My Cats Were Left Alone for This Long For The First Time Since We Got Them

United States
August 3, 2009 12:10pm CST
For the first time since my boyfriend got our 3 cats they were left alone for that long, 2 nights without us and they made it really well. My boyfriend's sister was babysitting for the cats, very glad that she spent so much time with them, she's an angel. I was really worried about leaving them when we were going on this mini vacation because they are scared of strangers (they were abused when they were little, so they don't trust people) and don't know my bf's sister too well, but they are real troopers, they loved her. One of them, Rocky only came out on the last day, he would wait for her to leave and only then would come out to eat, but on the last day he showed himself. My little guy, Barron was hanging out with her for a few hours that she was spending with the cats. She actually brought her boyfriend over and my little guy came out to greed them. She told her boyfriend that this is the little guy and he said "this is the LITTLE guy" because although he is the smallest of the 3, he is actually huge compared to other cats that people are used to seeing lol. When we finally got back home last night they were very happy to see us and we just sat around hugging them for a few hours and only then started to bring our things from the car. We missed our fluffy friends too much, and they missed us too. I wish we could take them with us, but we were scared to loose them in the woods (we went camping) or worse, have a bear kill them. Do you feel safe to leave your cats when you are going away on vacation?
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4 responses
@ElicBxn (63790)
• United States
4 Aug 09
when I had fewer cats, I could dump a big bowl of food and a big bowl of water and know they'd go for a few days, but not any more! These kids can clean the HUGE bowl of food and water in less than 24 HOURS! The last few times we've left them, either one of us stayed home or the other roomie was there to care for them.
@ElicBxn (63790)
• United States
4 Aug 09
ahh, I feed mine cats kibbles - with this many kibbles is the ONLY way I could afford it
• United States
4 Aug 09
to my surprise my cats eat very cheap actually. for 3 cats i spend no more then $10 per week and all their food is organic. Turned out to be a good deal. ground beef i get is about $6-7 per lb and fish is around $5-6, one lb of each lasts them 2 weeks. plus i get them raw kibble for $10 a bag and that lasts them about 2-3 weeks. I was spending much more when i was feeding them with kibble plus canned food...
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• United States
4 Aug 09
Yes, my cats eat a lot too lol plus their food spoils fast because i feed them mostly raw food. water isn't that much of a problem except that they knock it down whild they chace each other sometimes :)
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@JoyfulOne (6232)
• United States
4 Aug 09
Ahhhhhhh, I know it's harder for us than for them lol. I'm always at home, but for the first time in a long time I got to go for 3 days to my one daughters home, quite a few hours away. I didn't worry too much about my inside cats, they are old cats and pretty much like to keep to themselves, or lay on the bed. I did push a table up to the one window they like to lay in. I padded it and they loved resting on it and looking out the windows at the birds and stuff. I filled up two giant bowls with water, and measured out their food allottments for the 3 days. I have 2 dogs and a barn cat too, and my s-i-l made sure they were fed, watered etc. He said he never saw hide nor hair of the inside cats...they were sleeping under the bed lol. (So much for missing ME huh?!)
@JoyfulOne (6232)
• United States
4 Aug 09
That's nice that you take in rescued cats. All of mine have been rescued kitties too. The two that are in the house are huge (probably about 25# each...not fat, just big!) The outside barn kitty was a rescued cat too. One cat was from somebody dropping it off at the farm here, I didn't even know it was hiding under the barn. Then the coyotes got the mother and some of the babies. I actually crawled under this old barn to rescue the last baby myself lol. It was stuck between a stone step and the frame. That one treats me as if I was it's mother too. I dropper fed it until it could eat on it's own. Your cats sound like they're real special! Wish my inside cats were more like Barron, they're more the independent kind, you know...'don't touch me unless I wanna be, I'm resting now'. My friends always say if they get reincarnated, they want to come back as one of MY cats hahaha. Have a nice evenin' mrakobesie, it was nice hearing about your cats!
• United States
4 Aug 09
haha i always say that if i die i want to be reincarnated as a cat and be Boss's girlfriend, he is in love with me, so i might as well :D
• United States
4 Aug 09
yes, it's very hard for us to leave them lol. my main problem with leaving them is that i feed them raw food and it gets spoiled too fast. I'm glad that my bf's sister was able to feed them so often, don't know what we would do without her... they are also very attached to us, my boyfriend was the first human in their life who treated them well and rescued them (their previous owners abused them) and i'm the second human and somewhat of a mother figure to them. i'm the only female around since their mother ran away (i think she wanted to die somewhere where her kids wouldn't see it and get upset) they are very scared to loose us, so we were woried that they will get scared that we left them for good or that something happened to us. As it turned out my little Barron doesn't care who hugs him, as long as he gets tons of hugs lol but boss although did get hugs was very happy when i was back (i think he thinks i'm his girlfriend lol) Rocky spent the whole time under the bed, he hides there when strangers come over... he got the most abuse so he can't really get used to the idea that most people wouldn't hurt him.
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@blackbriar (9075)
• United States
3 Aug 09
Cats are pretty self-maintanence animals. Long as they have plenty of food and water..self-feeders/waterers..they will be ok for a few days on their own. Course, can't say the same for the litter box so might want to leave quite a few around if you happen to leave and have noone to check in on them/clean the box out. We go camping alot for several days at a time and only take the dog with us. All 3 cats come out of it with no problems other than missing us alot.
• United States
4 Aug 09
my cats miss us even if we are away for a few hours... My little Barron threatens to run away every time we are away for too long, and than he gets upset if we are not trying to stop him from running away. they are even trying to stop us from going out at night lol. they just stay at the door and are not letting us close it. cute guys. they were all over me all day, always trying to get move hugs and kisses, they missed it when we were away :)
• United States
4 Aug 09
I know. lol They act like we have been gone for weeks instead of a few days or even a few hours. Tigger, my avatar, is my feral baby who seldom lets me out of his sight when I'm home. I go outside and he roams from window to window merowing his head off. He has a spot on the kitchen floor he will sit at and watch me while I'm working in the kitchen. No matter what room I'm in, he has a spot to sit and quietly observe while I talk to him and work. Once in a while he'll answer back, specially when he wants something. The other 2 cats pretty much ignore me cept when they hear the treat container or the opening of a can of food.
• United States
4 Aug 09
The Barron is te one who usually follows me lol, he always wants more hugs :) Boss is usually laying near me when i'm on my computer, he likes being close to me but doesn't want to walk so much lol. Usually one of them is near me when i decide to feed them so the one he is next to me meows to let others know that food is on the way :)
@Elaine77 (315)
• China
4 Aug 09
I've got three cats, too. If I leave home for a vacation for a short period of time, I would ask for my friends to taken care of them. of couse, I would call my friends to check out if they are alright, I do worried about them, but since I was on vacation I would also enjoy myself on the vacation. Good day!
• United States
4 Aug 09
I wanted to call from the vacation, but we didn't have a signal there becasue we were camping in the middle on the woods lol. But we called as soon as we got out of there. She was so nice that she wrote about what cats did while she was there. It was really nice to read the note she left us.