What problems old people encounter at home?
By neelianoscet
@neelianoscet (9615)
August 3, 2009 10:57pm CST
Many older people encounters problems especially at home when it comes to operating of modern household technology or electronic devices. There having difficulty of upgrading their skills and knowledge on its proper uses of the new technology. Mostly they are neglected at homes as useless simply a nuisances with no contribution to family income. In some cases old people are even have to work despite of their ages, because their family have abandon them..The old are young people before and part of helping the society where we belong now..But now they are feel abandon and less appreciated...In your own point of view? What will you do to elderly people to get them learn to used the new technology?
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10 responses
@blungel0830 (841)
• Philippines
4 Aug 09
Some of the elderly people are still able to keep up with new technology. I guess here in myLot we have members who still are very good at using the computer even if they are already over 60 years old. They are those who did not consider age as a barrier for learning.
But sadly, some are simply not able to cope with new technology not because they don't want to but because they already have age-related illness that limit their capacity to remember and learn new things.
A former boss has become so forgetful he can't even remember the names of those in his household, can't remember recent events, can't remember if he has had his meals or if he has had a bath. A long way from the boss whom I worked with years ago. How can we still teach someone like him? He has Alzheimer's disease.
The elderly should be cared for lovingly by their families even if they can not keep up with the advancement of technology. Whatever it is that the elderly can not do, those who are able should just help them out.

@neelianoscet (9615)
• Philippines
7 Aug 09
Yeah..I agree with you those who could help to lessen the agony of being old should have the free will to help them and never despise their inconsistency and for their memory lapses...They too know that they are being take for granted when young people disregard them and treat them like a burden to the society..It must be remember tha t they are young before and we too will lad the same fate as they are now..Probably we must do all we could to teach them even it takes time..I do believe that learning is a continued process and not all elderly are backward in terms of using the new technology..As what you says even 60 years old know to use computer..this are the tetchie type and will e proud to meet them..it is only proves that modern technology is not only the privilege of the young but elderly have a right to experience it..

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@neelianoscet (9615)
• Philippines
27 Aug 09
I do wish too, youngsters more caring, affectionate and more respectful to elderly..

@blungel0830 (841)
• Philippines
19 Aug 09
Thanks for the BR!
I hope when we are old, we would also have people taking care of us and that we would not allow the learning process to cease.
Good day!

@Capsicum (1444)
• United States
7 Aug 09
This is a common thing, I am guilty myself. I have a great aunt and uncle who are in a suite at a home, I am embarrassed to say how little we visit them.
This is the only situation ,I have ever faced of this type ,but I see it happening all the time. My neighbors son use to come for lunch everyday. When he moved to a different state,her health declined,hence the fact that she had plenty of other kids and grand kids only 5 minutes away.
This story sounds sad and all to common anymore. We should take care of those who loved and cared for us.This is the way it use to be,it was normal to have a mother or father living with you.
@neelianoscet (9615)
• Philippines
7 Aug 09
Elderly really miss the fun times having to spend their times with their children even though they ask to move for being independent, work away from home and probably got married..It is still matter that family bonding should stay strong no matter the change in our status. The love, care and understanding that a family could show to elderly parents or ailing parents is irreplaceable no matter we compare the care which they receive from live in care with a hired caregiver. Elderly are hungry for affection and attention..the only things which will keep them to move and inspire to live longer is to see their children being happy beside them and is able to watch how their children have becomes successful with their respective families and grandchildren..it is a nice attitude to spend spend times with the elderly as we really never know the exact time where they are going to part ways with us..It is a good feeling to show them that they are still important part of the society and never ever show that we neglect them...
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
6 Aug 09
This is a fact of life sadly. I'm lucky in a way that my 96 year old Dad is self sufficient and quite capable although his memory is not so great. He is going downhill but very slowly. He would like me to come live with him but I have a home and several animals that would not relocate easily and he cannot contain them at his place. Also, my sister is the authority for him and she does not want me there. I have to admit I am very happy here and living with Dad would create many restrictions for me. We have things set up for him to make things as easy as possible and there is a guy who calls in every day and takes him shopping and to the doctor as required. He has a cleaning lady twice a week and people from the church visit him sometimes.
@neelianoscet (9615)
• Philippines
7 Aug 09
Your Dad is very for having a loving and attentive daughters who are very concern with his welfare. And, having constant aide to assist him during his needs is a great relief and it will also makes his life more meaningful.with presence of children and friends who are beside to cheer him up is the best gifts which we could offer after the elderly have done with us during their younger days..

