What do you want the government to do for you?
By tessrow
@tessrow (92)
United States
August 1, 2009 6:02pm CST
We all use federal, state, and local government services every day, from interstate highways to public schools to Medicare and Social Security. Our borders are patrolled and our military supported by means of public funds. Many areas were originally hooked into the electric grid by means of public projects.
So my question is at once both simple and complex. What services do you want the government to provide for you? What ones do you want handled by the private sector? (If you say you want the military privatised, then you'd better be specific about what corporation you're going to trust with that kind of power!)
What do you want the government (federal, state, and local) to do for you, and what do you think the government should leave alone?
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13 responses
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
2 Aug 09
Hmmmm, the deferal government:
Just follow this:
Just the simple 17 enumerated powers and leave the states alone. Stop robbing us and then turning around and blackmailing and bribing us in to passing or accepting laws WITH OUR OWN MONEY. WE own YOU, not the other way around.
My state and local governments
Basic services, education, civil law enforcement, infastructure like roads bridges, etc. Basic welfare and assistance. Basic laws for the public good and safety, intra-state commerce and agriculture, wild life and forestry management. State defense and disaster relief.
Special note for state governemts:
The biggest thing I ask of you, no, DEMAND of you is that you stand up for your state and it's people. Stand up to the general government and keep it in it's constitutional place.
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@Troublegum (641)
• United States
2 Aug 09
It is not the federal governments responsibility to "even out the standard of living" It is each individuals responsibility to provide the best for him or herself that they can.
A well run state governmen will allow for the greatest possibility of sucess of its citizens, and largely this means proiding them them protection from outside harm that allows them to persue their own work, wealth and happieness un hindered.
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@tessrow (92)
• United States
2 Aug 09
In principle, I agree with you. One problem that arises is that the states are not equally wealthy. The federal government subsidises education in all the states, but some of the states pay enough income tax to the federal government to allow it to "even out" the level of educational funding that each state receives. Without that evening out, it's possible the quality of public education would vary sharply between the wealthier states and those that pay less taxes overall.
I once saw a chart showing which states paid more into the system than they received from it, and which states were drawing more from the federal government than they paid. The point of the chart was that "red states" tended to be debtor states in that regard, but that wasn't what interested me about it. What interested me was the federal government's role in ensuring that basic public services were fairly uniform from state to state.
Do you think that's a valid role for the federal government, to "even out" the standard of living from state to state in a general way?

@coolcoder (2018)
• United States
2 Aug 09
What do I want the government to do for me? That's easy...get the heck out of my personal life and the personal lives of every American citizen. Everything the government touches becomes disastrous; we've seen this in the past. The only thing the government needs to do is to oversee overall national security. Other than that it needs to leave each individual state alone to run as it will, and leave individuals alone to run their lives, whether for good or bad.
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@Troublegum (641)
• United States
2 Aug 09
to jump in, not I would rather not have public schools, they are very expesive and produce on average very poor results. When our government was set up there was no provision for the state or country to provide schooling. The only thing mandatory and state run schooling has done is made it harder to get jobs without degrees and dimplomas. All this while decreasing the value of those degrees and diplomas, yes if you waste enough time in school you can graduate high school without the ability to read. I have taught college kids and been shocked to discover that they didn't know how many inches in a foot or know how to read a scale (like ruler, thermometer etc) So the public schoolsystem would not be a great loss.
No I don't want free health clinics unless they are provided by independant groups like churches.
Vaccinations will be covered because most private school systems will require them.
As for social security I have found that I am better at taking care of my own money than the government is at taking care of it for me. (they have already spent all the money I have given them on other people and are about to go bankrupt)
Electrical infrastucture can be taken care of by electrical companies
Business like car companies, insurance agencies and hospitals should be run by those same businesses not the government.
Where should government be?
Protect our boarders and international interests
Protect our streets and enforce rule of law
Maintaining roads.
Basically the government provides us with protection from others who would do us harm, but needs to get out of the business of protecting us from ourselves if we are doing ourselves harm.

@belhaven14 (454)
• United States
2 Aug 09
There are a few things I would like to do for me. I would like they to keep the nation safe. I would like police and fire service. I don't mind roads and some infrastructure being government run. I like the idea of public schools as well. Free schooling is important to keep America going. Everything else should be private. There is no need for the government to stay involved in business. I may have left out a few things, but not many if any.

