Who is Makin' Stuff Up - Sarah or the Media? Palin denies divorce rumors
By AnjaP
@Rollo1 (16679)
Boston, Massachusetts
August 1, 2009 4:01pm CST
I apologize for the following as it is about Sarah Palin. But I figure if I don't write it, someone else will, so why not?
I was intrigued by Sarah Palin's latest Facebook note:
*** Yet again, some so-called journalists have decided to make up a story. There is no truth to the recent “story” (and story is the correct term for this type of fiction) that the Palins are divorcing. The Palins remain married, committed to each other and their family, and have not purchased land in Montana (last week it was reported to be Long Island).
Less than one week ago, Governor Palin asked the media to “quit making things up.” We appreciate that the more professional journalists decided to question this story before repeating it.
Meg Stapleton****
Intrigued I say, because I hadn't heard a thing about it. So I went searching internet news and yes indeed, there are several stories about this topic. The Huffington Post even goes so far as to say that an unnamed source told them that Sarah's wedding ring is at the bottom of an Alaskan lake. I love those anonymous sources.
The Alaska Report also ran a story giving The National Enquirer as a source of information. Very impressive, indeed.
I even checked out the story about Long Island land being purchased and yes, there was one but the author kept spelling her name Palen, which made it harder to find and even harder to give credibility to (it's possibly meant to be humorous, but difficult to be sure).
So, one of two things is true - either they are or are not getting a divorce.
If she denies it and it's true, then is she irrevocably washed up politically? Because of the divorce or because of the denial?
But if the Palins are not divorcing, then it's just possible that Sarah was justified in telling the media to stop making stuff up. Will the people who dislike her so much then be strong enough to grudgingly admit she was right, and they were out to get her?
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8 responses
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
2 Aug 09
Some of these sites are going to continue to come after her regardless of what she does or whether or not it's true. Wonder what will be next...a boy toy...going to rehab...but which one of them will be going? Enquiring minds want to know! Sorry, I couldn't help myslef.
Now please contact irishidid and let her know what you'd like her to knit for you. 

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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
2 Aug 09
I wonder if these obsessions with her are like the little boy who dips the little girl's braid in the ink well? He secretly has a crush on her but isn't sophisticated enough to know how to say so, so he just teases her all the time.
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
1 Aug 09
Personally I do not care much for Sarah Palin but I do think the media should leave her alone. Eventually the truth, whatever it may be, will come out. I am not following the latest "stories" about her as I could care less what she does in her private life.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
2 Aug 09
This is the first I've heard this story. Love The National Enquirer, they're right up there with the Globe! I'm as "impressed" as you are. They make a living by "makin' stuff up". The Enquirer just got lucky with the John Edwards scandal. I really don't consider tabloids like them to be part of the "real" media. They've been "reporting" scandals about just about every political couple alive in recent years. The Clinton's, the Bushes and the Obama's are also getting divorced and have been a few dozen times if I'm not mistaken...lol!
You ask, "If she denies it and it's true, then is she irrevocably washed up politically? Because of the divorce or because of the denial?" I wouldn't think so. People get divorced, that's a sad fact of life these days so I don't think that should make anyone who supports her change their mind. As far as the denial goes, there are rumors about high-profile couples reportedly splitting up which are denied and later turn out to be true all the time. As far as I'm concerned if a couple chooses to deal with their marital problems in private for awhile that's their business. Sometimes they may want to try to work things out privately and sometimes they may wish to get through the initial pain without the whole world asking a thousand questions that are none of their business. If someone from the so-called media made up these stories she has every right to be angry and I'm not saying this grudgingly at all. The same goes for anyone else in the public eye whether I like or support them or not. That includes the "gay" stories about President Obama and the stories about the "affair" between George W. Bush and Condie Rice. We both know there are those who take some or all of these stories seriously and that's sad for those involved.
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
2 Aug 09
The National Enquirer gets a few things right or as a scoop but it's not due to superior journalism, it's because of luck or the fact that they chase down prurient stories the mainstream media doesn't. Most of the time, the Enquirer is about which actress has the worst cellulite. But even a broken clock is right twice a day, they say.
The last update on the original source of the story says that his unnamed source has decided that the Palins won't break up publicly for a while, until things settle down. Nice way to hedge bets, if they don't divorce, he's still right because they are just hiding it. I personally think that other publications shouldn't stoop to reprinting this kind of rumor-mongering. It's not journalism.
Divorces happen, yes. I hope it's not true because it's nice to see a large family where the members seem to enjoy each other.
I don't know if a divorce would affect her politically. It may add to her experience as a regular American or people might feel disappointed.
In any case, I won't be surprised if all of it is a total lie. But I would be disappointed in her if it were true and she's denying it. I doubt she would go so public with a denial though, if it were all true.
If it's a lie, yeah, I think she should be angry. It's then a deliberate attempt to try to find a reason to keep on attacking her, and I think they are pushing it too far. People will get very disgusted and be more sympathetic towards her. Maybe she should hope they don't stop.
I never heard Obama was gay, that's a new one on me.
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@tessrow (92)
• United States
1 Aug 09
Let me say first that I'm not a Sarah Palin fan. I thought she was a bad candidate and I don't have a lot of use for her folksy style or her non-answers to questions. That aside...
I think the media ought to leave her alone. They've attacked her family, her personal life, and in all honesty, I don't care. These things don't have a thing to do with her public service or her qualifications for office. She's not even governor of Alaska anymore. She's not running for anything. So far as I know, she's not working in television or radio, nor have I heard that she has a contract to do either. So WHY are they still hounding her?
If she runs for President, then I can see this kind of tabloid journalism making sense. As it is, it speaks to some strange obsession with the woman, more than any real journalistic integrity or the public's "right to know." She's been scrutinised enough, I think. Leave the poor woman be.
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
1 Aug 09
That's a reasonable position and I am glad that someone who doesn't care for her as as candidate can see the obsession of the media. I don't know why those who dislike her continue to be fascinated by her - I have even seen stories about how she isn't posting on Twitter by those who don't like her. Why would they care?
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
1 Aug 09
There are no depths too sleazy for the incompetent press, or democrats when it comes to lies about Sarah Palin and her family. None at all.
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