A Dear Cat

@IngramWu (194)
July 31, 2009 2:34am CST
Kidnappers are rarely interest in animals, but they recently takes considerable interest in Mrs. Eleanor Ramsay's cat. Mrs. Eleanor Ramsay, a very wealthy old lady, has share a flat with her cat, Rostus, for a great many years, Rostus leads an orderly life, he usually takes a short walk in the evening, and is always returned by seven o'clock. one evening, however, he failed to arrive.
1 response
• China
2 Aug 09
Then what happend\\\
@IngramWu (194)
• China
6 Aug 09
Mrs.Ramsay got very worried, she looked everywhere for him but could not find him. Three days after Rostus' disappearance, Mrs. Ramsay received a anonymous letter, the writer state that Rostus was in safe hand, and would be return immediately if Mrs.Ramsy paid a ransom of $1000, Mrs.Ramsy was instructed to place the money in a carboard box and leave it outside her door. At first, she decided to go to the police, but fearing that she would never see Rostus again, the letter had made that quite clear. she changed her mind, she withdraw $1000 from her bank and follow the kidnapper's instruction, the next morning, the box had disappeared but Mrs.Ramsay was sure that the kidnapper would keep his word. sure enough, Rostus arrive punctually at seven o'clock that evening, he looked very well, though he was rather thirsty, for he drank half of a bottle of milk. The police was astouned when Mrs.Ramsay told them what she had done. she explain that Rostus was very dear to her, considering the amount she had paid, he was dear more ways than one