Have you ever tried to get stuff via Piracy?

July 31, 2009 6:21am CST
all of us play games on our PC. We have hundereds of softwares installed in our hard drives. But do you know that more than half of them are pirated! Yes, piracy is strictly illegal. But still, knowingly or unknowingly people get indulged into it. Have it happend to you ? are you the True Piracy Proof person?
7 responses
@diamania (7011)
• Netherlands
2 Aug 09
I bet I have downloaded for more than 50.000 dollar worth of piracy. Do I feel guilty? No. It's the responsibility of companies to secure their products and to keep prices affordable.
@diamania (7011)
• Netherlands
2 Aug 09
Not to mention the amount of music I downloaded. But guess what in my country it's completely legal as long as you don't share it.
• India
4 Aug 09
Well you must be very lucky that you are still not being caught by the companies whose softwares you have pirated. If at all they come to know the amount of piracy you carried out, You will be in Jail forever. :) he he.
@iskayz (5420)
• Philippines
31 Jul 09
Hi there! I've never used pirated softwares for my laptop neither. It's risky. But for DVDs and CD movies, yes I have bought some. I know it's illegal but they're everywhere in the market and the price is very affordable. It's hard to stop people from buying pirated stuffs. As long as there a lot who produce them. Ciao!
• India
4 Aug 09
Yes you are right. Its very hard to keep people away from piracy. Its like keeping the flies away from a heap of sweets. If we get something for free why pay for it? That is what everybody thinks for when they go to purchase the pirated copies of stuff. But think how would you feel if you have spent thousands of dollars in making something and somebody purchases it just for pennies. Its so irritating isnt it?
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@iskayz (5420)
• Philippines
5 Aug 09
Well, that could be irritating for the part of the true manufacturers. Piracy is I think happening in every country. The advance technology plays a big part to it so it's just like people made it possible for others to do illegal things. I believe it will be hard to make a solution to this problem. Sad, but it's reality.
@Kool121 (292)
• India
31 Jul 09
Piracy is disgusting. I have never tried to get stuff through piracy. I have all genuine software installed in my computer. Piracy is bad, it robs the software makers. Thanks.
@wanpisu (207)
• Malaysia
31 Jul 09
I used to install pirated software especially games when I'm still studying. But now I got a job I bought all my software and games. I know if we don't support the games or software developer by buying the original game or software, in the future you will not have any games to play because the developer will not release games anymore. Why? Because they don't have fund to pay their programmer.
@Fadolf (545)
• Slovenia
31 Jul 09
I have to admit that almost all of tge software installed on my PC is illegal and it came from the piracy sources. The reason why I am using this software is because I'm still a student and I can't afford buying all the expensive software I use (Adobe Dreamweaver, Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Visual Studio,...). As I'm still not making money with the software I use I don't want to pay for it, but I'm sure thar one day I will certainly pay for it. I'm not against the piracy because piracy helps to develop software, protocols used and so, but I'm against overusage of it. I hope you understood what was on my mind. Take care and happy myLotting.
• Philippines
1 Aug 09
you certainly are right.... and you hit it in the right spot.... heheheh....
• India
31 Jul 09
It might be illegal but the truth is it is here to stay. Who will pay money when you can get something for cheap or free! People having good source of income may do it but not for majority of us who are not financially well off :(
• India
4 Aug 09
Yes, I agree with you. Infact the same thing happens with me. For people like me its very difficult to even purchase a Computer (PC). and over that if we go on installing the genuine softwares, I would run bankrupt. Its almost impossible to buy softwares from genuine dealers as the cost is hard to bear. The Office 2007 launched my Microsoft costa about a few thousands of rupees. The Vista OS costs around 15-20,000 in my country. In that case the softwares get costlier than my computer. And definately one cannot afford doing it.
@wyvern501 (166)
• Philippines
31 Jul 09
Its true that piracy is illegal and it is a crime.... but honestly, most of the people in the world are using pirated stuffs.... why? because its free and/or affordable/cheap.... maybe if you have some money to buy genuine stuffs, then why not? genuine stuffs are much reliable than pirated ones, but what can you expect for those who can really afford genuine stuff?..... I my self uses pirated stuffs as it is very cheap and very affordable for all.... sometimes, it is free.... it really depends on many aspects.... so don't blame peoples who are pirated users....