Whats the deal about the President?
@crysontherocks77 (1273)
United States
July 30, 2009 5:29pm CST
I've noticed some comments being made about the President spending out for a vacation and such. Honestly I don't see the big deal in it. Every president has done. Camp David was Bush's hide out for vacation. He even went back to his home in Texas a few times. Every time they fly the air force one , it costs like a million dollars to fly one round trip. The man is working on a crisis and now isn't allowed a vacation? I mean come on now. Sometimes a vacation is good for the soul. Besides most of them don't get completely vacation free any ways, there are always things that have to be done. I would go stir crazy if I was in the White House dealing with a Nations problems and trying to fix them and not get a vacation. You people like it when you go on vacation. Give the president a little bit of a break. I think you just like to talk about him because he's making news andyou're not.
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10 responses
@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
31 Jul 09
It is the fact that these people HATE President Obama so much that they feel the need to attack him no matter what he is doing. Even though they defended the last president for taking way to much time off. It is partisan politics, plain and simple.
@crysontherocks77 (1273)
• United States
31 Jul 09
And that's tough being in that position to run the country to begin with. I think they'll forget about it when something he pushes through works. he's finding out the grass is not always as green as it looks until you get to the other side and find out that the grass is dull and brown from neglect.
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@crysontherocks77 (1273)
• United States
31 Jul 09
Well, that's why they are trying to look at this and blame him for it not working. It's not working because they want it to work for a minority of people and that people be the rich people and obviously Bush tried that and it didn't work. So why continue in that cycle.
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@tessrow (92)
• United States
31 Jul 09
I think that a lot of people feel just as disenfranchised by President Obama's election as I did for George W. Bush's reelection. I literally couldn't understand why someone would vote for George W. Bush again, given the mess he'd made of both our foreign affairs and our domestic economy -- but they did. It felt like I couldn't even recognise the country I'd grown up in.
I suspect people on the other side of the political spectrum are feeling that same sense of surreal disappointment now. They don't understand why we would vote for someone like Obama as our president, any more than I could understand why they would vote for George W. Bush. They are fearful, and the conservative pundits feed that fear. They look for some loophole, some do-over, so that someone else, anyone else, can become president.
Obama doesn't look like our previous presidents. He comes from a different background than most of them -- heck, his name is even strange to most of us. And people fear the unknown. So they find any small thing to pick at him for, and invent nightmare scenarios that only feed their fear further.
The ironic thing is, Obama's family has more in common with MY family than any president in recent memory. He didn't come from wealth, he made his own way, he succeeded on his own merits. He and his wife are obviously devoted to their kids and take care of them in ways that seem very familiar and comforting. If people could shed their partisan blinders and actually inform themselves about Obama, his family, and his policies, I think they'd realise that he's looking out for the middle class, not the wealthiest few.
And it's about time someone did that, isn't it?
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@psycospaz (320)
• United States
31 Jul 09
That sounds about right. That is the same reason why his daughters were hounded on the first day of school, and why EVERY news station had them on lock and in their sites just to see that one of them has an ugly doll on her backpack. People are so stupid. :) My only comment to Mr. President is "Please Give Me Back My Millitary Contract Job That Mr. Bush Took Away."
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@crysontherocks77 (1273)
• United States
31 Jul 09
Yeah, I'm hoping that alot of jobs will be opened back up as he moves along here and sees that it can be done. It would be nice to get a fast food job for a change but I can't even do that just because that is what everyone else has reverted to. If they could have there old jobs back then others would be able to come up in society and actually start becoming independant. I have been living with my mom for 4 years because I haven't been able to move out on my own. It's not worth it for it to go against my credit if I can't pay my bills.
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@crysontherocks77 (1273)
• United States
31 Jul 09
yeah, my mom goes on about 100 a month, but I went and applied for food stamps and when the stimulus went into affect it moved up 40.00 a month. Which was about what I was needing to make it last til I get my money on the 6th. It's hard because I only get 150 a month from the state and I have to do so much more just to get that each week. I've tried to find work and I stated in a previous comment that it would be nice if the credit only counted for the time a person was working when it come down to the loan companies looking at lending money.
