"Twilight" is a really good movie, how you think of it?

@zhcy888 (256)
August 2, 2009 1:28am CST
Hi,dear mylotters, I saw the American movie" Twilight", it's really a good movie. It's told Bella and Edward's love story, they are high school students, Bella just comes to Fokx to live with her father, Edward is a vampire, but he fall in love with in Bella, and Bella love him too deeply, they begin a nice love story... Movie is good, have you see it? Don't miss it if you haven't seen it.
7 responses
3 Aug 09
The first time I saw the movie I really enjoyed it, however once I bought it and watched it again I found it dragged out a lot and was honestly quite boring. Another problem I've found is that it has become incredibly over-rated. I do believe that the second film will not do half as well as the first as although a lot of girls have got caught up with it, it does appear that a lot of people did see it and feel the same as me. It keeps getting compared to Harry Potter, however Harry Potter is a much more appealing film to all ages (it's not mainly a romance for example) and so was more likely to continue its success and is doing so.
3 Aug 09
Erm, well it all depends on what sort of movies you like. Most romance movies have an element of something else, such as comedy, or in Twilight, fantasy. A recent film that is one of my favourites is Atonement, although that is an English costume drama and is quite a sad one. Then of course there is the wonderful Titanic! The later Harry Potter movies, such as the new one, contain a lot of romance however it wasn't really present in the first 4.
@zhcy888 (256)
• China
4 Aug 09
Thank you for your advice, i'll see it.
@zhcy888 (256)
• China
3 Aug 09
Thanks for your response. I have seen it for several times, i like the actors and actress, you know most of American movies are not love movies, hardly to see, even see, maybe it's not good at all, while this one is good, do you know other good love movies? Recommend me some, thank you!
• India
2 Aug 09
I have seen it....but didn't like it that much....I think everyone who has read the book will agree with me....it didn't live up to its expectations ....Edward disappointed me a lot....the character that was portrayed in the book was much beautiful .... it was said to be something like a greek god....and sorry to say Robert Pattinson was nothing near that ....Kirsten Stewart did really well as Bella....but the film could have been a lot better...
@zhcy888 (256)
• China
3 Aug 09
Thanks for your response. I will read the book when i have time, through it is not realistic in our daily life, but i like the actors, Edward and bella are beautiful. I guess you saw a lot of movies, can you recommend me some beautiful actor and actress about love movies? Thanks!
@zhcy888 (256)
• China
4 Aug 09
Thank you
• India
4 Aug 09
Best romantic actors according to me are Adam Sandler ,Hugh grant....My favorite romantic actresses are Drew barrymore,Mandy moore,Kate beckinsale,Elisha cuthbert ....you can try their movies ....try to search Imdb.....
• China
2 Aug 09
Yeah it is badly a good movie.Love is always the topic we are interested in.For me,I think the love between Bella and Edward is really romantic that I can't help jealous of it.I hope one day I can be one of the leading actors in such a romantic love story.
@zhcy888 (256)
• China
3 Aug 09
Yes, me too, actors are handsome, i like it because there are good actors and actress, also it's because it's a love story, it's a forever topic. thanks for your response.
@amybrezik (2118)
• United States
3 Aug 09
I apologize, but I have to disagree with you. I saw this movie at the theater, I had heard so many amazing things about it, that I was sure it had to be great. I fell asleep. I wasn't impressed at all, although I have heard that the book is great.
@zhcy888 (256)
• China
3 Aug 09
Thanks for your response. Did you see it with your boyfriend or girlfriend? it will be better if lovers go to see it together, i like the actors and actress, they are really handsome. so you must know some wonderful movies, can you recommend me some good lover story movies( with handsome guy and pretty girls), thank you!
@alex_raju (173)
• India
2 Aug 09
i love the movie ...its awesome in every way .its different from other romantic movies...
@zhcy888 (256)
• China
3 Aug 09
Hi, Alex, thanks for your response, yes, it's different from other love story movies, but a good one.
@wahyueQ (223)
• Indonesia
2 Aug 09
Yes I have seen this Movies. This is a very good movie, in this film not just show the action, it also show the romantic and horror. I think this movie can replace the Harry Potter, because Harry Potter Will End for about 2 years again. This movie can replace it well. We have to see the Twilight new moon, it will release about November 2009.
@zhcy888 (256)
• China
3 Aug 09
Thanks for your response. You gave it a highly rating, yes, it's really good, i saw it for several times, i like horror movies, but don't like it contain in love movies, but it's very good movie, i love it. waiting for its new moon...
2 Aug 09
The movie was ok. The book itself was ok. I hate the idea of glittering vampires. But I enjoythe werewolf native americans against the vampires. I think Bella could have been played by a better person,she seemed a bit noobiesh at acting.
@zhcy888 (256)
• China
3 Aug 09
Thanks for your response, it's pity Edward is a vampire, through he is, but Bella still love him deeply, can't leave him. LOVE is a great thing, we can't conquer it when we meet it most of time. I didn't see the book, busy, if not, i'll read it.