My friend wasSHOT yesterday by her ex husband..WHERE WAS THE PROTECTION!!!!!!!!
By April
@cloud_kicker_32 (4635)
United States
August 2, 2009 12:34am CST
Im telling you this is a bad month for me and my friends..i would say it was bad mojo being friend with me but teh first friend lives in NorthCaroline and that was unexpected..NOW THIS??? LET ME TELL YOU..for 6 years he had been stalking her..6 mths ago he tried to shoot her..missed when they fought and shot the ceiling,he gets taken away and is in a State Hospital for ppl with mental probs for..get this..6 WEEKS!!! then months later he sees her on the street and tries to strangle her..again..he is taken away for 2 WEEKS!! anddd!! she had a PFA AGAINST HIM THE WHOLE TIME!!! and nothing was really done..well yesterday my friends. i have cried and cried..he finally did it..he just walked in her house..shot her then killed himself...alll in front of there children:( i believe the oldest is 15 or 18..i cant remember right now my heads blurry..and the lil boy is 6 yrs old..whyy in teh hell would u do it in front of ur children..and if he was as crazzzyyy as he was..WTFFFF WAS THERE NOT PROTECTION? WHEER WAS IT?? the police knew what was going on..they ignored it..why wasnt he made to wear something so when he was in a range of so far from her it would of gone off and police warned?? noooooo!! because its a little town..where hardly anything was blown over and now shes dead..and her babies are mommy less..this breaks my heart..idont know what to ask from you..what do u think of this is all i have..idont understand why nothing was doen to protect her..and im sick to my stomach..:(
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8 responses
@robert19ph (4577)
• Philippines
2 Aug 09
hello cloud_kicker_32,
So sorry for what happened to your friend. More so to her children since they were able to witnessed what their father did to their mother and to himself. For sure they were traumatized.
I understand how you feel about it. True if the government officials did something about this, it will never happen. Hope this will serve a lesson to them and that it will never happen to anyone again. Sorry for your loss.
@cloud_kicker_32 (4635)
• United States
2 Aug 09
hey robert..thank u soo much..and yes teh children will be tramatized forever..and the daughter was super duper afraid this will just make her go in a shell and just..not care anymore..i think i would.and yess the police knewww what was happening..and they just ignored it..i think soemone else shoudl pay for this..this neverrr should if heart hurts..and my eyes are hurting from al this crying..:( thanks again hun..
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@freethinkingagent (2501)
6 Aug 09
I hear people ask this all the time. The fact is something could have been done, but people will not to what is right because it will or could negatively effect them. So I ask you Why did YOU not do something about this? If it were I, I would have taken him out long ago and put a bullet in his head. True, I would be in jail, But my friend would still be alive, and her children would still have a mother. Everyone always wants SOMEONE Else to do something, they hardly ever will make the right decision if it can hurt them. Thank about this, if people saw a crime and did something even if it was agent there own comfort, and criminals knew that the average citizen would do something to stop them even if it meant their own discomfort, these cowards would not be so willing to do their crimes any longer.
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@sophie_dfuss (2365)
• Philippines
3 Aug 09
I am so sorry to hear about what happened to your friend and the loss of her family. Its so horrible to hear that a man killed his ex-wife, even though he still loved her and became part of his life and its so cruel to kill somebody you have loved. Life is not fair sometimes and we have to deal with it no matter what. Only God knows the purpose of our lives and the reasons why such things like these happen to us. I hope you get well soon.
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
3 Aug 09
Those restraining orders can only protect just so much. The police can't guard her 24/7. What is messed up is that he got out so quickly and easily over and over and was obviously so dangerous. My schitozophrenic (sp) friend got put away repeatedly for at least a year or more for things like property damage. He never hurt a soul. I am so sorry for the loss of your friend. This should have been prevented. He should have been put away much much longer. He should not have been allowed to live in the area once released. There are so many more things the law could have done to prevent this.
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@syankee525 (6249)
• United States
2 Aug 09
yeah they should have done more, should had him admitted for a longer time to get him and her the help. it's sad how often the help isnt there. but like i've heard protection is just a peace of paper. after the first few tried they should have locked him so much longer.
things like this i know get not just you but others upset. but now the poor kids had to witness this all, and will have to deal with this for the rest of thier life. but there for them and make sure their family seek therpity for the kids to help them to deal. your friend, and the kids are in my prayers.
but i will tell you this, after the first time and i was there, wouldn't be a second time
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@suzzy3 (8341)
5 Aug 09
What an awful thing to have happened it happens in England as well these woman are terrified and stalked by the male for ages.I cannot understand why they don't pick these men up and lock them up give them treatment.The woman always comes off worse there is to much discrimination against women ,we are silly things that don't understand life,we get upset easily.Once these discrimnation is finished we might stand a chance with the police and be protected properly.They go on about muslim or Indian woman not having any rights it is not so different for us western woman .Having this happen to a friend is heartbreaking for you,I also feel sick to the stomach.So much for Emily Pankhurst and all her friends getting us woman the vote and getting us rights, what I would like to know is where are our rights surely we have the right to protection .maybe not.!!!!!!!!!!!
@newzealtralian (3930)
• Australia
2 Aug 09
I'm so sorry to hear that! I hope now the authorities are taking it seriously, because they were very remiss in the way they treated her.
This guy really needed to be locked up for a long time and I hope he is now, because if not, he will do it to the next person and keep doing it, because he will think he can get away with it.
Those poor children! They are going to be traumatised and need counselling! They are going to find it so hard to trust anyone and really need some TLC now.
Again, I'm sorry for your loss.
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@master101 (223)
• Indonesia
2 Aug 09
I a very sorry to hear what had happened. So sad these days, how men are able to take someone's else life easily. Esp, someone they love or care. Something wrong with the system there. They should have locked up your dear friend's ex, and knew right away from the examination that he had tendency to abuse or being brutally aggressive. He's not supposed to wandering around without proper treatment.
I really donno what else to say, except put sympathy on your sorrow for losing friends in the tragic way. This is a portray of how woman always vulnerable to be the victim of man's brutality. Hope, everything will be ok in the future both for you and for the children that are now left without parents.
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