Is it really THAT big a deal?

United States
August 2, 2009 12:52am CST
now I'm a Walmart cashier. absolutely proud of it. but i have a question...why is it almost every dang time someone pays with cash they find it absolutely necessary to to hold my five deep line of customers with piled over the brim carts...just to fish out a FREKIN PENNY just so they don't have to get ninety nine cents back. is louse change such an evil thing that they must therefore inconvenience everyone around them just so they can avoid evil pennies, nickles, dimes and quarters? I mean seriously...its change. i say just take it and go so the next person in line, who's already saying through their teeth that "its alright" that your taking so dang long to count your change out. People in my line will sometimes say "oh I've got a penny" i wanna say before they finish their sentence: "that's awesome...your getting 4 more so it has company". there's this wonderful thing called coinstar...if it really bothers you that much put the change in a jar and bring it to the machine. you would be surprised at what you can save up just by not being so "oh my dare you give me the demon spawn that is louse change". here's a thought...if you want to avoid getting louse change back...use a debit card...that way the line isn't held back as you fish through whatever it is your fishing through to find that last penny, the cashier doesn't have to wait for you to start serving the next customer. Do people even realize that part of what gets us a raise is how well we get people in and out? We get a bonus in part based on how many items per hours we ring through. Honestly...its currency...i say just take it and quit holding up progress. Good grief. Just had to let that out on a day where EVERY customer that paid with cash did this.
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16 responses
• United States
2 Aug 09
I work in retail as well, and i know it can be frustrating, but at the same time, i hate having a ton of LOOSE change in my purse of wallet. When my money is in change form, or even in small bills, i am more apt to spend more of it when i don't need to because then it becomes "oh, it's only a quarter...or it's just a dollar" i do tend to try and pay my bill in a way that will get my back the most efficient form of cash to carry on my person. I also prefer to get quarters back when i do have to receive change. so if my total comes to something and 76 cents, i will dig out that penny to make it so i can get a quarter back, but that is because i have to do my laundry at a laundromat and i save my quarters for that. Yes, it might take a little extra time in the checkout, but for one, not everyone has debit or credit cards. For many years, i prefered to use cash only, as then i knew exactly what i had to work with and it was easier for me to budget. And two, i am sure you have heard this a thousand times working in retail, and probably hate it as much as i do, but the cutstomer is always right. And three, people actually don't get as frustrated as you might think with the other customers in line, what they get frustrated with are cashiers with poor attitudes who do not greet them with a smile and act friendly just because they had a customer who was a little slow at getting their change out of their pocket earlier in the day. Oh, and coistar may be nice, and may be convienent, but in todays economic times, it can be unwise to use a machine that is going to charge you almost 10 cents on every dollar you put through it, when that coinage you are dumping in can be spent with out a loss at the register.
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
3 Aug 09
I want to mention that Coinstar does no fee exchanges if you get a gift card in exchange - for instance I think Starbucks, perhaps Walmart, or Barnes & Noble. I haven't used one myself but I have looked at them before. By this I mean if you put in $12.57 in change, you can have that given to you in a Starbucks giftcard with $12.57 on it. Of course that only matters if you'd use it.
• United States
3 Aug 09
the Walmart i work at has that option too. i was like whoa when i saw it the first time...i really like that idea myself. Hey...if you wanted to you could save your change through out the year and when a birthday comes up...bam...throw the change into the machine and give the gift card to the person for a gift on a birthday or something! Just a thought. thanks for that...forgot all about it.
• United States
3 Aug 09
Hmmm..i have never seen that option on any of the coinstar machines i have seen. Here we only get the option to get a cash voucher, where they take out 8.9% as a handling fee...or you can choose to just have it all donated to charity (which i rarely ever see done, as most people save up their change and turn it in because they need to use it for something)
@angelsmummy (1696)
2 Aug 09
I have worked in retail since the age of 16. I dont any more as I lost my job due to getting pregnant . I used to ask the customers for change as it is easier than going to the safe whilst serving customers and creating a huge queue for them. I take customer service very seriously and was very good at my job all my customers loved me and they even started a petition for me to get my job back... The reason my customers liked me so much is although a queue was help up by me asking for change I would treat my customers like royalty and they was the only thing that mattered to me not whether or not I wouold get a bonus... You go into retail knowing that you will be dealing with customers and with customers bring change... Dont forget while you are there the customers are the ones paying your wages because without them you wouldnt have anybody to serve therefore no job. Be grateful you have a job in this economy and try not to whinge about the job as you will miss it loads if you lost it!
