How do you feel about ear piercing in babies?
@polo_princess (803)
July 31, 2009 11:49am CST
What is your opinion on ear piercing in babies? Would you do it or not?
Personally i wouldnt do it, firstly because i dont think that it looks very nice on them and secondly i think it could be quite dangerous for them, they may pull them out or there is the risk of infection. I understand that there are different cultures all over the world where ear piercing in babies is very common,i dont think there is a wrong or right answer for this one but i am interested in your feelings on the subject.
I will be waiting until my daughter is old enough to ask me for it and to be able to look after them by herself.
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33 responses
@sacmom (14192)
• United States
1 Aug 09
Although I find single piercings in each ear cute on babies (at least on baby girls), I couldn't see doing this to my own daughter, if I had one. I'd rather wait for my child to be old enough to ask, if they wanted their ears pierced. I don't think it's right for the parent(s) to decide for their children when it isn't even their ears to begin with. Shouldn't a decision like that be left up to each individual child?
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@happy6162 (3001)
• United States
1 Aug 09
I think the child should be old enough to decide if they want their ears pierced.
I do not think it looks that good on them either. many people though think it looks cute to see a baby with pierced ears.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
1 Aug 09
Most of my friends who have their baby's ears pierced use stud earrings and I think the pain or fear of pain comes later for children who want their ears pierced but are scared to have it done. I am part English and we thought ear piercing for babies was something that Italian or foreign women do, much as we assumed nose piercing was what East Indian women do, and we never thought about getting our ears pierced until we were in our teens at least. Most of us wore clip ons. Unfortunately I was allergic to nickel and had sensitive ears so I did not get enough nerve to have them pierced until I was in my 50s.
And I always admired those Italian girls who had pierced earrings and their hooped earrings and if I had enough nerve I would have gotten them done and would not have minded getting my ears pierced when I was a toddler.
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@Wizzywig (7847)
31 Jul 09
I'm with you on this. Irrespective of any danger of infection etc, I wouldn't want anyone piercing my ears without me giving my consent and I think a child has that same right. Its a different matter if its something like an injection or medical procedure which is for the sake of their health and safety but, IMHO, babies having their ears pierced is an unnecessary adornment. Its not done for the baby's benefit but for the parents. A baby is a person not a toy to be decorated.
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@Wizzywig (7847)
1 Aug 09
A lot of people put forward the argument that it hurts less when the child is young - I'm not qualified to prove or disprove that opinion. Perhaps its because they dont have the anticipation of it being painful since they have no idea whats happening to them. (If that's the case, then presumably there are all manner of decorative mutilations that would be less painful at an early age that would make them look 'cute'???) The point is that they are not given the choice. Maybe, when they're grown up and their parents are senile and unable to give their informed consent on what happens to them, it would be OK for the pierced baby to 'decorate' their aged parents? Its not like they'd be in a position to object - so would that make it right or would everyone be screaming about abuse?
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@jessi0887 (2788)
• United States
31 Jul 09
I feel that decision should be made up to the child when she is old enough to make that decision. I had that choice at fourteen and I made it. I decided to get pierced ears. Of course it got infected and removed. Since then I have actually been against getting it done again.
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@polo_princess (803)
31 Jul 09
Mine got infected too when i was 7 because the backing of the earing went inside my ear and got stuck, it was very painful and i remember it to this day, which is why i ame ven more wary of babies getting it done.
Thanks for your input.
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@Al1x81 (4)
1 Aug 09
that same thing happened to me at around the same age, the back of the ear ring ended up inside my ear. I got them pierced again once old enouogh to look after them .. probably about 14/15 i think but still i hardly wear ear rings as getting infected as a child put me off quite a bit.
i really hate to see babies with pierced ears. i think it should be up to the child once old enough to look after their ears themselves.. say from 13 onwards.
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@Flowerpoddess (11)
• Singapore
1 Aug 09
This is interesting, never thought to myself about what'd I do if I had the option, to pierce or not to pierce, haha. Well, I got my ears pierced ever since I was little. I don't think any different about my mom making the decision to pierce my years, but I did hate the pain, so for that reason, I don't want to "force" someone to do it. I can't even wear earrings now, though I want several piercings in my ear, it keeps getting infected. I think it's really optional, they could always ask for it when they grow up, it's not necessary plus like you mentioned, there is risk for infection, it's not important to "accessorize" or "doll-up" babies, after all, that will all come natural in several years time, when they are concern about their appearance. That's what I think.
@dorisday1971 (5657)
• Philippines
1 Aug 09
My daughter's ears were pierced when she was just two months old. It is better to pierce the child's ears when she is much younger because their ears are still soft compared to when they are older. It's not dangerous to have an early ear piercing for as long a s the mothers will take the necessary cleaning to avoid infections. it takes two days for the wound to heal.
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@polo_princess (803)
1 Aug 09
Any type of piercing can get an infection no matter how clean you are with them, infact over cleaning can cause problems as it stops the wound from healing properly.
I havent heard anyone bring up the point about the softness of the ear before which i think is something interesting and food for thought for anyone considering getting their babies ears pierced. Thanks for your input :)
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@quinnkl (1667)
• United States
4 Aug 09
I don't like it. I know people who do that to their babies, but I just don't get it personally. As you said when the kids are old enough to take cared of it and understand what they are doing, etc then maybe, but why do it to the babies? Just one of those things I, personally, have never quite understood.
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@jdyrj777 (6528)
• United States
2 Aug 09
I had my daughters ears pierced when she was 6wks. old. It was part of her fathers culture to do that. She had gold studs so there was no infection ever. She didnt mess with them at all. There was no problems what so ever.
@Ritchelle (3790)
• Philippines
3 Aug 09
my onlie is a boy and much as i agree with you regarding baby girls' ears being pierced i think i still would think twice about getting my baby girl's ears pierced (if ever i had a girl). i think it looks cute on them though my mother had my ears pierced when i was 5 i think

