Dirty public restrooms
By momiecat
@momiecat (997)
United States
August 1, 2009 3:00am CST
Say you go to the mall, you are out shopping, you eat, and you eventually need to use the restroom. You go to one of the stalls (for women) and there is an unflushed bowl. This just happened to me in a restaurant bathroom today. It just irks me that people can be so rude. Would they do that in their own homes? I run across this all the time. What is is that motivates people not to flush. May be in the guys restroom this is not as much of a problem but this happens a lot in the ladies room. My other pet peeve is when people leave dirty diapers around and don't put them in the trash or there is toilet paper all over the floor. I just find it hard to believe that people can do this to other people. We all have to use the restrooms. Why can't other people be courteous?
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21 responses
@sorcha22 (5)
• Bulgaria
2 Aug 09
The toilet paper on the floor, I can kind of understand where that comes from (teenagers&kids....and yes, I myself am a teenager, but do not feel the urge to sink to this level). But not flushing or throwing away diapers/etc, i mean, COME ON. People have to clean up! I guess they are unappreciative, disgusting, and have poor hygiene [+ manners!]. Although, occasionally, a toilet will not flush. That is understandable, but still....gross.
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@kennishababy (193)
• United States
2 Aug 09
I agree they think it doesnn't matter because someone else has to clean it up but i know they would never do that in their own private restrooms.
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@chi2nasrin (1101)
• Malaysia
1 Aug 09
When the water in the (what you call that tank so that you can flush?) finished nobody bothered to wait for a while. I don't like public toilet especially if they are dirty. I won't go in if I can smell something bad from outside, I'd rather go find another toilet.
Those people, I too can't figure out why they do that. Aren't we girls supposed to be hygienic? No use wearing 1inch make-up but do such thing. Disgusting :-p
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@Mge3dme (29)
• United States
1 Aug 09
I think a lot of people don't flush and contribute to the filth simply because they want the next person to have it worse than they did. It's an unloving attitude that can be seen throughout this world. These same people know they would not do that kind of thing in their own home.
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@carolbee (16230)
• United States
8 Aug 09
Not to defend public restrooms but I think sometimes the automatic flushers stop working after the toilet has been used. I was in an airport yesterday where there weren't automatic flushers. Was surprised since most updated public restrooms are equipped with this feature. Believe some people are just lazy when it comes to using outside facilities. Probably don't worry about tossing diapers or picking up toilet paper since there are usually employees that take care of that mess. Doesn't make it right but it happens.
@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
2 Aug 09
This is so very true but thankfully, its not the same everywhere. Here at my place, the glitzy malls all know about proper upkeep and maintenance and it’s the same for their restrooms too. The restrooms are all clean and well maintained and there are quite a few that have ladies attendants waiting outside…once a person using comes out, they wont let the next person go in before the enter and clean the toilet…everytime. However, there are places, especially in large offices, railway stations and airports which are not as well maintained and I avoid going to those places as much as I can.
@scarlet_woman (23463)
• United States
1 Aug 09
some people do it to mess with the cleaners,they think it's funny.
that used to happen to me all the time when i did that.
and it was always the women's room that was worse.used tampons in the sink..some people are low class and disgusting.
you can bet they don't do that in their own homes.that's "different".
@3SnuggleBunnies (16374)
• United States
1 Aug 09
I"m sorry they left it in the sink???? WHat's wrong w/ people!?!?! I haven't had to explain AF quite yet to my girls as they are pretty little but I sure don't want to explain what that was from should they of stepped into the rest room to see such a sight!
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@scarlet_woman (23463)
• United States
1 Aug 09
yup..and the garbage can wasn't full either.
somebody thought she was funny.
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
3 Aug 09
I bet they don’t do it at their home because they are the ones that have to clean it up! It is sad how inconsiderate some individuals are; they have no concern for the next person who is going to use the rest room.
I haven’t visited a male rest room and, although I’m sure that the guys often don’t aim as well as they should, I bet that women are worse somehow!

