How often do you end up on the computer late at night???

United States
August 5, 2009 5:46am CST
Being new to mylot and all i just noticed that it's past 3 in the morning and I seriously am never up this late on the computer. Heck I should get to sleep right now and I will after this question is done! DO YOU GUYS END UP USING THE COMPUTER LATE AT NIGHT GIVE OR TAKE PAST 1 AM A LOT? If so what do you usually end up doing? (ex: favorite sites, chatting, etc etc...)
12 responses
• Philippines
12 Oct 09
hi.. I have a 2.30 am shift so I'm used to staying up at wee hours of the morning. Most of the time I would wake up @ 2 am even if I don't have work just because I'm use to it. I would usually go online. Play games on facebook and watch youtube vids :)
@Tom728 (175)
• United States
11 Oct 09
all the time, I play Evony, Yoville, chat with friends, and research personal health topics. Watching videos is fun as-well. I love to use the computer when I wake up in the morning and late at night. I try to go for a walk during the day and do my school stuff too.
@amitavroy (4819)
• India
16 Aug 09
generally i come home quite early from my work. but then i tend to study a bit which i like to do after i come from office. then i get some time to check my mails and all and so when i am online in true sense, it is generally after 10:30 or 11 and so i think it is a general tendency that i am always late at night when i am online and looking for new information and all. also when i come online i voice chat with my sister so that is also quite late as there is a big time difference.
• Indonesia
10 Sep 09
I always try to get sleep at 11.00 PM get less sleep will make you older :D
@baybay3 (65)
• United States
10 Oct 09
Hey! Yea, I find myself on my computer late at night after dinner. I am never up too late at night, but I do find myself on the computer almost every night. I usually check my mail, chat with friends, and look up all kinds of information online.
• United States
10 Oct 09
When I'm up and online late at night, I tend to go to lots of different websites. I check my Myspace and Facebook, and if there are any friends on I may talk to them every once in a while. I check my Twitter and also work online typing date entry. Every once in a while I'll play some games and recently as I just joined this, I've started doing this as much as possible!
• United States
5 Aug 09
I end up staying up late because I see no point in forcing myself to sleep. I get pretty tired by six so its okay. I end up somewhere like mylot
@fifileigh (3615)
• United States
7 Aug 09
yes. by accident. not on purpose. when i go to check my email, and it takes longer than i thought to check everything. and all of the sudden it is 3am. then someone on my friends list wants to chat. they r usually in another country. so they have daytime. so, i chat a little with them. and all of the sudden, it is 5am.
• China
9 Aug 09
yeah,when i was at school, i always stayed up late until 1 am. I did nothing but wasted my time watching movies,TV playes,etc. But at home,i have to go to bed on time because of my mom:)
• United States
5 Aug 09
Im just bored and really can't sleep. So I usually get on mylot for the heck of it and get in new discussion like this one! lol. it passes time more for me so yeah.
5 Aug 09
I usually end up staying up until midnight at least, not good when i have a small daughter who likes to get me up at 7am each morning if not earlier. I usually play games on facebook or go onto a couple of forums and come on here. The times just goes by so fast, one minute its 10pm and the next you look up at the clock at its almost midnight.
@yelrihs (298)
• Australia
5 Aug 09
im a student. so i usually stay up all night to do my homework. and a little bit of mylotting too of course. its fun. but i have been having dark circles and its not funny..