no responses-discussions

@yugasini (12893)
Secunderabad, India
August 2, 2009 8:15am CST
hi mylot friends,to day i have spent two hours by searching zero responses for discussions posted in mylot for last 3 days,it is amazing that nearly i have seen more than 1000 discussions with zero responses,why at least those discussions could not have one response,i have given 3 or 4 discussions and send responses to the discussions,joined in new site,send requests for two friends,have you ever observed this tab and find out why they have received zero responses?
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12 responses
@silvercoin (2101)
• Lithuania
2 Aug 09
Sometimes I check this part with zero responses.Yesterday I found one deep and sad discussion which caught my attention.Now it has one response.Why some discussions get no responses at all?I think we can divide them in groups.The first group would be discussions created by newbies(they don't have many friends on their list, they don't know the rules,etc.),the second one would be discussions that are very long and require specific knowledge,and the third largest group - discussions that don't have a clear message.Could you answer discussion like this:"Have you seen Fiona?wooooow!"Who is Fiona?What's the purpose of such discussion? I remember creating one discussion where I choose incorrect word and it got zero responses.
@yugasini (12893)
• Secunderabad, India
2 Aug 09
hi silvercoin, you may be right yar,so they do not receive any reponses,have a nice friendship day wishes
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@lexus54 (3572)
• Singapore
3 Aug 09
You've made a good observation about discussions having zero responses. Most of the valid reasons for this phenomenon have already been expounded by the earlier respondents, so I shall not repeat them. But I think there's something peculiar about myLot that also greatly contributes to this outcome. When someone starts a discussion, it is important that that discussion gets people's attention, and that attention results in action early as in responses. With so many members here and so many discussions started by the minutes, any discussion that doesn't get a response will just keep going down the list, and within a few hours, it will be down to maybe page 8 or 12, or even lower down. Very quickly, it will 'disappear' into oblivion, out of view of members, and then these discussions will be forgotten and ignored. Of course the reasons like difficult topic, bad language, discussion not clearly written, etc. contribute to this 'no response' status, and will cause the discussion to disappear very quickly. Also, I think not that many members bother to go around digging for buried discussions and just resort to looking at the top discussions for the day, those within their interests, recent discussions, etc. so they can easily miss the buried discussions that have no responses. This situation perpetuates over and over, and the end result is we get a multitude of 'no response' discussions. That's my hunch and thinking.
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@yugasini (12893)
• Secunderabad, India
3 Aug 09
hi lexus, thanks for the response, you are quite right my friend do by going down the discussion will not appear it won't get any response, have a nice day
@stvasile (7306)
• Romania
2 Aug 09
After checking out my friends' discussions and the discussions from my interests, I look at the "no responses" section. There are many unresponded discussions, but most of them are on topics I and most of the other members are really not interested in - that is why they don't get responses.
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@yugasini (12893)
• Secunderabad, India
2 Aug 09
hi stavasile, thanks for the response, you are right that's why they have not get any responses
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@tdemex (3540)
• United States
2 Aug 09
My own opinion on this is the posters are newbies who just rush into posting and don't do any research on their posts, spelling is bad, others posted on the same topic the same day ( this relates to no research), People not interested, people asking for opinion on local issues and no one knows what they are talking about! These are the most common reasons! tdemex
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@yugasini (12893)
• Secunderabad, India
2 Aug 09
hi tdemex, thanks for the response,i do not also have much experience in posting the discussions,what ever comes to my mind iam putting on discussion,i think some of mine also not get any responses,have a nice friendship day greetings
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@dlr297 (5409)
• United States
2 Aug 09
I usually check that out once a day and try to see if i can respond to anything, I know people feel bad, and get discouraged if they do not get any responses to their discussions especially if they are new here to my lot. Their are just so many different discussions started in one day that it is hard to get to them all, and their are so many started that are about the same thing over, and over again, it gets boring answering the same thing everyday.
