believe that its in the genes.I would rather say its but natural that men lose interest very quickly in one girl and as soon as they see a better one they go to that direction as simple as that.
@smcfjc (8)
• United States
30 Jul 09
Every man who cheats has his own reasons- and each time he cheats it may be a different reason!
Some because they are attracted to some other girl, and they just want the satisfaction of knowing that they were able to get some. Others because they are not happy at home. Some because they have low self esteem or feel bad about themselves and when they are with a woman it makes them feel better, others because a woman tempted them, whatever the case is- doesn't change the fact that they are wrong in doing it. It simply shows that they have no respect and are only thinking of themselves :)
That's my two cents...
@Squirrelz222 (2)
• United States
30 Jul 09
Cheating goes both ways. Its innacurrate to assume men do it mor than women without hard facts.