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@psycospaz (320)
• United States
31 Jul 09
I know the feeling. My credit is DESTROYED. Because of life then losing my job I am further in debt then I would like to remind myself. I keep my bills paid, the ones I need to live on like power, rent and car insurance then I have no money left. I literally have $100 dollars for food ALL MONTH. I make it work, very creatively however, it sucks. I get internet from my neighbor, no I am not stealing his wifi or anything, I bake him cookies and pies and he keeps me on his wireless net work. :)
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
31 Jul 09
Well everything the president does is going to be expensive. When people calculate expenses they include the wages of Secret Service, drivers, fuel, and such along with the actual cost of flying Airforce One. In reality, presidents don't really get vacations. They are always working, regardless of whether we like what they're doing or not.
People love to say Bush vacationed so much since he spent a lot of time at Camp David. Those people were too ignorant to realize that Camp David is more like a second White House and was used heavily to keep him safe in case the White House was attacked as it was a very prominent target. I totally disagree with Obama's socialist agenda, but I'm not going to fault him every time he leaves the White House. I would however, appreciate him trying not to be to excited about spending personally since he keeps telling Americans to tighten their belts.

@crysontherocks77 (1273)
• United States
31 Jul 09
If I remember right when he went on vacation and went back to hawaii he was actually at home. I think he got one or two days to do things with his family, but there was always press following him around of course and then the regular stuff you do before you become president when you're running. I don't think there was a day that went by before he became president that the news didn't have something to say about him. People think the President is this Super Human and can wave a wand and everything be fixed. Even he himself is finding out that its not as easy as it sounds or looks. The decieveness comes from the outsiders talking all this hype about whatever it is just like Bush's party did when in reality it was complete opposite and I think Obama is slowly but surely seeing that he has to be straight forward with America and that the ways of past administrations are just not going to work in a world where things are totally different than what they were for each president before him. Thanks for your response. It would definately make it easier if he followed a better example. My govenor hasn't had a sallery since he took office like 6 years ago. That's how bad our states shape is in. You would think some others would step up and do the same.
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@spicysweetie21 (2572)
• United States
31 Jul 09
I know exactly what you mean, like many posters have already pointed out, Obama has plenty of his own money, and it is a great idea for him to take a little vacation because the job of President is extremely stressful and wearing, look at the hair Bush and Clinton when they entered the seat, and then look at them when they get out, very grey, people age more rapidly under stress, and being in the hot seat in the White House=Extreme Stress. I could never be president because I know I would have a nervous breakdown within a day, just because of the pressure...so thank goodness for Obama to take a break because having a stressed out President won't help us.
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@crysontherocks77 (1273)
• United States
31 Jul 09
I mean look at what all he's having to deal with, plus having to keep other countries from going to war because them going to war means they could come after us. Then having to worry about nuclear war heads being out there in the hands of countries that we know won't use it in the right way for energy purposes and research and stuff. It just makes sense to let the president get a way from the stress of being around the same people day in and day out. Could you just imagine how much his phone rings through out the day. I get aggrivated when I get more than 4 or 5 calls from people. So I could just imagine how much he's having to spill out over the phone to keep people on both sides happy.
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@jonakyl (493)
• United States
30 Jul 09
Agreed, if anybody needs a vacation, it's that man. I would not want his job. Maybe in another time, but with the economy sinking and the wars in the middle east just to name a few.... he's got a tough job.
And you're right about him not getting a complete vacation. At the least I'm sure he still has to deal with meetings to keep up to date with what is going on with different aspects of the nation.