@bluerose683 (3)
• United States
3 Aug 09
I, myself don't really care either way. My husband on the other hand wanted to pierce both my son and daughter's ears right away. We weren't able to do our son's ears (I felt if he's going to get them pierced, let him do it when he's old enough to decide he wants it done). We are looking into getting our daughter's done now (she's 6 weeks old). Some pediatrician's offices will do the piercing, but we are having a hard time finding one in our area. Also, since we didn't get our son's done, I'm fine with waiting until my daughter is old enough to ask. The risk of infection does concern me, but getting it done at a dr's office eases my mind. We don't want to just take her to the local "piercing pagoda" or whatever to get it done because of her age. There's just too much that could happen.
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@bluehibiscus (702)
• United States
5 Aug 09
My ears were pierced when I was a baby and I would probably do the same for my daughter. As longas you have the small studs they won't be hurt and you can clean the area taking good care of it.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
31 Jul 09
I had my daughter's ears pierced as soon as we were able to do it. The babies have to have their first set of vaccinations before you are able to pierce their ears.
My reasons for this is that she still didn't touch for face or her ears at that time so I knew they would have plenty of time to heal. Also, I know that the longer ears are pierced the better the hole is.
If I had it to do over again, I would probably do the same thing. She loves having her ears pierced (she's almost 7 now). She has all kinds of pretty ear rings and I didn't have to worry about her having one done and then refusing to let them do the other.
@polo_princess (803)
31 Jul 09
Thats quite a valid point and makes me wonder how many children have refused to get the other hole done after experiencing the pain from the first one.
Thanks for your input :)
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@yelrihs (298)
• Australia
3 Aug 09
ear piercing in baby girl is a must in my culture. i dont mind it, i was glad it was done for me, thus i couldnt remember the pain going through it.. but i guess now its all about choice. yeah. everyone should have the right to choose.
@SHAMRACK (8576)
• India
1 Aug 09
Dear friend,
As per tradition in our place the ear piercing in babies is done mostly at tender age and it is said the pain will not be much. But I do on your side that this should be done when the child feels her self or himself. As you noted it is also dangerous. But it is prevailing in common.

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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
1 Aug 09
Ya, this is one of those questions where there is no real right or wrong answer. It's all opinion. Personally I wouldn't do it. Piercings are a personal issue and the baby is unable to make that choice. There is enough to take care of with a little baby without the additional worry of making sure that the piercings don't get infected. Also babies naturally tug and pull at their ears and I'd be afraid of them pulling one out or tearing the earlobe or something. My girls never got their ears pierced until they were old enough to care for them on their own but that is just my thinking. 

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@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
2 Aug 09
In this part of Texas where there is such a large Hispanic population, most female babies have their ears pierced. I've never heard of any earrings being pulled out or any that developed infections. I think maybe that they have those baby's ears pierced before they come home from the hospital.
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@grace118224 (1038)
• China
1 Aug 09
no no i don't know yet ear piercing in babies is very common now . At least it won't happen in our country . i wouldn't let this happen to my kid , yeah he is a boy and doesn't need a ear piercing at all . i do agree with you that it will be dangerous for babies . Babies move their hands everywhere and lose control completely . How dare you ear piercing in them?
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@ilovekids114 (106)
• United States
1 Aug 09
Funny I hould read this today as my husband and I have been discussing this same issue. Well kinda. My kids are 5, 3, and 1. I want all 3 done but he doesnt. The oldest asked and has everyday for 3 months. Dont get me wrong I love my husband but I was 1 when I got my ears done. I had a second hole at 14 and another at 16. I love mine and I think that my oldest is very responsible I want them done.
I agree that the younger they are the better all the way around. I say of they dont like them let them grow shut. Just my opinion!
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@merima1022 (18)
• United States
1 Aug 09
I agree. The baby could get infected, or injure themselves by removing it or pulling on it. I got my ears pierced at 5, they never got infected, but i knew better than to play with them.
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