@belhaven14 (454)
• United States
2 Aug 09
I agree with you that the federal government has overstepped its boundries. I like the public school system because it evens the playing ground. Free school means the opportunities to earn scholarships to college, especially if there is a lotto system in your state. Public schools give everyone a chance to live the American dream of becoming wealthy by laying the foundation. Most of the federal systems just redistribute wealth instead of giving opportunities. I hate to see wealth redistributed. I want to give some of my income to charity, but I don't want my money to be taken away for charity.
@tessrow (92)
• United States
2 Aug 09
I am a big fan of the public school system. But I specifically moved to a neighbourhood where the public schools were extremely good -- not everyone has the luxury to do that.
I do think the federal government has overstepped its authority. But I think that local and, to a lesser extent, state governments should be doing more for their constituents. Local and state governments could take over most of the "nanny-state" functions of the federal government and run them more cheaply with better accountability to the people they serve, so far as I can see.
Thank you for your response!

@RFMaster06 (24)
• United States
2 Aug 09
This is somewhat an out of the box answer. First, I believe the Imperial Federal Government of the United States has grown beyond our ability to maintain its operation with conventional funding. Reckless spending by both the current and previous administrations have done great harm to our posterity. Just to service the interest on the debt alone is 26 billion per month. What must be done is a drastic reduction in the size and scope of the federal government. Spending at this level is unsustainable and it is immoral to saddle future generations with this reckless pursuit of social engineering. Common infastructure must be maintained, military preparidness must be sustained, current entitlements must be serviced. But we must stop these rediculous pork barrel projects. What can the government do for us? Get out of the way of the free enterprise system. NO BAILOUTS, if car company x fails, let it. The market over time IS self correcting. Thomas Jefferson said once, "most bad government has grown out of too much government". He also said "a government big enough to provide everything you need is big enough to take everything you have". we are living in perilous times and most don't even realize it. First we must take back control of our government in the 2010 elections end limit this usurpers unaffordable social engineering agenda, and attempts to transform our republic into a marxist state.
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@ralphido (842)
• India
2 Aug 09
no offense but in case you didn't notice we are the ones who put up the governments there. so whatever they are doing is a direct reflection of our thoughts and deeds. The government will grow as we grow and do as we do.. if only things were that simple we wouldn't have to worry about voting..

@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
5 Aug 09
We are only PARTIALLy responsible for the government we get. I can tell you that *I* sure as heck didn't choose who was in the end running for the prime seats to run things, if it had been up to me, I'd have scrapped them both. I also had no control over the way my state handed electoral votes to a candidate I didn't care for, but what could I do? It's a nightmare for anybody after you dig through the layers, beginning with who runs in the first place and what lies they tell during their campaigns.
@tessrow (92)
• United States
3 Aug 09
I agree that we are the ones who elect our governments, be they federal, state, or local. But we also do so with certain expectations. I personally value most of the programs that my local government provides, but I also am lucky enough to live in a city that has city-owned utilities (water and electric), so my costs are much lower than the surrounding areas. I can see the benefits of an efficiently run "socialist" public utility that works under a strict policy of serving the public and is run as a non-profit. I think the further away the layer of government providing the service, the worse things become.
As an example, locally run and funded schools tend to be the best. They are supported and administered by people with a stake in the local community, and as a result, the scores and education provided tend to be of higher quality. State run schools tend to be less cohesive in nature, less directed, and not as well administered. And when the federal government gets involved? We get programs like "No Child Left Behind", which most educators agree was a paperwork nightmare and didn't help the children at all.
So yes, we are responsible for the government we get, but we also need to know what we want and expect from it before we can vote or complain coherently.

@foursox212 (282)
• United States
2 Aug 09
Don't want them to do anything but keep a strong military, shut down our borders, and leave us alone, everything they touch turns to Crap, especially public education, the kids are only being taught to be good comrads.

