This woman is a MONSTER! She killed a woman and cut out her baby! MONSTER!
By dloveli
@dloveli (4366)
United States
July 30, 2009 6:58am CST
A worcester woman was found dead. When the autopsy was completed it was found that she had been pregnant. The baby was cut out of her and kidnapped. They announced today that they found the baby and thankfully she's okay. THe woman who supposedly did it was said to have been pregnant herself. No one knows for sure. The sad part is that they were friends of some sort. Some friend. What are people thinking these days. I have lost 3 babies and I grieve everyday. It never gets easier. I never once thought about doing something like this. I do understand there must have been psychological factors. Then the victims aunt and uncle are saying that the victim was begging them to help her get out of where she was living. SHe was also known to be somewhat "slow" if you will. She had three kids already. Why wasnt their someone or some organization helping this girl? Since this has happened there have been several reports that there were signs that this woman was in need of intervention and no one helped. Why is it that it takes a tragedy for people to wake up and realize the crys for help were real? The woman that did this is a MONSTER! I dont care what her issues were. According to people that knew her she was a pretty together person. She knew what she was doing and should pay accordingly. dl
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24 responses
@ShirleyBillingsley (1544)
• United States
30 Jul 09
That is absolutely horrible. I would partly blame the t.v. show that went off the air, a few months ago, since it had it's last scene showing exactly what you described. Someone that is not stable, could follow the same dialogue, only in real life.
@dloveli (4366)
• United States
30 Jul 09
Thanks for telling me about the television show Shirley! I didnt know that. I think people use television as an excuse. She has to be sane because she had to done a pretty good job taking the baby because the detectives and people who discovered the body didnt even notice that it had been extracted. She knew what she was doing. She may not have started out to do this but she planned it all out regardless. The woman that was killed was said to have been a little "slow". Nevertheless I bet her defense will be insanity. dl
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@ShirleyBillingsley (1544)
• United States
30 Jul 09
In the t.v. show, it was the last show to air. The woman doctor was pregnant, and the woman followed her to her home, claiming that she had taken her child, therefore she would take hers. She gave her a shot, then proceeded to do the cesarean, when she did something wrong the doctor would tell her, so that she would not injure the child. It was pretty detailed there at the last.
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@cryw0lf (1302)
• United Kingdom
31 Jul 09
You're definitely right. That women IS a monster, and that's one of most sickest things i've heard this year. However, as much as a bad person she might be, some people are unable to control what they do if they have mental problems, and just because she may have seemed normal, it doesn't mean she didn't have underlying problems.
But don't get me wrong, i'm not trying to defend what this women did.
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@dloveli (4366)
• United States
31 Jul 09
Obviously she isnt filled with good intentions. She may have lived her life to the fullest but for some reason she thought it would be a good idea to kill someone and carve out their child and make it her own. For her sake, I hope there IS mental issues. If not, she is more than a MONSTER! I feel rage and I dont even know the victim. I couldnt imagine if she was an acquaintance or loved one. The sad part about it is this isnt the first time that this type of thing has been heard of. According to other mylotters in some countries this is a normal type of crime. I wouldnt want to be the judge or jury deciding this one. It has been said that the victim had neurological issues which makes it even worse. It is clear there was disfunction in her family by the fact that she had 3 other children. THe youngest being 18 months. The victims aunt has the two older and the baby(18 month) is in the custody of DSS. This whole situation was filled with disfunction. Perfect example of why it is so important to teach our children right from wrong from the very beginning and to keep them under a doctor's care. If there are mental or physical issues, make sure there being watched over. I am sure this young lady wanted to live her life as normally as possible. However she did have mental issues which needed to be monitored and maybe that would have made a difference in her choices. I am only speculating. THis is why I make sure my children have a good foundation. dl
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@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
30 Jul 09
This is a rather crude cruel story.... Before labelling the murderess as a monster one has to see if she was in her senses or not. I really doubt it. Her act was a cruel and evil one without doubt.