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
3 Aug 09
I so rarely get superior customer service but when I do, I want to shout with happiness about it. So many people in customer service have forgotten all about SERVICE and all they care about is getting a bonus or a raise. I wish people would remember they needed to CARE about the customer and serving the customer, exceeding expectations, not just standing there in a terrible mood and griping about how the customer is paying! At least the customer is in YOUR shop and buying something. You're right too, there is no reason you should have lost your job. I think you could fight it, as that is discrimination. Being pregnant isn't a condition that anybody can hold against you, although some people act like it is!
• United States
3 Aug 09
Um...ok...wasn't looking for a lecture here. im pretty sure i mentioned that im proud of what i do for a living and i always treat my customers with the highest courtesy even if they are being words i cant really use here. the way you read is because i work with customers I'm not allowed to have pet peeves that bother me. I have to worry about my numbers just as much as my customers because if either falters i can lose my job. I have to balance good customer service with the needs of the store. Point blank fact is this: Walmart wants good courteous workers...that are fast and efficient. My ability to do both at the same time suffers when people hold up my line...period. Ive been working with customers at various jobs for the past 12 years...i know whats expected of me. you missed the point of the discussion which was to understand why people feel it necessary to be discourteous to the workers and the people waiting in line behind them.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
2 Aug 09
oh my I would not take a job like that as people are just so unconcerned about those behind them. kudoes to you for doing a great job when you have customers who hold everyone up while they fish for said penny that they probably cannot even find. I myself never quibble over one lousy penny. I care about not holding up other people. good luck, hatley
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
3 Aug 09
I haven't seen you in a long time! Is it me or have you been gone?
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
3 Aug 09
Coinstar? Debit card? Dang, I'm old... Had no idea you got rewarded for getting people out quickly, really. But whatever happened to "the customer is always right"? Did that go out the window with the lower prices?
• United States
3 Aug 09
store safety (how long you go without either a customer or a employee goes without an accident) IPH (items per hour scanned) and a few other things are considered when the Walmart higher ups consider bonuses for the workers in each store. The better and faster and safer we are the more we get. Now for once we disagree on something. This "customer is always right thing" is foolish idea. The customer is NOT always right and Ive seen many people try and take advantage of that idea. I remember years ago i was training someone at the McDonald's i used to work at and one of the customers started berating them on the first day, calling them stupid and useless and things like that. I turned around and kindly asked them to please be understanding as it was her first day. they later called and complained...about me defending the girl and they wanted me fired. The customer has no right to treat a worker serving them like that for any reason. same restraunt a black (no racism implied here cause i love a lot of the Afro American culture) walked in and cut in in line in front of the customer i was serving and his five year old girl who was starting to tell me what she wanted, and started making her order despite the little girl...and i just went with taking the girls order. the lady looks at me bug eyed and goes "I don't like that" and i knew she was about to pull the race card so i said "mam, you cut in front of this nice little girl to make your order. the line starts with her and her father and then moves to you. After huffing and puffing all through the girl making her order she orders a ceaser chicken salad shaker...then proceeds to claim that there's not enough chicken in it. I explained to her that we have to measure out what we put in them for quantity control and i made them myself with all the proper measurements. She started swearing up and down that i did it wrong and wanted more chicken in it. I told her that i would have to charge for it, she told me that she wasnt going to pay more for it...then i told her that she wasnt getting any more chicken then what was already in the salad. then she started getting nasty. At this point the store manager stepped in cause she had seen the whole thing and explained to her the same thing i did...the woman started getting nasty with her...and then the rest of her order came up and my manager finished it for me with the finishing sentence to the lady "you are welcome not to come back in my store. (as the lady caused a few customers in the meantime to leave cause she would let them order until she was fully satisfied) People take advantage of that statement all the time and though i don't own the store and thereby follow it to a point, I fully don't agree with it. Wow...i think this post was actually longer then the original conversation.
