How many days a week are you on facebook?

July 30, 2009 7:52pm CST
How many days out of 7? For me maybe once or twice, but I used to be on everday.
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4 responses
• Indonesia
2 Aug 09
everyday i login on facebook, because i use facebook for chat with my friend, comment to their status, update my status, and read my message.
@suzwood (33)
31 Jul 09
Every single day. I cant go a day without checking to make sure my farm is ok FARMTOWN ADDICT. Also just so I can update my status.
31 Jul 09
I tend to log into facebook everyday. Mainly because I do some of the games like Mafia Wars and Farmville, which you really need to keep a check on. Plus a lot of my friends are on there and it is an easy way to keep in touch.
@indahfth (11161)
• Indonesia
31 Jul 09
every day I log in facebook. I also subscribe sms facebook. every day so I can update my status even if not logged.