how it feels to be a cheater?...

August 1, 2009 9:31am CST
i don't have any experience on cheating, im just want to know what cheaters feels when they are cheating? Because i know how painful it is to be cheated.. let me know. tnx
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4 responses
@brienn (825)
• Philippines
1 Aug 09
I have never experienced to cheat on my girlfriends before nor on my wife right now, and I think if I will do it, it will makes me feel guilty. It is not right to cheat and hurt the one's you love and the one who are loving you so dearly. And you are right it is very painful to be cheated cause I have experienced it before.
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• Philippines
2 Aug 09
i just hope my friend you won't do it to your partner. you already know what it feels to be cheated... very painful.. problems are always there, you should know how to carry it. every problem has a solution. goodluck and have a happy and peaceful life my friend.
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@phayeth (519)
• Philippines
1 Aug 09
cheaters feel guilty...
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• Philippines
2 Aug 09
you're right.. some cheaters don't feel guilty for what they'd done. they still have thier "ego" for them to apologize to the person they cheated. and they have to be responsible enough to face the consequences.
• United States
1 Aug 09
As far as cheating on someone, nope, it isn't something I do. Though I have been cheated on several times in my life. I just can't seem to find that special person that will work on a single relationship with me. Being cheated on especially if you have your all into that relationship can be devastating. It becomes very painful for quite awhile for some. Others can't seem to get over it and the trust isn't given so easily after that happens. Yes, I talk of my own experience, my heart has many scars that have taught me some hard lessons in my time. It will take one special person to get past that.
• Philippines
2 Aug 09
yes it's true.. it's really hard to trust after you've been cheated..
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@x_Jo_x (1040)
1 Aug 09
I Have been neither cheated on nor have i ever cheated. But i can only imagine it must be so painful to be cheated on! As for being a cheater... I think it really depends on the person. If it is someone who enjoys it and sleeps around with many different people then they probably feel good about it, and quite frankly they should be ashamed of themselves. If you do it because you are emotionally confused and in love with 2 people, then i imagine it would really hurt you to be doing that to a person you love. But lust still controls your actions. There is still no excuse for cheating though. You should be able to control yourself enough. I think if you should end a relationship rather than cheat!
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• Philippines
2 Aug 09
trials are everywhere, it will come and go. but there are always a solution in every trials that may come your way.. im just dissapointed to some people who does'nt know how to hanlde the situation..