Did you know?
@whiteheather39 (24403)
United States
August 3, 2009 2:47pm CST
Just how secretive Obama is about his past? I knew about a couple of things but didn't realize just how much he was hiding. What is with this (p)resident in the Oval Office? What on earth is he hiding?
As it stands, Obama is the only president in history whose birthplace is unknown to the public – a fact that would be stated on the actual birth certificate. Interestingly, his family has mentioned two different hospitals in Hawaii as the place of birth.
Obama’s refusal to release his birth certificate does mean that Obama remains one of America’s most mysterious and opaque presidents ever.
Obama, for example, has not released many other documents regarding his public and private life.
Many of these documents were sought by reporters, who easily acquiesced when Obama said he would not release them – though most presidential candidates release them as a perfunctory matter.
Among the key documents that Obama continues to shield from the public:
• Obama released just one brief document detailing his personal health. McCain, on the other hand, released what he said was his complete medical file, totaling more than 1,500 pages.
• Obama refused to offer his official papers as a state legislator in Illinois. Nor did he produce correspondence, such as his schedules of appointments or letters from lobbyists, from his days in the Illinois state Senate.
• Obama did not release his client list as an attorney or his billing records. He maintained that he performed only a few hours of legal work for a nonprofit organization with ties to Tony Rezko, the Chicago businessman convicted of fraud in June 2008 but did not release billing records that would prove this assertion.
• Obama ignored requests for his records from Occidental College, where he studied for two years before transferring to Columbia University.
• Obama’s campaign refused to give Columbia, where he earned an undergraduate degree in political science, permission to release his transcripts. Former President George W. Bush and presidential contenders Al Gore and John Kerry all released their college transcripts.
• Obama did not agree to the release of his application to the Illinois State Bar, which would have cleared up intermittent allegations that his application may have been inaccurate.
• Obama did not release records from his time at Harvard Law School.
• During the presidential campaign, McCain’s campaign released a full list of all online donors. Obama’s campaign still has not released the names of those who donated at least one-third of the $750 million he raised.
Ironically, Obama accused the Bush White House of being "one of the most secretive administrations in our history," and chided then-Sen. Hillary Clinton for not releasing her White House schedules.
Did you know the extent of just how secretive he is?
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11 responses
@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
3 Aug 09
It's a lengthy list. As you noted, most of what he is keeping secret is released as a matter of course by other candidates. If the media had scrutinized Obama the way they have every other candidate for the office, more people would have heard about this long before the election. Instead, those who cried out for the information are marginalized and labeled as fringe elements.
The American people voted for a young, handsome, well-spoken candidate who made great promises. They really knew nothing about him. 1 in 5 voters in this last election was a new voter. These young people voted for the candidate that was appealing.
John McCain was not appealing to the younger set. He's older, from another era. It's no surprise that McCain had such an amount of medical records. He suffered many injuries as a result of his long captivity as a POW in Vietnam. McCain would not have been my first choice as a nominee, but at least I know he is an American, has fought for America, has suffered for America and believes in this great country. Obama does not believe in America, he seeks to apologize for her and to change her into some vision of his own. I get no feeling of pride in America from him, and I want my president to be proud of the country he represents and serves.
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
3 Aug 09
During Obama's campaign I spoke with many young people, black and white, who did not have clue what his background on many issues. They went strictly on his looks and charisma. As many time as Obama has been on prime time TV shows I can only think he is an egotistic narcissist and is still trying to keep up his appearance/popularity as if he was a candidate for American Idol instead of the Presidency of the United States..
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@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
3 Aug 09
I have also heard that the reason Obama does not want his college info released is because he got scholarships as a "foreign student" sense he was a citizen of Indonesia and he used that to pay for college.
So he is NOT a US citizen when it comes to paying for college. But when it comes to being president he is? Either is not qualified to be president or he committed a felony by lying (fraud)on those scholarship applicaions. Which is it?
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
3 Aug 09
Wow! That is a new one on me but it certainly makes sense.
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@speakeasy (4171)
• United States
4 Aug 09
While running for office, several reporters and media companies were threatened by his "campaign" for questioning any of the things you listed above and for bringing out and reporting on other incidents he was involved in. Most of them backed off. The rest you just don'r "hear about" anymore. Obama is reported to be a very vindictive person.
He also had connections with people in Chicago that can make bad things "happen" to "people who stick their noses places where they do not belong". Is it any wonder that most reporters and media companies let these issues "slide"?
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
4 Aug 09
I do not think it is Obama personally who has so much power but the people who are manipulating him are probably very rich and very powerful. When controlling the media money is the bottom line and for such a love fest of promoting Obama through the campaign I could bet an awful lot of money was exchanged.
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@itsmychoice (382)
• United States
4 Aug 09
Hey speak..... Great post you have said a few things that I was holding out so far as to the ties he has in the underworld,who by the way pay his way most of the time just to throw some smoke screens up. I am a little Leary posting some of the things I know for fear of disappearing from this earth. The Government is very good at doing the dirty work when needed. You can't trust the media either because they would turn on you just to get some good reading material. We all have to watch out because we all are still not organized and grouped tight enough to escape any retributions from the wrong things we say. Even if it is the truth. If we could just get our heads straight and get united, maybe we would be able to get rid of the snakes in office and start anew, this country would start to get where we should be. But even people like us are scared to get together and protest like they did in the sixties. Look how they changed the world, but then the man figured out how to stop protesting by underhanded means. Soon our rights will be made from exerts from Muslim ideals, and our rights to bear arms will be taken away, and we will be chipped to keep track of us.
