By yelrihs
@yelrihs (298)
9 responses
@cheryltippett (231)
• United States
5 Aug 09
This happened about 18 years ago while I was pregnant with my son. I was at my regular doctors appointment and there were several other women there to. Well A group of women started a conversation about how their pregnancy was going . One was saying how she couldn't believe how devoted her husband was to taking care of her , while another was saying how her baby's daddy was going thru a difficult divorce and would be moving in with her soon and couldnt be with her as much as he wanted and a third saying father was not to much involved at all. Well pregnant mother number three asked number one if her "baby's daddy "(her words not mine) had a brother like her husband. Well she answered ,"yes he has a brother", and she said his name , well here is where it gets juicy, Pregnant mother number 2 says "Really my boyfriend has a brother named that to " (I can't remember what brothers name was). Well number three said "My baby's daddy has a brother with same name, but he is no good , just like my baby's daddy". Needless to say I and several other women turned our heads even more towards conversation now, as we felt this was going to get good real fast . It was like a light bulb went off in number ones head . She didn't say a word to two or three. Instead she went to reception desk and asked if she could use the phone. Wasn't sure who she called till about 20 minutes later the lobby door opened and walked in a gentleman. Well you should have been there . Momma number 3 and 2 at the same time said ,Theres my baby's daddy , how did he know I was here . OH my god momma number 1 didn't say a word , she just walked up and hit him, fist closed, as hard as she could . She knocked him back a few feet. number 2 and 3 didn't skip a beat , they had finally realized that they all 3 had same baby's daddy. Reception had to call police out there . Turns out he was married to number 1 , sleeping with number 2 and 3 .
SO here is a word of advise to all cheating men, If you get your girls pregnant make sure they don't go to the same doctor ............
@jellymonty (2352)
5 Aug 09
what a funny story.. am rolling on the floor with laughter..
Sounds like an episode of jerry springer show.. lol.. I wish you recorded that as that would have a been a classic you tube clip and you would get a billion views am sure..

@cheryltippett (231)
• United States
5 Aug 09
I probably would have if cell phones were like they are today . Back then we had the big bulky bag phones . They didnt even have cameras equipped in them . I still laugh and shake my head 18 years later just thinking baout it .
@ylrevhan (53)
• Australia
7 Aug 09
omg! what an ugly coincidence! that was really outragous stuff you heard and witnessed there. to be honest, for me, eavesdropping is not something that i like or dont like to do, i just happened to hear people conversation. and sometimes when you are trying so hard not to eavesdrop, you end up hearing more and more things. dont you guys agree?
@jellymonty (2352)
5 Aug 09
I hate eavesdropping big time. That's why I always carry my ipod if I happen to take public transport or if I am in a public setting as I seriously don't want to know or hear of other people's tales. Besides eavesdropping is technically childish and immature so no I would never do that.
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@fruitcakeliz (2638)
• United States
6 Aug 09
But unfortunatly in todays society where almost everyone ha a cell phone and man feel the need to be on their phones all the time, it is difficult to get away from hearing other peoples conversations. an i pod is good in this case, as long as you don't let yourself get too distracted so you aren't paying attention to the things going on around you. that could be dangerous.
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@fruitcakeliz (2638)
• United States
6 Aug 09
I don't know if i would neccisarily call it eavsdropping, but i work in a grocery store and many times whilei am working in an aisle, i feel i must be invisible or something, as they will just stand there, trying to make their selections, and have some of the most personal conversations with people they are with or with someone on their phone and i can't help but over hear. If i hear something funny i try not to smile or laugh, as i don't want them to think i am eavsdropping, but how can i help but over hear their conversation when they are standing maybe two feet from me and talking plainly about it!
I can't think of anything in particular that i have overheard that was funny at the moment, but if i do, i'll come back and let you know
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@windymyre (210)
• United States
8 Aug 09
I wouldn't say that I intentionally eavesdrop, but if I'm somewhere waiting & don't have anything to do, I'll listen to the conversations around me. One my husband & I were at the grocery store & there were 2 ladies behind us. One kept saying to the other, "isn't that __________", using my husband's name. They kept taking about him & trying to decide if they wanted to say something to him when I finally turned to the side, tapped my husband who was standing in front of me on the shoulder & said, "apparently these girls know you!". I guess they went to school together or something, he acted like he didn't know them.
@fifileigh (3615)
• United States
7 Aug 09
yeah. i always eavesdrop when i am out somewhere and alone, and sitting or standing somewhere waiting for something. you get bored, and you start looking for ways to entertain yourself. so, you start to people watch and if they are close enough, why not listen on their conversation?
an interesting thing to do is next time take a tape recorded or notebook, and take notes of what your hear in public, and write an entertaining book titled, "If You Knew What I Heard." it would be based on random things you heard when you are out somewhere. it could be humorous, crazy, etc.
i cant think of anything i have heard of hand. i never memorized any of it. but i heard funny things and crazy things said. sometimes i have laughed with the strangers who said it.
@doggyhouz (548)
• United States
6 Aug 09
I can't help to eavesdrop because of the fact I just have no ear plugs. If someone is speaking I don't think I need to take an extra effort to figure a way to not hear. I don't think that is a good practice in listening. Switching back and forth. There is obviously a time and place for everything and if someone is talking and your obviously visibly next to them then okay. They asked for it. Listen.
Plus you'll learn about others experience without having to live it. Which in turns improves oneself as an individual even further. So I see no wrong is eavesdropping when the parties that is being eavesdropped on is doing it in public. Because I would never sneak into someones house or wire tap them just to listen to them speak. Your joking me right? Eavesdropping is natural to humans its just because someone doesn't learn to do things in private areas.
God bless
@facefinder (8)
• United States
7 Aug 09
I don't eavesdrop but when I'm out w/friends and we notice somebody listening, we do silly things like quit talking about that subject, ending it w/a question and answer it w/something that is about something else and just keep doing this a few times. Sometimes we will quit talking mid-sentence and go into a blank stare. That one is hard to keep a straight face, but its the most fun of all to do! There's more! FaceFinder