@ShirleyBillingsley (1544)
• United States
4 Aug 09
Many of the "older people" do not even care about the many modern gadgets and things that have a great appeal to the younger generation.
Older people should not be considered a nuisance, after all, they did raise up a generation. If a person were to think of the elderly as a nuisance, then consider the obvious: young people are going to do the very same thing, which is age. We all, go through the same process, regardless of financial status. Even those that have prepared for a life time, still go through the same process. Age has no limitation on status, financial gains, and the such. Everyone is blessed with the very same ending, and there is no changing that. I have seen people save for a life time, for their "old age", only to be put into the same category as thier poor neighbor, who never saved a dime. So really, when considering the elderly, think first of you, since, one day, you will be wearing their shoes.
@neelianoscet (9615)
• Philippines
7 Aug 09
Some elderly lose interest in learning new technology and they could understand the new terms in using computers and other electrical appliances. But, their are elderly who despite their aged, they remain very flexible and even curious to learn it..These are groups of elderly who got no diseases and probably stay with active mind. I seen 80 years old who never been confine to bed and in a wheelchair..who still move fast and very active in joining senior citizen organization..being young and old really is really depending on the state of mind of a person and how you feel..about your good disposition in life..always thinking on the bright side and not on the negative aspects of life..On the other hand elderly who have diseases and even if they like to learn new technology they could not do..Probable reasons; they suffer bad eyesight, with dementia, hearing problems and mentally inactive..that they just sit down and sleep..Of course the younger generations should take care of their elderly..because when they becomes old they would also experience what the elderly feel...

@jezzmay (1845)
• United States
4 Aug 09
I have tried to teach my mother, but she is 83
and set in her ways. She says she can not do it.
I leave her house after I showed her how to use
her vcr and dvd player. I make her do it so I
know she can. Then the next time I she her she
says she can not do it, she is afraid she will
break something. What are you to do?
Have a blessed day.
@neelianoscet (9615)
• Philippines
7 Aug 09
I experience the same things with my father he often forget what i teach about the proper way to operate electrical appliances..So far the only things he know is to open the television with or without remote, the electric fan, coffee maker, radio and blender. about the other devices like computer, cellphone and Dvd player he do not have the confidence to learn them..When..their is really a failure to teach them o matter how hard i try..they got memory lapse..I am the one who ended operating it and let them watch..also i ended up supervising their every movement as they are very slow and do not like them to be involve in incidents involving the use of modern technology...

@Vicay_theMom (19)
• Philippines
4 Aug 09
I myself have difficulties in using mobile. I don't used to the technology but i had to learn because its the only way that i can communicate with my children. My husband always annoyed with me whenever i ask many times about how to use it. I forget especially if i don't used it more often. Anyway i have learned at least a bit and i am starting to like the technology like the computer. In fact joining here make me encourage to learn even my age now. Even though i am slow a bit but i believe i will improve. However i don't expect that i will be spending a lot of time on computer since i know its not healthy for my eye, but i can still see clearly though. Perhaps just a short time just to share my point of views here.
@neelianoscet (9615)
• Philippines
7 Aug 09
I am happy for you, know to use computer. My mom is 60 years old and she have difficulty first in typing texts in cellphone..it is really difficult and she type very slow in keypad and mostly abbreviate like removing the e, i and a. We laugh at her as she do it with too much abbreviation that i have to guess it before i read what she mean. then..i also teach her how to press the call in the cellphone keypad, in cases we call her..she know to answer.and you know she is addicted to use text in cellphone..I am so happy she learn it very slow at the start but she is very patience to listen to us..probably, will going to teach her next to use a computer..I am going to tell her that a lot of user here in MyLot is more older than her and yet they know how to use..Mylotting is great way to keep the brains working and this a way to learn more as learning is a continued process and you should never stop..learning..