@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
2 Aug 09
Hi mommiecat, it is just so disgusting if the facilities have been left in that way, it makes you wonder how these people act in their own homes. A pet peeve here is that it is a total no no to put anything like paper down the toilets as the pipes are to narrow so the toilet will block and back up, instead bins are provided everywhere for this purpose. Signs abound, in Greek and English and by picture, do not put toilet paper down the toilet. I know if you're on holiday this might appear to be a strange custom but do as the signs say or the next person is going to find a blocked toilet. But it's even worse when they can't actually be bothered to use their foot to press the pedal on the bin to open it and just chuck used items on top so they end up covering the floor. Big yuck to that.
@momiecat (997)
• United States
1 Aug 09
It is sad that people cannot be more considerate to others. I just hate going in there and having to look at someone else's unfinished business. It certainly affects those who use the restroom after the unconsiderate one leaves but also, as you have advised, those who have to clean the restrooms. Such a pity people cannot show a little kindness towards others by being good examples.

@roxpink (11)
• United States
2 Aug 09
I had almost the same experience in the ladies bathroom in a grocery store. I went to the bathroom and I open the first stall and see poop all over the toilet. Not just in the toilet but on the floor all over the sides, it was absolutely disgusting. After I saw the nasty mess I had to run out of there (still having to go to the bathroom) but ended up being very scared to go into another public restroom!

@robert19ph (4577)
• Philippines
2 Aug 09
hello momiecat,
Maybe because when it's their turn, it's already dirty, no water or doesn't care at all. Lucky if you can use clean toilet in public place. But if nature really calls, no matter what you'll use it just the same rather than getting sick.
Much more annoying if you pay in using the restroom only to find out that it is dirty and no tissue at all. 

@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
2 Aug 09
I think it's mostly kids who don't flush the toilet. Could be a few adults too but I think it's mostly kids. When I see an unflushed toilet, I'll reach in (holding my breath!) and flush it and go to another stall and use it. Another thing is, I always have hand sanitizer with me and use it to clean the seat before sitting on it. That way I know all the germs are killed before I use it.
@3SnuggleBunnies (16374)
• United States
1 Aug 09
Some people think because it is not their home and they don't have to clean it they don't have to follow the basic "do's & do not's" in the bathroom. Whats worse is if someone is on their cycle and does that.... talk about disgusting!
Sadly according to my DH men are probably worse since they can aim wherever they want.... EW! And I've had to clean up the mens room at a store I worked at let me tell you the mop went on the walls to see the tile was blue not greenish. *sigh* Such slobs! That's why I always used the mall bathroom! *LOL*
@cbeee3 (2061)
• India
1 Aug 09
Ever since I was a kid I have never been able to use restrooms that are even slightly dirty.I just hold it in, knowing very well that it is bad for health.But I just can't use an unclean stall.What you described is the most disgusting that a stall can ever get.
I have faced this issue too. Its sickening to think that people don't even press 1 button.Its like how much effort or thought goes into flushing a bowl? I just don't get it.Isn't it a habit that when you use a bowl and then you flush?!!!
Sick! It makes me all pukey when I even think about it.People can be really unhygienic and insensitive.
@shhheila (1845)
• Philippines
1 Aug 09
i hate it when i need to use the restroom because some establishments failed to clean or repair their toilets and plumbs. its so dirty and smelly, but i cant do anything , i really need to pee. all i did is not touch the bowl and place many tissue paper around the toilet bowl but still not sit on it. still dirty.

@radx682 (327)
• India
1 Aug 09
I don't know about guys' restroom...This is a serious problem which should be addressed by the mall owners...I think few people do not know how to flush and so they just leave it as is...It is very bad on their part...If they do not know how to flush..they should avoid using such type of bathrooms...
If the bathroom stinks it upsets me and I hold my breath till I come out..I almost die while coming out..disgusting people