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
4 Aug 09
itsmychoice..."chipped" what a scary thought!
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@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
3 Aug 09
I was already aware of a long list of his personal information that he has thus far kept secret from everyone. I fail to understand how he could have gotten as far as he did without true vetting. But maybe that's the whole point, because I believe he is merely a puppet for more powerful politicians.
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
3 Aug 09
I have always thought he was a puppet for some Islamic rulers/politician because of the millions he receive during his campaign from foreign countries which is one of his secrets as he has yet to divulge who or where all that money came from
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@sumofalltears (3988)
• United States
3 Aug 09
Of course the man is secretive, he could not be President if he let any information get out. The only thing I am sure about is he is not an alien, because they would be a lot more careful to make sure the information is there.
The man scares me for three reasons, 1. this secretiveness, 2. his inexperience, and 3. his total disregard for due process in creating legislation. In my opinion he has totally dropped the ball and everyone else hasn't even made it to the game yet.
I honestly don't see how this country can survive him for another three and a half years. The way it is going it will take that long for us to find out where he was born.
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
3 Aug 09
If his fist 100 days is any indication of his (p)residency I really fear for the future of this country.
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@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
• United States
4 Aug 09
Double - and a ! for an irrelevant non-response! How did that joker get a red star?
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@puddytat101 (657)
• United States
4 Aug 09
I've been reading through your discussion and decided to look up some information about this topic as well. I can't help but wonder if the "big dawgs" would allow such nuances such as working for a company who had a bad egg in its power structure. I am relatively certain I've worked for companies where not everyone was "good". Does that make me a bad person too? Or perhaps, the media coverage has once again caused the public to believe something that they wouldn't ordinarily think.
To me, Obama is merely a test. He's a test of the American people's ability to truelly accept global diversity without prejudice. Why do you think international relations are so important right now? Because of 911 that ultimately led to our current state of economic affairs? Perhaps. However, this one man, alone, cannot change the world. I do think Obama was set forth into presidency at a very critical time.
As far as charisma and charm, Obama reminded me a lot of Clinton. He strived to get the votes that usually aren't there, from the younger generation and new voters. Is that so wrong? I thought it was great when Clinton campaigned on MTV. I actually got interested in our political system at that point because it seemed fun in between rock videos. Wasn't that the whole point? Hey, whatever works. Our youth needs a heads up too!
Politics is a scandalous business. It's a dog eat dog job, every minute of every day. All this talk of secret torture, lost documentation and questionable employer relations is nothing new. At one time, America was quite intent to put in a president who's votes mysteriously disappeared.
I can understand why Americans want an "American" president. It just makes sense and to have it any other way would be like saying it's ok to have a plumber running a hospital. It's ridiculous in theory.
America seems hell-bent on finding out if Obama is qualified to run the country. He's been well-groomed to take on the job of presidency. Secrecy and scandal shouldn't cloud our vision of a peaceful and prosperous future. Personally, I feel that Obama was intentionally put into office. I mean, c'mon, no offense against McCain...but that campaign was completely absurd.
The only real thing I am concerned about is the paper trail of data, such as medical records, that is slowly diminishing. It's the whole "go green" attitude to lower the cost of health care. However, I can't help but wonder how many other records will "disappear" during this process.
@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
6 Aug 09
Thank you for a very well said response as you said Politics is a scandalous business and I could not agree more.
@rubypalmes (269)
• Philippines
4 Aug 09
i really know Mr. Obama but as u stated he is not that bad,eventhough he is not our president as i've seen on the news for me he is couragious, strong person and a good leader.
he would bring more succes to United States Country.
@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
4 Aug 09
you said "i really know Mr. Obama". All I can say is then please let the United States in on your knowledge as we sure as Hell do NOT KNOW him! We see only what his manipulators and the media let us see.
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@fchalida (196)
• Indonesia
4 Aug 09
Hi all...i don't know anythingg about politic even in my country. But what ever the president come from and the background, just please give obama opportunity to raise USA (united state). What i see at him is after he become President of USA, There are nothing war in the world and try the best for United State. Truthly i don't like America government to intervantion other country problem, ok if that good for that country but in reality is America just seaching for his benefit. But for Obama, he tries to be wise to solve the problem in around the world. (veto vote in UN). Don't Judge him just because he is black. Just rate him because what he give to USA. In my country, there were so many ex-president trying solve my country problem, promise so many thing, promise this and that. And the last here is like as Obama, very much judgment here and there, but what happen here is, he raise my country. He proves his promises to us. DON'T MIX RELIGION WITH THE POLITICAL AND DON'T EVER TO BLAME OTHER RELIGION CAUSE OF SOMEONE MAKE MISTAKEN/ SOMETHING WRONG. PEACE IS BEUTIFUL WORLD :)