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@dloveli (4366)
• United States
31 Jul 09
My reasoning for labeling her a monster is that no woman would do something as cruel as that without having some kind of monstruous streak through her. Woman were created to carry children. The lord blessed us with the gift of life. She took that and destroyed two. That is an act of a monster! That's what I mean. I guess that I am just upset that I am a mother and I remember every kick and pain I felt with each of my children. I could never imagine someone taking my daughter. Supposedly this woman that did this crime was pregnant before this. If she really was she knows the special feelings that only a pregnant woman knows. She had to be heartless to do something like that. Especially since the victim was known to have neurological problems. She was in special classes all thru school. She was slow. THe woman who killed her was supposed to be her friend. dl
@katheen (124)
• Philippines
31 Jul 09
You're right she's a MONSTER! I don't think a sane person could do that. Our authorities should also be blamed for what happened, If they're not so sure about the things or reports they're getting, they should do investigations to find proof that this person indeed needs help so that things like this could be avoided. I'm sorry that you lost 3 of your babies, It must be very devastating. I don't know if I could ever survive each day like you did, and I can say that you're a very strong person. Have a good life dloveli.
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@stricken43 (347)
• Philippines
31 Jul 09
i think, she may know what she was doing but she was under a psychological problem i guess..even a justifiable reasons should not be considered for what she has done..she will certainly be punished, not just by the authority in-charged but above, GOD will definitely give a punishment that will let her realize that what she did was really really wrong..
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@dloveli (4366)
• United States
31 Jul 09
It was on the TODAY SHOW this morning. They are saying that she wasnt crazy. They said she was pissed that the victim who was mentally challenged, not very clean or nurturing to her other children, was blessed with another child. She was clean, mentally sound, and unable to have a child. It is clear that the victim shouldnt have had another child. She was said to be very dirty and uncaring towards the other children. The perpetrator felt that she didnt deserve the baby. Come to find out she met the victim when she lived in the same apartment building. She had just had a baby and became pregnant again. The woman had a lot of the valid points. The way she handle it is where it went wrong. She planned this whole thing. Psychiatrists are saying that she was a psychopath. The doctors say that she felt entitled and pissed that this "retarded chic"(victim's words) was having all these kids she couldnt take care of and here she was good person, clean etc. How fair was that? She planned out how she was going to solve it. SHe did. She is a sick puppy. She isnt insane though. She deserves to get what ever punishment they dish out. dl
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@danishcanadian (28955)
• Canada
1 Aug 09
It is an unbelieveablely sad story. i've been following this case on the BBC World Service. I hope that the people who committed this horrible crime get punished to the full extent of the law. Some people are too sick to be called people at all. What is this world coming to?
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@dloveli (4366)
• United States
1 Aug 09
Well said Danish! I dont think this is how the world was intended to be. Unfortunately we have created these types of monsters by ignoring the people who are not mentally together, young mothers who arent parenting correctly, and forgetting to help the less fortunate. We have become a society where people are judged by their finances and by the people they know. If you dont have those things, you are in for it. The world is in dire straights and now we have to take responsibility for what we as a whole have allowed to occur. Now we have people who feel that they can kill someone, carve out the child, and run off as if nothing happened with intentions of raising the baby as if it were theres. We have created these monsters now we must deal with it. It isnt too late. If the legal system sets precedents than maybe we will get a handle on this type of thing. One can only hope.
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
2 Aug 09
What's wrong with the world? Was this woman who took a bit simple? I heard that her boyfriend was the babies father and it was my understanding that's why she took it.
I get angry and then sad that no-one seems to be looking after these people properly, not family or the health or government authorities.
@chaime (1152)
• Philippines
31 Jul 09
OH my Goodness....
I think that woman should be locked in a mental institution, let her know the gravity of what she did and let the pain over what she done eat her...
I'm sorry, I just hate it when people do mean/evil stuff. yes I completely agree what she did was unforgivable, yes it doesn't matter her issues, no one should be able to take the life of another just because she has 'issues' and this girl is supposed to be a friend.. OMG!!!!
I just really hope that the full extent of the law be laid upon this woman.
@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
31 Jul 09
I read about the poor lady that was murdered. It was a sick act to kill her and steal her baby that she was pregnant with. I am amazed to hear that the lady was her 'friend'. It must hurt very much to lose a baby and the lady needed help instead of going on to commit a murder. I hope that the little baby girl is being well cared for and that the lady goes to jail. The lady is indeed a monster and she needs putting away in prison for life.
