Do you love someone who does not love you???

@sagnik42 (3592)
July 30, 2009 2:05am CST
I love a girl who does not love me.She loves someone else.I love her for the last 4 years and am still in love with her.Am I crazy or are there others who are in the same position???
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12 responses
• Philippines
30 Jul 09
as what ive experience...i have the same feeling like you still hoping to that woman that some day her heart will turn to me
@sagnik42 (3592)
• India
30 Jul 09
Thanks for your reply, but I am hoping for her to come to my arms. I am happy just knowing that I love her truly and that she is happy with someone else. It is a good thing that we are friends still.If she ever comes to me then that will the best thing in my life but even if that does not happen I will not be the least dissapointed. It is enough for me that I love her and that she respects my love for her.
@sagnik42 (3592)
• India
30 Jul 09
sorry, i am not hoping that she will come to my arms...I missed the 'not'
@xannebull (1793)
• Philippines
22 Dec 09
I had experience loving someone who doesn't know that i loved him, he was my crush when i was still in my first year college, i know that i was not his type so i just kept it to myself about my feelings for him, because i am afraid that he might knew it.
@sagnik42 (3592)
• India
23 Dec 09
That is sad, Xanne. You should at least have tried to express your feelings. You never know what could have happened. How long ago did this happen, by the way?
• India
31 Jul 09
i too love a girl who don't love me but still i love her.i feel happy because she is happy with boyfriend.i am not crazy but true love is to see happiness in loved one face.
@sagnik42 (3592)
• India
31 Jul 09
We are on the same boat, mate.That's also what I feel. I feel calm and joy when she is happy.
• Indonesia
30 Jul 09
I ever loved someone who didn't love me and i think it's a waste of time and I stop that feeling.. Luckily, it seems like I have the ability to control my feeling, so once I said I don't wanna love that people, I don't love that people.. I think better you find another girl. She already love someone else so it's her choice. You better appreciate her decision, pray for her and take care of yourself. Find another girl. Better she feels happy with someone else than with you but unhappy,,right? after all, it's just my suggestion.. Try to control your own feelings Good luck in your love-life..
@sagnik42 (3592)
• India
31 Jul 09
You answer was very practical.However,I can control my feelings pretty well.Its just that when it comes to her I can not control myself.And I am really happy that she loves someone else and is happy with him.Thanks for your reply
12 Nov 09
the samething is here ,whenever i think about someone who i love so much i start weeping and the girl i love is my cousin ...she also loves me but her parents are goin to marrry her with my another i might die just thinkin abt her ....even right now i get nostalgic|
@sagnik42 (3592)
• India
13 Nov 09
Boy, that is all messed up. I was intimate with a cousin of mine a few years back. We did love each other, more than just cousins that is, but somehow it never reached the point of obsessive love. Maybe it was because of the fact that in our culture we are not allowed to get intimate or marry cousins. This fact was there somewhere in our mind and we never crossed the line. In my case I fell in love with a friend. She is still the true love of my life. It has been 4 years now and I still cannot forget her.
• India
28 Jun 10
Yeah..I do the same. But here she is single. She is not committed yet. I first saw her several years back when both were kids in a picnic. At the first she never used to give any attention towards me and I were introvert and shy so couldn't progressed towards her myself then. But as years passed by she grew older and friendly. We also became friends still we are friends only. I loved her a lot and still I do but she never loved me. I didn't have courage to tell her but she realized but never showed any interests towards me. But I do. I will love her till i can but will never expect anything from her because I know I am not worth it.
@emmanola (482)
30 Jul 09
Well, let me first answer your question; I think you are crazy. I don't know if there are others who are in your shoes anyway. I believe that love is a two-way thing, if a person is giving love then it makes sense if another person appreciates that love and receives it. The woman that you claim you love doesn't love you; he loves someone else. After "fighting" to win her love and you lose, the right thing to do is to move on and seek another person who is going to appreciate your love. If you continue to mourn because of a person who may never love you, then you are punishing yourself and suffering for the crime you never committed. Man, wake up from slumber or else you're still a boy and not a man; love is for men and women!
@srganesh (6340)
• India
30 Jul 09
We all have some calf love like that.We will be loving a girl sincerely but she will not be aware of that even.Or we won't get a chance to express our love due to various reasons.Even if we have some other love,we can't forget her because she is our first love and to add,an unsuccessful love is always nourished to be the best love.Cheers!
@eLsMarie (4346)
• Philippines
30 Jul 09
you're pretty obsessed with that girl... it's better of you'll start forgetting her... i don't doubt why your feelings for her is so extreme because the more people tend to disregard you, the more you find yourself needing them...
@reco13 (605)
• Philippines
30 Jul 09
No. I think I won't waste my time loving someone who does not or can't love me back. That's the worst feeling in the world. I want to be loved the same way I love. If I were you, I'll just go and find somebody else. I believe you deserve to be loved too. And you mentioned that she loves someone else so she must be happy with another man. If that's her happiness, just let her. And you should also move on. I wish you find true love my friend. :)
• Belgium
30 Jul 09
I don't think there is any meaning for one-way love. It is a waste of time. Move on and you will find there are a lot of excellent girls in the world.
• Philippines
30 Jul 09
I have experienced loving someone who did not love me in return. There's no such thing as being crazy in love. All who love is crazy in a way. As long as you are not causing any trouble or harm to the person you love, and most especially to your self, it is a choice to stay in love even if that person does not love you back. But this love should not prevent you from opening your love to others. Who knows, the one you truly love is the girl right next to you that you haven't noticed for the longest time? =D