
@mel13088 (265)
United States
August 1, 2009 7:33pm CST
I keep getting good discussion ideas from the class I'm in. Would you be upset if you found out that your cell phone was wiretapped? There's a fine line between government information gathering and privacy. How do you feel about it?
4 responses
@OConnell87 (1042)
2 Aug 09
i don't mind them doing this if it means that they are able to stop bad people from doing bad things to the rest of us, and i don't have anything to hide so they can listen all they like to my convos coz it wouldn't interest them. I have heard that they have hot words that alerted to people some as bomb but i dont know whether its true or not
@mel13088 (265)
• United States
2 Aug 09
I've heard the same thing that there are certain words that they listen for. I somewhat feel the same what that you do. I'm not doing anything wrong and they won't find out anything by listening to my conversations but at the same time, privacy is important. It's a double edged sword.
• Philippines
2 Aug 09
Hello OConnell! Like you, I also don't mind if my phone or any means of communication are wiretapped... I believe that the government has solid and good intentions why they are doing this and that is to secure and monitor the peace and order in our society, Yes it is an invasion of our privacy, but the good of everyone, for me, prevails. If wiretapping can improve the peace and order of our society, then I am cool with it. Happy mylotting!
• United States
2 Aug 09
I believe that the government has better things to do than to worry if I am talking nicely on my cell phone, and since I have nothing to hide, I do not mind if they are tapping my cell phone or not.
• United States
2 Aug 09
I do not like it but I will be honest and I believe they are already tapping the cell phones. I also feel that is why TVs changed as well. I think it has something to do with the goverment wanting to montior what is going on around here. I think if it keeps us safe than I am okay about it. But if it is to just be nosy forget it. Take care and happy mylotting to you.
• Philippines
2 Aug 09
I think its a violation of privacy rights on an individual. But what do you know, you are being monitored? The government and the citizens as well should make a move now or it would be too late. Happy myLoting!
• United States
2 Aug 09
It's already too late. Do any of you know that any cell phone now has capabilities of being bugged, I mean the microphone can be activated at any time even when the phone is suposedly turned off? You can even be tracked by GPS systems with the right equipment. The only way for the phone to be safe is when the battery is removed until you need it. Scary isn't it. Do you think the Government can risk any person or persons to be able to gather and gain power to overthrow the Government? They can only control you, if they know how powerful you get, and how to find your weaknesses. wire tapping does not have to involve touching any wires at all to get your information. Wiretapping can be done with any hacked scanner and laptop computer with wireless internet. Fools of the day beware! Even the cordless phones can be tapped by a scanner with a special antenna and signal tuner that scans all bands until it finds a hot signal and then stops on that channel to listen to your conversation. All leagle because any transmission in the air can not be called wiretapping by any legal terms of old. So my friends, sleep well, all is well with the Government.