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@x_Jo_x (1040)
30 Jul 09
I cant belive that. Seriously? That is so sick! I can belive someone would do that! I understand it must be hard to lose a baby but to go to that extreme is just discusting! She is a monster and deserves everything she gets, and i hope it is a good punnishment. She doesnt deserve children, what was she thinking?! What if the child found out? "Darling, i murdered your real mother just so i could have you, but its ok cos i love you just the same"? She wasnt thinking about the child in all of this! Fair enough, if she'd got away with it they child would probably never know, but still. She has no excuses, theres no way of getting out of this and NO ONE should take pitty on her. Shes not worth the effort, hope she suffers. And i dont care if that sounds cruel, im not a cruel person - But she deserves this. Shes lucky the baby survived. But now that poor child wont have a mother. That is so sad!
And Im very sorry to hear about your loss's. That must have been so hard on you. My mum suffered a miscarriage, and i know that was very hard on her. It was quite early on in pregnancy though so not as bad as being heavily pregnant then losing a child. Hope you have a great day! And happy mylotting
Good luck for the future!

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@kcoregon (302)
• United States
30 Jul 09
Honestly it boggles my mind. I just don't think that I could ever understand what people are thinking when they commit crimes such as this. I had heard about this type of story not long ago as well and it pains me to think about that poor baby who will sooner or later find out what happened to her mom. And all because someone was selfish and ruthless she will now be without her mother in her life.
How can someone do such a thing? My guess is that they feel that they are more important than the person they kill or that they feel they deserve the same happiness as that person even if it means killing them and taking their baby. And I also hate it when I hear that the whole thing could have been prevented but somebody was too afraid to step in. I don't think I could live with myself if I knew I could have prevented something like this from happening.
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@dloveli (4366)
• United States
31 Jul 09
It is really scary to think that you can never really trust people because you dont know what will send them over the edge. I am not willing to sacrifice myself,my loved ones including my pets. It makes me glad I am not close to anyone. I dont really associated with anyone even my neighbors. Now I am more scared than ever. But can you live paranoid that someone is always up to something. I dont think these people realize that even though they have assaulted one, they affect millions. dl
@grace118224 (1038)
• China
31 Jul 09
It sounds like a scary movie . How can people do such a thing ? Why killing especially to cut a baby out from a pregant woman ? Too horrible indeed ! The killer shouldn't be forgiven forever. What's happending in our world ? Why such terrible things could be happening very often around us ?
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@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
3 Aug 09
Sadly this is not as uncommon as it once was. I don't know what makes a woman lose it so much that she really thinks that having a baby of her own is worth killing someone to have, I have to think they have more than a few screws loose. It really has become such a problem that pregnant women have to be very careful about who they befriend while their pregnant.
@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
31 Jul 09
It's usually how people or organizations are. They wait till something happens before they do some action. It's sad really, but regrets do always come in last. I'm agreeing on you 100% that woman who did this should pay and I do hope psychological incapacity doesn't play any games this time in trials. Her lawyer should have a heart and put this woman in jail.
@onlinerep01 (490)
• United States
31 Jul 09
I have heard about this, but did not get to read this story in detail, I want to thank you for providing the information, this is simply pathtic and very sad, I'm a former pharmacy technician and I had worked with many sick patients, and one thing that I noticed about those with mental sickness, there are times that they know what they are doing, and this crime seems to be pre metitated, and that is just my opinion, there is no doubt that mental illness was involved, but this still seems to be a rather servere case, we will have to keep up with this story to see what the out come is.
Happy my Lotting!
@radx682 (327)
• India
31 Jul 09
It is a cruel act and the woman should be punished. Only then they would realize the severity of the murder...Just because she is psycholocially affected, it doesn't mean she should be let loose like this...
I regret that such people are blessed with babies..whereas there are many other who are craving for a baby...
@ayukawasouhiko (384)
• Japan
30 Jul 09
it is horrible news,just few days ago the news said a mom killed her baby and dig up organs,she believe evil let her kill baby, what happen to the earth? evil falls into our world, make us so mad.