@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
4 Aug 09
Sometimes it is too late when they have reached a certain age, they are used to doing things in their own way, I think learning has to be started earlier, woman especially are used to just looking after kids and haviing their husbands doing a lot of household things for them...I can remember living next to an elserly lady who lost her husband and she really could not do anything, I used go in and change her light globes, and even her clocks... I don't think people should ever give up learning, after they leave school they should always try to keep up by learning...other than that one can just try to include the elderly of today with todays technology and hope that they show some sort of interest in it...
@neelianoscet (9615)
• Philippines
7 Aug 09
I believe too....learning is a continued process..their is no right age to learn..as long as the person is willing to learn it would be easy to teach him even it seem impossible..with the cases of elderly..some become weak and feeble not only physical but also mentally..It is good to coach them everyday to grasp the latest technology under supervision of the handler and never ever left them unattended..This would really ensue that elderly do not feel bored as having no active life lead to dull mind..so it is important that elderly are taught to sed modern technology in order for them to enjoy it...
@anetteh (3590)
• Sweden
4 Aug 09

@neelianoscet (9615)
• Philippines
7 Aug 09
Hi anetteh..elderly really have a long way to grasp modern technology at its best with proper supervision by young assistant who have the patience to motivates them to learn even the basic operating of a simple devices or electrical appliances such as television and using DVD player..about taking a bath..elderly really get cold having a bath..maybe just a hot bath or using a sponge will suffice..such as in using a scissors, handling a knife or even using a remote control becomes a hard task for them, because they are very slow to move, bad eyesight, often forget or having dementia and they always got nervous. Also, they have difficulty in using a cellphone and ATM machines..They really need a constant supervision to guide them in every things they do..thus avoiding falls or any incidents to occur which will hurt or harm them..

@tuyakiki (3016)
• India
4 Aug 09
Old and elderly people face many problems in a modernly furnished household.They are not that much accustomed to the new technologies.I have seen that my grandma do get scared when the cell phone rings. She also cannot stand the ring tone too.Its hard for her to use the Micro oven and she also cannot surf channels in television.And probably its hard for her to learn new things. tried to teach her many times but it was all in vain.
Apart from it the problem she face is,she cannot stay alone. In my family,no one stay at home during the day time,as everyone,that is my parents,I, and my brother has to for work. And she cannot manage things when she is alone at home....

@neelianoscet (9615)
• Philippines
7 Aug 09
i too observe the same things happen to my elderly father and mother. They always forget what i teach them about the proper ways to operate a device. they too have difficulty in typing or texting cellphone keypad..usually they have difficulty reading small letters..That is why I print all the instructions in a bond paper all of my electronics appliances in case I am ut of the house..such as where to plug, how to switch and how to press the on and off button..The problems they always forget and have no patience handling the electrical appliance..then in order for them not too look too backward. I show them or demonstrate every time how to operates a device and they imitate it..I am so happy my father know to on the television and use the DVD player while my mom know to use and text using a cellphone..Elderly acts and think like a child..they seem helpless and unproductive..they lost their energy and always like to sit and sleep which I like to avoid when I grow old..They really need a lot of supervision and probably having an aide or assistant with them is a great help to coordinate their every action which should not lead to incidents..

@srganesh (6339)
• India
4 Aug 09
You are right.The old people at home cannot update with the handling of modern equipments and so they are even teased by their grand children.Another thing is they can't move swiftly as young people and they are cursed for their slow movements.As you have said,some see them as a burden as they have to be taken care for more medical expenses.But that is a wrong idea.We should remember how they looked after us when we were young and be grateful to them.We have to respect their age and have patience towards them.Cheers!