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@yugasini (12893)
• Secunderabad, India
3 Aug 09
hi dlr, thanks for the response,you are quite right,now i im doing the same,i will give only 8 to 10 responses daily,and attend all responses and messages,have a nice day
@sutent (1060)
• China
2 Aug 09
Hi, You are such a careful person to care about such question. I admire it. Yes, you are right. There are a lot of discussions with no response at all or just one response. Among those unresponded discussion, several discussions came from me. I am not sure of why those discussion is not attractive to others at all. Could you share with me your experience on it? Thanks for your discussion no matter if you share your experience and suggestion or not. Happy mylotting!
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@yugasini (12893)
• Secunderabad, India
2 Aug 09
hi sutent, thanks for the response,and your comment on zero response is ok,i am ready to share all your discussions,so iam requesting ;your friendship,have a nice friendship day wishes
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• India
3 Aug 09
yes some time it happens with the me also i dont like to respond most of the discussions that start and sometime i do not get responses. It is really very critical task to pick a very nice and interesting topic to which people feel like answering and get lot of responses.but till now i am getting maximum 10responses for my discussion in mylot. i would love to go for a topic which will make people answer.
@yugasini (12893)
• Secunderabad, India
3 Aug 09
hi anjalisharma, thanks for the response, you are right iam also getting very less responses to my discussions,but for 3 or 4 discussions i have more than 10 response,i have not checked which were have more than 10 responses,have a nice day
• Philippines
3 Aug 09
That i don't know. I seldom don't search for a topic. The once posted are the very first I respond too. I also not post my own discussion since I can't think of anything yet so I leave it to other mylotters to open up a topic. Since redundant topics are usual here. You can only choose which of the topic posted will you participate. I think that's the reason why a lot of topics are left unanswered. There are already existing topics and the once new where posted and when nobody answered, it will go to queue and be piled up with newer topics. I have a topic which i got a zero response, so what I did, I rephrase my question and post it again till there are respondents who replied on my post. I think the system here for piled up topics should be fix somehow that others might be able to see, without the use of search option.
@yugasini (12893)
• Secunderabad, India
3 Aug 09
hi straberrychocodahi, thanks for the response,you have the same experience of no response,i have not checked correctly,i may not received no response for some discussions,have a nice day
• China
3 Aug 09
You topic is attractive,so I can't help to enjoy you,Hello,everybody,I haven't been on this site for a long time,because my work is too busy and stressful,I even couldn't bear it any longer ! Is there anybody have the same feeling like me ? So just want to talk with somebody share the happiness and sorrow. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@jellymonty (2352)
3 Aug 09
I think the most usual reason why they get no responses is simply because the topic is not interesting at all. And the fact that most are newbies adds as a factor as well. I have gone through the list and I did not find any interesting topic to comment on so...
@yugasini (12893)
• Secunderabad, India
4 Aug 09
hi jellymonty, thanks for the response,due to some reason,those discussions were not get zero responses,but i find some thing on these zero response discussions,have a nice day
@Ruby722 (796)
• China
3 Aug 09
Zero reponses 1000 discussions? Incerdible I never seen that.I wonder why they got no responding.Did they started a bore discussions?I don't know why the question is Or maybe just give they more time and people will search it then responding on it.. I've strated few discussion only got several responding.I thought it was sad.Now seem not
@yugasini (12893)
• Secunderabad, India
3 Aug 09
hi ruby, thanks for the response,you are astonishing about zero response for more than 1000 discussions,i have not checked correctly it may more,have a nice day
• Philippines
11 Aug 09
I have also come to notice about these discussion. but it was late at night that i had to sleep. there are so many zero discussions out there. it's up to you where to choose the right topic that would suit your interest.
• India
3 Aug 09
This mainly happens to members who are new to my lot,they don't tag their discussion or put it the rite place as they has happened to me also....their are few topics which doesn't get any responds at and some my friends have tried new discussions on gaming ....but most of the there is not a single response ....But after you stick around for sometime your discussions gets comments regularly....
@yugasini (12893)
• Secunderabad, India
3 Aug 09
hi suparnodatta, thanks for the response, you are quite right that may be happened to new mylotters,i do not how i have started mylot and now iam getting responses with in seconds and with in days also,have a nice day