@Donna01 (42)
• United States
3 Aug 09
I don't like to have alot of loose change either, so I do try to get rid of it. The people who bug me are the ones with checks. They will walk up with a cart load of stuff, stand there for 15 minutes while the cashier is ringing everything up & then when all is bagged & carted they decide to start writing out their check. They could have had the check filed out and ready WHILE the cashier was ringing their stuff. These people really piss me off. I stopped into a store after work once. I thought I was going to get out quickly, but no. There was a lady who did this very thing. There were about 10 people in line behind her & the line was growing. When the cashier asked her for her drivers license to run her check, she then retorted very haughtilly, " I DON'T WORK " ( as in : I'm too good to work .) With that , I yell out " Well WE do work & we'd like to get out of here sometime before sundown ". Another girl then chimes in with me , " You go girl ! ". With the line getting a little raucous, she decided to speed up her check writing & hustle out of there.
• United States
3 Aug 09
that's why walmart offers to auto print checks run the check and write the check in one simple step
2 Aug 09
I dont know how you cope, I wouldn't have the pateince to be able to do a job like that. I congratulate you. Personally, I never carry very much money, I always pay with a debit card. The only reason I have started to use my debit card all of the time is that I was once at the till when I didn't have enough cash on me and now that was embarrassing. I had to put my shopping trolley back and go home empty handed. That would surely hold your other customers up longer.
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
3 Aug 09
Even if I am using cash, I always CARRY cards just in case LOL! Now I have seen people at Walmart try to pay with a card and get declined, now THAT would be embarrassing.
@mac1946 (1602)
• Calgary, Alberta
2 Aug 09
The first thing for the government to do,is get rid of the penny,stop the retailers from setting prices so that basically everything comes out to an odd number. For those stores that insist on getting every penny,then they better expect people to want to get back the smallest amount of coins possible. many of the smaller stores have a give a penny take a penny dishes at the counter so this does not happen,why not the big stores as well? And yes palmerhusky it IS that big a deal. Many Thanks.
2 Aug 09
If I have the correct amount in change then I will hand it over to the cashier but I always try and have the right (or roughly the right) amount of money to hand so things are done fast and no-one else is too inconvenienced. I have worked for my money and if I want to pay with the exact amount then I am going too! I put all my loose change in a pot at the end of each week and save it up but I don't pour it in to a Coinstar machine that takes 7 or 8% of my money for charity (which begins at home for me!) I just put it in to a special machine at my bank and it goes straight in to my bank account.
2 Aug 09
I think that people do that becuase it makes them think that they have more money if it is in bills and not in coins. I have heard of coinstar but they are in very few locations. People don't realize that athey are holding up a line of people or that you get a bonus based on how many items that you ring through, they are more concerned with having more money for themselves. A lot of people also just see it as a retailer's job.
• United States
2 Aug 09
but isn't that how it should be? I am not there to waste my money...I am already there, buying my items from that store, knowing they are making a profit off of it, that then pays their cashiers wages...and it is the retailers job to take your money, and most retailers are happy to do it, whether you pay by check, credit, debit or walk in with a bag full of pennies. It is all money to them and they are happy to have it.