@nzinky (822)
• United States
3 Aug 09
I wish the government would stop making thing worse than they have to be if they woould take care of what they are suppost to and let me handle my personal affairs by my self......I can go to the doctor now but if the government has their way I won't be able to do that....I can have things I have worked for I don't need them to hold my hand to get them.......
I also want them to be a public servent again like they used to be.....No the ones who think they are GOD.......I would like to have Statesmen rather than politions....There hasn't been a Statesman in years........
Most of all I want them to keep their hands out of my Pocket........I'm able to deside that by myself...
@bdugas (3578)
• United States
2 Aug 09
I think the first job the federal government has to do is keep us safe, that in alone should keep them busy, I think they need to keep their noses out of Social Security and telling me whether or not they think that I have lived enough or should be told whether or not it is my time to die. I work long and hard for the money that I paid into Social Security, this cra*p about the baby boomers now going to rob social security, we are the ones that put the money into the system, and it is ours to draw when we retire. There is a need for health care, one that they should be after the doctors and hospitals for the ungodly high price of the tests they take, example being allowed to charge $7900. for a MRI, there is no test that cost that much. There are changes that should be made to Medicaid, changes so that the doctors and people can not rip it off, try stopping that. There are too many people that are disabled on the job that deserves to be taken care of till the day the LORD, takes them out of this world not when some counsler says it is time for them to go.
Whether I smoke or not is no ones business but mine, try settling our differences with the rest of the world and leave me alone.
As for the state where I paid my taxes, I require them to take care of schools, make our roads safe to drive on, make sure the police and fire that work so hard at keeping us safe get the best pay they can, and the equipment they need to do their jobs.
If Obama continues to do what he is after, we and this usa will be in one sad shape, if this health care plan of his passes the elderly will be sent home to die, who gives him the right to say who can live and who should die. I will always believe he is the anti christ. Each level of government has their jobs to do, they need to do them and keep their noses out of my life untill they can find something that I do that breaks the law.
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
5 Aug 09
Hmmm... social security. There will not be any left when I'm 62, I am sure. The reason this angers me? *I* paid into it when I worked! We at LEAST deserve to get back in kind anything we have paid into. As far as people who haven't paid into any government run services - they don't deserve one red cent. The government needs to start differentiating between people who ought to receive benefits and those who shouldn't. We would not be seriously running out of resources if we hadn't been handing out things left and right without regard for who we were handing it to.
@oneidmnster (1384)
• United States
2 Aug 09
I want the government to enforce our immigration laws.If they would do this,it would save the country billions of dollars and give Americans badly needed jobs.
@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
3 Aug 09
What do I want? Fiscal Responsibility. That is what i want. Other htan that I feel alot of programs that are run by the federal gov. need to given to the states to run.Each state has their own unique problems and situations and needs the flexibility to fix them themselves and a one sides fits all federal bill does not allow for that.
Schools for example. I think the states would do a better job than the feds. THe elected officials are closer and can actually see what is going on in THIER state in real time. No child left behind is an example. THey tired to make a one side fits all federal bill for that and it ended up working for no one.
THe federal gov. is too far away from some problems to deal with them appropriately. Where as the states would be better able to handle it.
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
2 Aug 09
I feel like most anything that I'd personally like the government to do or not to do would be quibbling and could basically be argued either way, for or against. And at the end of the day, it's basically meaningless, and not something I feel like writing 30 paragraphs about. There's a lot of government and a lot of services.
What I want from ALL government is simple: Honesty and integrity. I want the men and women who represent other men and women as elected representatives, on all levels, to do what's best for public interest and not personal gain. I want government officials to stop trying to seize power, stop trying to use politics as a way to earn a comfortable living, and start acting as public servants.
If that means that people have to put up with more government, then so be it. But I have a feeling if you took the power hunger, the money hungry and the corrupt politicians out of the equation, government would drastically shrink up to a nice, controllable size.
I think government, on all levels, is needed to act as upper management in many areas. The problem we have now, especially at the federal level, is that the government wants to own the store instead of running its day-to-day operations and seeing that they go smoothly.
@tessrow (92)
• United States
2 Aug 09
I agree with this wholeheartedly. I also think if corruption, graft, and self-serving politicians who are only working for the next election instead of for the constituents they are supposed to represent were ELIMINATED, the government would be much smaller and the services we do use would be worth the money we're spending for them.
Thank you for your post.
@CMTS_87 (1339)
• Philippines
2 Aug 09
What do I want the government to do for me and my fellow Filipinos?
Don't be CORRUPT! Country first PLEASE!
Happy MyLotting!
@rockingmonture4u (12)
• India
2 Aug 09
well The government is partly to blame for the housing bubble problem because they have a habit of throwing money at ideas without thinking out a good plan and carrying through with that plan. Instead, they trusted private enterprise to THINK about what lower income families need. The result was a disaster because private enterprise cares about ONE thing. MONEY AND LOTS OF IT!.