Is $40/Day A Lot To Make Online?

United States
July 31, 2009 11:16am CST
I am under the impression that most of those looking to make money online would be happy with $40/day. Does that seem like a lot? About right? Not Enough?
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8 responses
@phyrre (2317)
• United States
31 Jul 09
if I could make $40 online in a day without having to be online for 15 hours, I would be ecstatic. That's about what I make in a regular day at my job (5 hours at minimum wage of $7.25). Heck, $40 a day is MORE than I make at my job some days, depending on what sort of shift I get. So yeah, I'd say that I would be more than happy with $40 a day. That seems like a lot to me.
2 people like this
31 Jul 09
I believe $40 is a little unrealistic for most people to earn each day online without spending their entire waking time online. I make around £10 per day most days online (around $18) and I'm very pleased with this.
• United States
31 Jul 09
It may seem unrealistic for most, and maybe it is, I really don't know. But I've been STUCK at that number for months! That's obviously an average of my earnings each month. There have been a few months when that I made more, but the $40/day has been pretty consistent. My goal is $60/day by October and I'm pretty sure I can reach it. When I do, I'll let you all know what methods I'm using.
@mimiang (3760)
• Philippines
21 Sep 09
how could I earn then?
@psycospaz (320)
• United States
31 Jul 09
$40 a day would put me over the top with joy!!! I would be in hogs heaven. Right now, since I am still trying to figure it all out, with what pays and ect. I am not making enough to even justify even turning my laptop on. I mean I would seriously be happy with 20 a day, but forty. WOW.
1 person likes this
• United States
31 Jul 09
Oh, I've been there myself, trust me! Just don't get discouraged, the longer you take finding the 'right' opportunity for you, the longer it's be before you start making money. It takes A LOT of trial and error to finally figure out what works for you. My thing just happened to be writing, so that's what I went with! Best Of Luck!
• United States
31 Jul 09
Yes...the one on my website is a VERY GOOD money maker and it's 100% Free To Join! I think you'll be very happy with your earnings there! The trick is to write as many articles as you can at the beginning and then add more as you go! Best of Luck!!
• United States
31 Jul 09
I too am looking for writing opprotuinites. I found (no referral program) but great earnings. Depending on your writing skill, which they rate, depends on your pay rate and what article you can write. I made $13.50 off 5 articles, which took me less than 2 hours to write all five. However they stop you for a week so they can 'review you' after your first five articles so I can't write anything else until the review. I am also a member of AC, and I am signing up for one I saw on your website. :) Thanks!
@BuffMom (2206)
• United States
31 Jul 09
I wish I could make that much in one day. unfortunately I don't have that much time to invest in one one day. I do make money online, but never that much, lol. I'm happy with anything I make in one day (:
1 person likes this
• United States
1 Aug 09
Actually, believe it or not, it really doesn't take that much time any more. The only way I've found to make REAL money online is to build residual income. That way, each time you work, you are building up your monthly income for the future. I have only found a very few options that provide that type of opportunity, but I'm always searching for more! Thanks For The Response!
@lsnggrp (180)
• United States
31 Jul 09
$40 a day?????? Where do I sign up????? LOL No really I would be very, very happy. Think about it that would pay a lot of bills in a months period.
• United States
1 Aug 09
Yeah, it really does pay the bills. FINALLY! It took a LONG time to get here though, trust me. I was just LUCKY enough to have a bit of money in the bank when I decided to start working online full-time, or I never would have been able to do it. I think that's the main reason many people have a hard time. When you have to work full-time and try to work online, there just aren't enough hours in the day. Thanks For The Response!
@marguicha (225656)
• Chile
31 Jul 09
I´d be very happy with $40 a week as an online earning. But I´m not a US resident and already paid a price at inbvesting online so I won´t do it anymore. So I have to accept that my $100 a month are the most I can get. Do you have a free magic lamp? Hand it over, please
• United States
31 Jul 09
LOL! Trust me, I would have loved to have had a magic lamp, it would have saved over a years worth of learning! I wish I knew of more opportunties for those outside of the U.S., but I honestly don't know of many. The few I have heard about, I wouldn't dare recommend them because they screamed SCAM! Best Of Luck!!
• Canada
31 Jul 09
If I could have made $40 this month I would be some ecstatic! I really think $0/day is a lot of money, and few people actually make more than this, it's usually 5$ a day for most high traffic bloggers! I feel that if i made this money, I would keep continuing to invest in whatever I got the most money online, but I'm still in the Less than 1$ phase.
1 person likes this
• United States
1 Aug 09
The only investment I have is time...and now, since most of my earnings are residual, it's not even that much time anymore. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND the writing site I have featured on my homepage today. I'm not an affiliate either, so I gain nothing. :) But that is where a bulk of my income comes from. Good Luck!!
• Canada
1 Aug 09
Is it the link in your profile? I would have a lot of interest if you can refer me to a writing program or site that pays good!
@di1159 (1580)
• United States
31 Jul 09
I would live to make that! I dabble in a few writing sites where I've found I make the most and I have been able to qualify for some surveys which pay well, but those are few and far between, so I'd like to start with 10 a day and see if I can keep that up before I try for a higher goal.
1 person likes this
• India
1 Aug 09
i am only new to the online jobs, so i cant eligible to answer this question