Paypal vs Alterpay

August 2, 2009 8:50am CST
Which do you think is better? A lot of PTC site have boycotted Paypal as their alternative way of payment. why is this? Alertpay offers more features but with limited countries to serve. what are you thoughts?
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4 responses
@dlr297 (5409)
• United States
2 Aug 09
I have been using paypal for over 5 years now and have not had a single problem with it. As for alterpay i have never used it so i can not comment on it. but for me paypal is #1
@dlr297 (5409)
• United States
3 Aug 09
No i have never had a problem with them at all. My account has never been restricted.
• India
4 Aug 09
mine had.............. but now it is re-instated ............
• India
3 Aug 09
have paypal ever restricted your account ?
@master101 (223)
• Indonesia
2 Aug 09
Yes, agree with Tdemet, a lot of scam website are banned by Paypal to use their service as payment. You can see most of scam PPC program using alertpay instead of Paypal nowadays, while in the past, had gone through with paypal instead. But to compare between these 2 service, i gotta say it will depend on where we see it. If its regarding which one is bigger and the best, Paypal is still in the lead. But many country banned to get paypal account. And lot of user having difficulty to verify paypal since the requirement of providing active credit card. While as alertpay, all u do to verify is providing legit scan id. And it is not something hard to do. My opinion in this, is to join both services altogether. Esp if you are running your own online business or ecommerce. YOu will give your customer more option to pay. But bare in mind, to be able to do this, you shouldnt just signup for personal account.
• India
3 Aug 09
that's your opinion is to use both the services ?
• Indonesia
3 Aug 09
Yep, nothing's wrong of joining these 2 BEST payment services
• Indonesia
3 Aug 09
Yeah, i have no argument on that. Ive been using paypal for like 5 years or so, i cant really remember. But if you ask for an alternative, alertpay should be your number one choice. And if you having your own e-commerce site, you should as well, registered both. Or if u having difficulty verifying paypal, alertpay will also best switch.
@jason1308 (1586)
• France
3 Aug 09
My personal favourite is PayPal, mainly because I have had it the longest and never had any problems with it. I did open an account with Alertpay, mainly as some sites won't accept PayPal, but I rarely use it as I nowadays tend to try and stick to sites that have PayPal provisions.
• India
4 Aug 09
same with me................though i have an alertpay account, i never use it ..........
@tdemex (3540)
• United States
2 Aug 09
Well first of all it's not the companies boycotting paypal it's paypal not doing businees with companies that don't meet the paypal standards! So they have not to many choices who will take them the next best is alertpay and they are very slow! Paypal is #1 alertpay is #2 that's life! tdemex
• India
2 Aug 09
so you will surely recommend paypal ?
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@tdemex (3540)
• United States
2 Aug 09
No brainer, I have a paypal visa debit card, I can get my cash at any ATM! Alertpay doesn't have this feature, yet. tdemex
• India
2 Aug 09
so paypal provides this debit card ? if so , how can i acquire one .........
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