Refusing to sleep
By ksquires2005
@ksquires2005 (58)
United States
July 30, 2009 2:26am CST
So I have a little boy and he absolutely refuses to go to sleep when I tell him to. Refuses to take naps or go to bed. He will stand and the door and try to open the door and just scream and scream and scream for hours upon hours. I just recently cahnged the door handle and placed a child proof handle thingy on it so he will at least stay in his room and not run and get into things in the house. But i'm getting to the point where I absolutely can not take it anymore. I mean he's almost 3 and knows what bedtime means and naptime and still does this. It's not a one time thing, it's a reoccurring thing that happens almost every night. It's getting old. I don't know what to do anymore, the walls aren't that thick and I'm affraid that someone will call the cops thinking that I'm abusing my son or something is wrong. Does anyone have any advice?
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4 responses
@Calebsnana06 (38)
• United States
19 Nov 09
Hello. I feel for you but unless there is a medical reason why he is not sleeping I think it is an easy fix. What time does he wake in the morning? Does he take a nap? When my son was that age I would put him down for bed at 6:30 P.M. - 7 P.M. at the latest. He would sleep through the night and wake the next morning at
6 A.M. give or take 15 minutes. It was great! I had the whole evening to myself. I believe the secret was not allowing him to have a late nap. He usually took a nap on his own (by that I mean no rockingchair with mom) around 11. He usually slept about an hour and a half average. Also, I had him out in the fresh air and sunshine everyday, either a brisk walk in the stroller or just playing in the yard. It's amazing how fresh air and sunshine can be so invigorating and at the same time so relaxing. Another major factor in a child not falling asleep is too much sugar. That could possibly be an issue.
My son's girlfriend lets my grandson fall asleep at anytime. She does not try to structure it at all. If she would be sure he had an early nap and woke no later than 2 P.M., saw to it that he had outdoor play time, and very limited sugar intake, she would have no problem with him going down for the night no later than 7. However, she will let him fall asleep at 5:30 or 6 and sleep for two hours. Then they wonder why he is up and full of energy until 12 and 1 A.M. Oh my gosh, that would have driven me nuts when I was a young mom. I asked my son, "Wouldn't you rather he be in bed for the night at 7 and you had the evening to yourself?" His response was a big "YES!!!" Whether he mentioned it to his girlfriend or not is a mystery to me, but my grandson continued to be up and about late at night.
@musicman6 (2408)
• United States
31 Jul 09
What's happening is, he is testing his boundaries, and you are on the losing end!
You will definitely have to punish him for acting this way, and demonstrate that this behavior is not acceptable!
And it is imperative that you show him that every time he does this behavior, there will be a discipline to go with it!
Because if you don't show him you mean business now, when he gets older, you will have a lot more trouble than you can handle!
And also, be ready to reward him, when he exhibits a good behavior, and he will like that!
If you don't discipline him when he shows bad behavior, you are actually rewarding him, and that's not good!
Not only does he need his sleep, he must have a certain time, that he needs to go to bed, and a certain time that he has to wake up!
Right now he is just challenging your authority, and taking advantage of your soft heart! But to really love someone you have to use "tough love"! Look for the book!
My wife and I raised seven kids, and after you show them you mean business, they were no trouble at all! They even came back when they were grown, and thanked us for being so firm with them! It takes love, but sometimes you have to use 'tough love'!
@ekosulistio (59)
• Indonesia
30 Jul 09
you must be patient, its may at this point, you have to sleep with him,perhaps with this he will feel comfortable
@iterjohn (34)
• India
30 Jul 09
i must tell u jst be patient becoz at this age...most of the kids are like this...or if u have any doubt go to any doctor and do a CT scan of his brain..