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
3 Aug 09
I'm sorry, I'm not sure whether to laugh or cry. I mean it IS funny, yet I have worked in customer service with a register, so I realize where this is coming from. I am not usually guilty of fishing loose change out because I don't generally carry cash. I'm one of those people who laughs at the commercial for visa debit cards where everything is running smoothly until some loser takes out a checkbook. I guess you could compare that to cash as well unless someone just pays with a 20 and leaves it at that. I'm thinking maybe that people don't have anything to carry the change in, and plus I'd really prefer a dollar instead of 99 cents. I'd even prefer a quarter rather than 24 cents. Of course my solution too is not to use cash but some people don't have a choice. I agree that it's not right to hold up a line for 10 minutes either, but people do it to me all the time. Using WIC checks... writing checks... digging for change, not knowing how to use an atm or credit card. Usually I am that next customer in line who believes it won't take long because the person has 3 items. While we're venting and sharing gripes, one thing I am tired of are the people who use 500 coupons. By all means, if you have a few, USE THEM. *I* do. What is NOT okay though is to dig out 30 coupons for each of the 30 items you are buying, and then arguing with the cashier about how 'it's double coupon day and so instead of 50 cents off each box of cereal that was already on sale for $1.50, it's now $1.00 off that box of cereal so each box should only cost 50 cents'. Yes, I know we're all broke and we all want cereal for 50 cents but cripes, some of us just want our steaks and broccoli and bag of potatoes and case of coke, ok? Especially when my grill is already heating up! Maybe the idea would be to have at least one or two lines that are cash only and the rest are 'card only' and you can ask to work only the card registers lol. Don't know if that would work but it's an idea.
@uicbear (1900)
• United States
2 Aug 09
I worked as a cashier and this didn't bother me at all. The one's that bothered me were the people that would remember something when they were at the front of the line and send their kid back to go and get it. Meanwhile you've rung up all their stuff and are now just waiting for the kid to get back up to the front. The other one is the people who basically use you as a price check. They let you ring up something and then they're like, oh, forget it, I don't want it.
• United States
3 Aug 09
Yeah i get those all the time too. That's another pet peeve of mine. Its called a list. i always make a list before i shop so i know what i am and am not getting.
@OceanLady (136)
• Canada
2 Aug 09
I keep my pennies seperate so that I can get to them easily and avoid having excess change... because my wallet just isn't big enough to have tons of change. In fact, I often empty my lose change into a jar at the end of the day (well, except the pennies, I don't like keeping those if I can help it) just to clear out my wallet. It's actually fairly useful at the end of the month when we're waiting on payday and suddenly need bread or something, because I can usually scrounge up enough change to buy it.
• United States
3 Aug 09
Hah, I've done cashiering at Sam's Club which for those who don't know is owned by Walmart. I've had to deal with the same thing but for some reason it doesn't really bother me as much. It may be because there we didn't get anything extra for getting people in and out faster. I can see not wanting to have 99 cents though. Change is heavy if you have a lot of it and most people don't even want to bother going to one of those machines to exchange it. More times than I can could I just told people forget about the extra cent and just rung it up like they gave it to me. I know that's not great to do but no one has ever said a thing about me being a penny short.
@Excelsus (16)
• United States
2 Aug 09
Haha, I agree with you, I ran the cash register at subway sometimes and when we were hit during summer time (during the ripe season where many sports teams from other states would come in for random events) we used to have lines coming through the door, sometimes all the way out in the parking lot, despite how fast we were working and I'll tell you, we worked hard. We would have an occasional customer who would expect exact change, or if we have people who tried paying with a card that was declined and yet they would insist that there was money on it and to try again. It was a wreck. I can understand as a customer to many stores and as a victim of line waiting. Lol I think most people just try for exact change to save for other specific payments for later where they know the prices for what they buy, but I mean, if thats the case, why not just carry a small special little bag that holds specific coins so they know what theyre using, that or take out the funds before buying. Good consumers know their prices before they buy, never hurts to do the extra homework, right?
• United States
2 Aug 09
Coins are much heavier than paper money. Speaking from experience, I do that most of the time when I wear jeans, the pockets are very tight so I can't carry much stuff in it let alone coins.
@dlr297 (5409)
• United States
2 Aug 09
Boy would you love me especially these days when all i have is change to pay with. I do not have a bank account so i do not have a debit card to use. The way i think is that it is all money to be spent, or they would not make it. and most places will not take rolled change, because too many people short the rolls. and with the way the economy is today the fees for coin star would make the difference in what could be bought to a lot of people.