@crysontherocks77 (1273)
• United States
30 Jul 09
Yeah Jonakyl, that's all I'm talking about. I mean look at how much stress we're dealing with just worrying about paying our bills for our family. Look at how many families he has to deal with to try to help or hurt in his sense in being the president. There are always going to be people that don't like because he is half black. There are always going to be people that don't like him because he's half white. There are always going to be people that don't like because he's democrat. There are always going to be people that just don't plain like him. It's one thing to look at the person who is in front of you and say you don't like them because of the way the look, because of the way they dress, because of the way talk or because of the smell. It's another to criticize someone when you don't think they are doing there job. Some people don't think Obama is doing his job as president and too some degree I do agree with them, but atleast he is taking action which is somehting that Bush wouldn't do and that's why we are where we are. You're right I can't imagine the stress that being president would bring and that's why I would never run for office. Thanks for your response.
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@carrie1390 (157)
• United States
30 Jul 09
Everybody is all hung up on him. He's more than just a president, he's a public icon. People are more judgmental of him because he's the first black president also. Stupid racist people...
@jonakyl (493)
• United States
30 Jul 09
Why do you assume that everyone that is judgmental against him are that way because he's black? Why can't people be judgmental against him because they disagree with his policies?
For example I don't like many aspects of his health care plan. That has nothing to do with the color of his skin.
I don't like his plans to bailout the economy and the way he has been handling it. I didn't like the bailout pushed through by Bush either. There is so much more to this president than the color of his skin, it's kind of sad you can't see that.
@crysontherocks77 (1273)
• United States
30 Jul 09
So to comment on you both. He is a public figure and he does have the right to have some time to himeself.
@carrie1390 (157)
• United States
30 Jul 09
I'm not saying that it is JUST because he is black, but that it is a contributing factor. I know a LOT of people who a racist and who judge him for no other reason. I work in a restaurant and I remember when he was elected all the terrible things people said about him that had nothing to do with his policies just the color of his skin. It's a sad fact, but a lot of people do just dislike him because of the color of his skin.

@prashanthalva (2272)
• India
31 Jul 09
We Are Normal People We Do get to enjoy Things That are Normal .. I Don't think An American President is Like Us .. He Carries the weight of Not only His Country But the World Along with him .. A Vacation Might Relax Him Though .. I Am Not able to link His Vacations With Responsibility .. I Can't Understand .. Well .. I Leave it at that .. Thank You ..
@crysontherocks77 (1273)
• United States
31 Jul 09
Well, if he didn't have any responsibility on his vacations then why would he be talked about every day he's on vacation. There is always something going on. The world doesn't stop moving because he goes on vacation. His load is probably lightened to a minimum but he still has stuff he has to do regardless.
@crysontherocks77 (1273)
• United States
31 Jul 09
So would i hun, so would I. That's what I was hoping to do with an insentive check that we were supposed to get but never got because they took it out of the stimulus package. Thanks for the response.
@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
31 Jul 09
I totally agree with you and thank you for saying it. No one ever said a thing about other Presidents going on vacation to Camp David or where ever else. They need to complain about something because they are not happy that he became the President. I can't imagine having a high powered job like this and not being able to take a vacation. Technically he is not on a real vacation because I'm sure he is on call 24/7.
@crysontherocks77 (1273)
• United States
31 Jul 09
when he went home to hawaii last summer they said it was a vacation. That's his home. He's got more to do there than anywhere I think and people don't realize it. Family, sometimes can be the worst place to visit when you're under so much stress already. I heard that he only got like 1 or 2 days from the hussle and bussle to be with his family.
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@tessrow (92)
• United States
1 Aug 09
One thing that somewhat disturbs me about this whole situation is that people seem to get really riled up about this or that thing (the vacation being just one of the many topics that they are upset about) and then when their facts are challenged, disputed, or flat-out proven wrong, they just move on to the next thing without ever clearing the first thing up.
It's as if they want to be mad and the facts really don't matter. Maybe I'm not seeing the big picture with that, but when you see the same names just moving on to the next in their laundry list of complaints without ever stopping to assimilate that they might have been wrong about some of their previous comments? You have to wonder what it would take for them to accept Obama's presidency, regardless of what he accomplishes.
@crysontherocks77 (1273)
• United States
1 Aug 09
i agree completely they don't think about what there comments can make on someones future as a candidate and think that people are not going to look at what they said. Words are the worst possible thing to use against someone because thats what we remember most of a person is what they said.